The Six Immortals

Chapter 86


Yuan Feng could see that both the waves had been completely ineffective, and if things didn’t change quickly in their favor, then his followers would start losing their morale.

He needed to find a way to inflict some sort of damage on the Stone Giant’s body; and as soon as possible. Otherwise, soon enough, no one would be willing to carry out his commands.

Yuan Feng hadn’t been able to deliver the results so far, even though he had been trying. He knew that he needed a change in tactics in order to get the desired results.

Failure in front of so many people would bring him a lot of shame.

Yuan Feng didn’t launch another wave of attack, and instead, called in a meeting with the other leaders of the Jiu Yu Da Sect Schools.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it seems that we will have to take a go at him ourselves now. If things continue to go at this pace for another couple of rounds, then I’m afraid that no one will be willing to follow our lead anymore.” Yuan Feng said.

Gu Feng was already frowning at the thought: “We don’t want to take that risk. It simply isn’t worth it.”

“If you and Jian Shen do not want any share in the carca.s.s of the Stone Giant, then you may quit.” Yuan Feng said in a matter of fact tone.

He scanned the crowd for a moment, and then continued: “With our strength and skill, we should be able to close the Stone Giant without getting hurt, and then we can start pinning him down. Once we have succeeded in doing that, the others can join us without facing much resistance from him. They certainly cannot kill the Stone Giant on their own, so obviously, we will need to rely on our strengths rather than theirs.”

The leaders of the Jiu Yu Da Sect were all considered paramount figures of their generation. So naturally, they started considering his opinion on the form of action.

“Done! I’m with you.” The first to speak up, surprisingly enough, was a woman; a very beautiful woman.

She belonged to the Xuannv Palace; her name was Zi Yan. Her strength was at the pinnacle of the ‘transformation’ layer. She wasn’t like your average girl, in fact, her strength and ability transcended those of even the most prominent young men of her generation.

Lone Leaf’s gaze was glued to Zi Yan as he said: “Zi Yan is getting more and more beautiful with every pa.s.sing day. Whenever I look at her, my heart starts acting funny. I’ll do anything for her; even die for her.”

“Brother Lone Leaf, now you’re talking like a stalker.” Blue Dragon started laughing.

“Oh come on! Just look at her, she speaks so refine, and her body is as glossy as gla.s.s.” Lone Leaf sighed.

“Huh.” Both, Blue Dragon and Bi Fan, looked at her again, and started noticing the beautiful texture of her skin.

Zi Yan felt her body being eye-balled by someone, and turned around in Bi Fan’s party’s direction; her look clearly indicated the cool contempt that her mind carried for them, while her eyes sharply stared theirs down.

Bi Fan and his friends were quite embarra.s.sed, and didn’t dare to look up at her again.

“See now…. she’s like a gla.s.s G.o.ddess.” Lone Leaf smiled.

Yuan Feng forced a smiled: “A beauty like Zi Yan is willing to put her life at risk, what are you men folk afraid of?”

“I’m afraid I’ll have to join you now.”

“I’m in.”

“Zi Yan, I’m going to protect you.” Bei Ming Hong was next.

Zi Yan’s face was as cold as ice, but she didn’t utter a word. She didn’t need anyone’s protection.


…    …


In the face of such beauty; no one wanted to cower, no one wanted to lose face.

Yuan Feng’s move had smoothly received support from several strong fighters, so naturally, he was quite relived.

“Everyone listen up, we will personally take charge of the battle, and take control of the Stone Giant. We must get close to him, and pin him down. With our strength and skill, we will be able to contain him with ease, and naturally, when it comes to distribution of the resources at the end of the battle, we will be able to claim a much higher share.”

Yuan Feng’s words suddenly instilled a sense of fervor in the hearts of everyone. Even the ones, who were lacking the courage earlier, were now ready to charge at the Stone Giant at Yuan Feng’s command.

Bi Fan smiled: “Yuan Feng’s pulled off a good trick, and has managed to get the morale up once again. If things go smoothly from here on, then they might just be able to beat the Stone Giant.”

“This isn’t looking good for us. If they kill him, then we will not be able to get much here.” Blue Dragon stated.

“Stealing anything here won’t be good for us either, and we will end up painting a target on our backs.” w.a.n.g Zhong smiled: “However, I really don’t care much about it, but Brother Lone Leaf will certainly land himself in a whole lot of trouble.”

Lone Leaf didn’t have much of a choice here: “That’s true, I can’t steal anything here. If I do, I will never be able to go back to Bei Ming again; so I can’t join you in this one.”

Lone Leaf, at the end of the day, was a disciple of a Jiu Yu Da Sect School; so obviously, he wasn’t going to offend his own backers.

Bi Fan, w.a.n.g Zhong, and Blue Dragon, could clearly understand his predicament; so naturally, they weren’t going to force him either.

Soon, Yuan Feng and the others were ready to launch the next wave of attack.

Yuan Feng’s platoon was exceptionally fast, and managed to get close to the Stone Giant very quickly.

While they were running towards him, the Stone Giant threw a few stones at them, but none of those stones. .h.i.t anyone.

Yuan Feng and the others, quickly separated away from each other, and started attacking the Stone Giant using their swords, and quickly pinned him down.

They were advancing and retreating in an exceptionally brilliant manner. They would retreat immediately after launching an attack, just when the Stone Giant was furious enough to counter, but as soon as the Stone Giant’s attention was attracted by someone else, the retreating fighters would charge back in.

While Yuan Feng and the other leaders of the Jiu Yu Da Sect, were busy distracting the Stone Giant, the others quickly charged in the Stone Giant’s direction.

The Stone Giant had no time to spare for them, and they managed to close him down very quickly, without any causality.

“Get close and attack him, and then quickly retreat.” Yuan Feng shouted out loudly.

Soon, the Stone Giant had been completely surrounded, and everyone started attacking him.

“Wooo….” The Stone Giant wailed out loud.

This round of attack had managed to chop off a good chunk of the Stone Giant’s body.

A Stone Giant’s body does not have any blood inside it; but the pain he was suffering was evident from his reactions.

The Stone Giant went berserk, and started kicking the stones that lay around him, with the help of his large feet.

“Bang… Bang…” The stones managed to hit several men, very few of which survived the collisions.

Yuan Feng’s face was expressive of his disappointment. It was time to back off again.

“Please do not withdraw too far away; we need to prepare for the next round soon.” Yuan Feng announced in a loud voice.

This round of attacks had borne a good result, and most people had started harboring some hope of killing the Stone Giant, which was clearly visible as the entire battlefield was flourishing with a new wave of excitement.

On top of that, the Stone Giant had kicked away a lot of stones which he had gathered around him to prevent people from getting close. Yuan Feng and the others, quickly closed the Stone Giant again, and started engaging him once again.

Yuan Feng and the others were all considered leaders of this young generation. They were all very acutely skilled, and had plenty of practical experience to back their skills. They were able to evade the Stone Giant’s attacks each time, without fail.

“Attack!” Yuan Feng howled.

Those who were responsible for launching long range attacks quickly got into positions, and launched their attacks in a unionized fashion. Several attack landed on the Stone Giant’s joints at the same time.

The Stone Giant’s huge body took several, extremely, heavy blows in a matter of second. The impact of these attacks was so hard, that the Stone Giant’s body even shook under their influence for a few seconds.

If they somehow managed to put the Stone Giant on the ground, then it would be very hard for the Giant to get off the floor, and back on his feet, given the sheer size of his body. And in such an event, killing the Stone Giant would be a lot easier comparatively.

“We need to use a little bit more strength. Success is near!” Yuan Feng shouted in a very excited tone.

“Kill it!”

Everyone raised their weapons high, as they charged at the Giant again.

“Arghhhh!!!” The Stone Giant, suddenly, and unexpectedly, issued a gigantic roar, which filled everyone’s ears with pain. The huge roar coupled with the Stone Giant’s brute momentum, was enough to overawe the humans, who just stood there motionless, in the middle of the battlefield.

The Stone Giant strode forward towards the crowd, and then….

In an extremely tragic scene, the Stone Giant swept his long, and thick, arms, and smashed several strong humans into meat b.a.l.l.s.

Both his hands swept across the battlefield, and in a split second, he had managed to kill almost thirty men.

Most humans were woken up by the screams which had just echoed from the Stone Giant’s victims, and they all started to scuttle for their lives. The few men, who were still unable to move, found themselves being trampled upon by the Stone Giant’s humungous feet.

Yuan Feng and the other leaders, were a lot stronger than most men, and hence weren’t as badly affected by the Stone Giant’s roar, and were able to retreat a lot faster, with no casualties whatsoever.

Everyone was forced to retreat, as they simply didn’t have any other choice.

Just when the Stone Giant freaked out, the humans were under the impression that they were on the verge of getting the Stone Giant, but found their hopes shattered once again, which was clearly visible from their disheartened faces.

“This Stone Giant is too good. I don’t think they will be able to kill him this easily.” w.a.n.g Zhong stated.

If his comment had been heard by the others, then he would certainly become the target of a public outrage. Public outrages can be awfully difficult to resolve.

Bi Fan asked: “These people won’t give up so easily, right?”

“No way. The Jiu Yu Da disciples’ mind frame will not allow them to accept defeat so easily. They will find a way to encourage everyone, and will surely attack him again.” Lone Leaf said.

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