The Six Immortals

Chapter 87


“All Sects, quickly send out your fighters again, we are sure to kill him this time around.” Yuan Feng said in a loud voice.

Lone Leaf was absolutely right; the Jiu Yu Da Sect wasn’t going to give up so easily.

Killing the Stone Giant was surely going to be very rewarding financially, so naturally, no one wanted to back off at this stage.

Though the smaller Sects and Schools, were bit hesitant now, as they anyway didn’t have many numbers in their individual ranks to begin with. On top of that, the stone giant had already ma.s.sacred a lot of men, owing to which, some Schools were practically on the verge of breaking down after suffering extremely heavy losses.

Yuan Feng urged them: “Think clearly, if you do not partic.i.p.ate, then you will not get anything from the final bounty.”

Ultimately, all the teams that were present on the scene started dispatching more units. Anyway, they had already come this far, it would be shameful to return from here empty handed, at this point.

They had reached a very crucial point in the battle, another successful round, and they may be able to topple the Stone Giant over.

If they didn’t send more men, and the Stone Giant died anyway, then they would not get anything from its carca.s.s, which at this point, would be considered a very heavy loss.

Soon enough, these Sects managed to put together a team of at least a hundred, or maybe even more, as they prepared to launch another attack.

The Stone Giant’s recent move had scared everyone; even Yuan Feng was no exception.

“Again!” Yuan Feng hesitated for a moment, inwardly, but did not let it reflect in his command, which was as decisive as ever.

Yuan Feng, Zi Yan, and the other leaders of the Jiu Yu Da Sect took the lead again, as they knew that the others were too cowardly to take the initiative.

They were all considered leading figures of their generation, even inside the Jiu Yu Da Sect; so naturally, they had several tricks up their sleeves, which is why they weren’t afraid to take the lead.

Soon enough, Yuan Feng and the others closed the Stone Giant, and started engaging, the enraged, Stone Giant, once gain in a very fierce and violent battle.

Yuan Feng and the other leaders of the Jiu Yu Da Sect were using their footwork brilliantly, and were constantly retreating and advancing in such a manner, that the Stone Giant simply couldn’t keep up with them.

They were attacking with all their might, and were able to hold the Stone Giant long enough for the others to surround him.

“Attack!” Yuan Feng gave the order.

Everyone closed in quickly, and unleashed their strongest attacks, aligning them beautifully to the Giant’s joints.


The Stone Giant was far too slow to be able to dodge such a huge volume of simultaneous attacks.

Fortunately for him, his defense was abnormally tough; tough enough to take hundreds of strong hits, and not fall; although his body shook under their effects for several seconds.

The Stone Giant opened its mouth, and prepared to roar again. The humans that were attacking it started to scuttle for their lives once again.

Yuan Feng and the other leaders were extremely furious, but were forced to retreat all the same.

If things continued in this fashion, then it was difficult to predict how long it would be before they finally managed to kill the Giant off, and at what cost.

The Stone Giant, once again, didn’t chase after anybody, and used the time to gather more stones by his side.

The Stone Giant was extremely smart, and was well aware of the fact, that at his speed, he won’t be able to chase after the slippery humans, which is why he was using this spare time to gather strategic materials for the next rounds, in order to kill more of his enemies.

Yuan Feng was astounded by the Stone Giant’s intellect; but it was beginning to turn into a real headache for him now.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to act quickly, otherwise the Stone Giant will start recovering and will become even harder to stop. The Stone Giant, obviously, cannot roar infinite times; otherwise he would have been doing that since the very beginning. So feel a.s.sured that you are safe, we will take the lead, and you just follow us, and keep attacking him. Soon we will be able to topple him over.” Yuan Feng rea.s.sured everyone.

Yuan Feng’s words made perfect sense, but the majority of the crowd was still afraid for their lives. After all said and done, no one willing to risk being smashed into mincemeat by a Stone Giant.

“There’s no guarantee that he can’t roar like that again; we can’t take that risk again.” One man from within the crowd spoke up.

Yuan Feng was going wild with anger, but he didn’t let it reflect on to his face, and simply creased his face with an indemnified smile.

Being a commander wasn’t an easy job. One needed to keep his subordinates happy.

Although Yuan Feng was in charge at this moment, he wouldn’t be able to maintain his position for long if the crowd stopped listening to his orders. He didn’t want to give them any reason to doubt his leadership, as he was afraid that once the crowd started to question his ability, he wouldn’t be able to stop them from leaving. Plus there was always an added threat of a public outrage being provoked against him.

“Yuan Feng is far too lenient, just look at his face….. If I were in his place, I would have already killed that man.” w.a.n.g Zhong laughed.

Bi Fan reasoned: “Yuan Feng is smart, and completely unattached to the fate of these men. In fact, I would reckon that he’s simply exploiting them to kill the Stone Giant.”

“Yuan Feng truly redefines the meaning of the word ‘sinister’. He is far more difficult to compete against than men like Gu Feng and the other leaders.” Lone Leaf added.

Yuan Feng replied: “Everyone, we stand in front of you. We are the barrier that’s going to protect you from him. So you really have nothing to fear.”

“Yes, we will be leading from the front of the line.” Gu Feng spoke up in his support.

The bunch of humans, who were still involved in the action, reluctantly agreed to Yuan Feng’s proposal, and prepared to launch another wave of attack.

As Humans launched into action once again, the Stone Giant responded by kicking out the stones that he had just collected, and succeeded in injuring, and killing several more people.

Yuan Feng, Zi Yan, and Gu Feng, along with the other leaders, quickly surrounded the Stone Giant, and marked the start of another wave of onslaught.

“The Shaking Heavens!” Yuan Feng unleashed ‘The Shaking Heavens’ attack. He had cast out the move in the exact same manner as Li Zhong Ren, but the force of his attack was far more powerful than his deceased comrade.

“The Five Thunder Blade!” The Leader of the Five Thunders School cast out his special move.

Gu Feng resorted to the ‘crucifix deception sword’. There was no comparison between the power of his attack, and that on his late Brother Tian Feng.

“Xuannv Flying Rainbow!” Zi Yan also cast out Xuannv palace’s tour-de-force. Her sword drifted through the air, in an exceptionally elegant display of strength and skill, while her graceful posture beautifully complemented her smooth figure, taking her beauty to the extreme. But unfortunately, no one could dare to enjoy the scene; not while they were busy dealing with such a powerful opponent.

The Stone Giant, at this point was faced with several such, extremely, powerful attacks, and simply couldn’t afford to get distracted by the approaching crowd. As any distractions at this moment, would be equivalent to courting death.

The heads of the Jiu Yu Da Sect, had cast out their best attacks, owing to which, they were able to pin the Stone Giant long enough to buy their accomplices the time they required to get involved into the action.

The silhouettes of raised swords painted the horizon, aptly depicting the fierce battle that was being raged.

The Stone Giant waved his large hands through the crowd, pushing Yuan Feng, and the others, back a bit. The few attacks that managed to land on his arms didn’t inflict any damage, owing to his exceptionally st.u.r.dy defense.

Hundreds of strong men, charged right back at him, and attacked his joints once again. The Giant’s body shook, once again, from the impact of the attacks.

The Stone Giant roared furiously, once again; but this time, he was unable to muster his momentum, but still, his growl managed to scare off a lot of people.

“Boom….” The men, who were still standing, launched another wave of attack, which were once again aimed at his joints; his joints were beginning to give in.

This time, the Giant’s body shook even more uncontrollably than ever before.

“Keep going! The Stone Giant is almost dead!” Yuan Feng shouted loudly.

Yuan Feng and the other leaders, once again, launched their strongest attacks, and in once swoop, were able to imbalance the Giant.

As long as they were able to put him on the ground, then finishing him off would be a lot easier.

While the hundreds of humans continued to unleash several strong attacks in quick succession, the Stone Giant responded in a violent rage, killing several people. But this time, n.o.body flinched; no one backed off, and they all continued to attack their falling enemy.

“Boom…” A loud, thunderous, sound overwhelmed the sounds of the swords clashing against the Giant’s body. .

The ground trembled as the Stone Giant finally fell down.

“The Stone Giant is almost dead ah!” Several people realized that the Stone Giant was almost done, and they all charged at him, as most of them wanted to personally finish him off.

Yuan Feng, unexpectedly, did not charge forward, and on the contrary, retreated backwards.

“Well that’s weird! Doesn’t Yuan Feng want a part of the loot?” Blue Dragon was left completely puzzled.

w.a.n.g Zhong explained: “Once a Devil’s Race creature enters into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, it is possible for them to mobilize the energy from within their nucleus and self-destruct. Yuan Feng is a very smart man, and is retreating to protect himself, just in case the Giant blows up. ”

“Even so, just exactly how treacherous is this man? He hasn’t even made an attempt to warn the others.” Blue Dragon spoke up.

Lone Leaf observed: “The other people are anxious as their martial arts sects have lost a lot of disciples, which is a very heavy loss, especially for smaller Sects. So they are probably hoping to compensate for it by looting the Stone Giant’s body parts.”

“How terribly selfish! If the Stone Giant blows up, then the lives of so many talented martial artists would be lost.” Bi Fan barely managed to force a smile.

Yuan Feng maintained his silence, and did nothing to remind his followers of the possible danger. Anyway, he didn’t care if they died or lived; he simply had no kind of attachment to anyone present on the scene.

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