The Six Immortals

Chapter 92


The Chimera had been hiding behind a boulder; however, its tail was still lurking out from the side.

Gu Feng was fleeing in such a frenetic fashion, that he was very unlikely to pay attention to the ambush, which was waiting for him behind that boulder. He was so occupied with the four of his enemies, from whom he had just gotten away, that he had no time to pay attention to the tail which was poking out from the boulder that lay ahead of him.

“Finally, I got away from them. Once I get out, I will inform the elders about this incident. I will make sure that the Bei Ming Kid pays for this, and those other three will die without a pauper.”

Even though Gu Feng had barely gotten out, he had already started plotting against the four of them. He was so involved in his own schemes that he didn’t even bother to wonder why w.a.n.g Zhong, and Bi Fan, weren’t anxiously chasing after him to kill him.

Gu Feng was moving extremely fast, and he reached the boulder very soon.

“Woooo…..” the Chimera popped out, from behind the boulder, without any warning.

Gu Feng went pale with fright; he had never antic.i.p.ated that the Chimera could have been working with Bi Fan and his friends, and had simply a.s.sumed it to be a beast of the Devil’s Race.

Gu Feng quickly prepared himself to attack the Chimera, and charged at it with all his might.

“Phhhh!” The Chimera sprayed out a large mouthful of fire.

Gu Feng was charging head-on towards the Chimera; it was too late to dodge now.

The black fire instantaneously flooded Gu Feng’s body, and the conflagration raged on.

“Ah……..” a sad, miserable, shriek filled the atmosphere; no one under the heavens could save him now.

The black fire was so corrosive, that it soon leveled Gu Feng to ashes. Even his Yin Yang pouches were destroyed; and all that was left behind, was a few fragments of glitters.

As for the instruments, which these glitters had once provided magical powers to, they were all reduced to ashes.

Bi Fan said in a rather gloomy tone: “That’s very unfortunate!”

A man of Gu Feng’s status, was very likely to be carrying a significant amount of Yin Yang pouches. Moreover, these Yin Yang pouches probably contained some very valuable items; but these valuables were now gone.

The Chimera’s fire was far too powerful, and far too destructive, so much so, that nothing was left of Gu Feng.

“It seems that from next time onwards, I’ll need to instruct the Chimera to restrain from using its flame against powerful men.” Bi Fan made a mental note.

Tie Fei Yun, and Bo Lin’s, faces were covered in despair, as they watched Gu Feng burn to a crisp.

Gu Feng was their strongest man; now that he was dead, they were sure that they too didn’t stand any chance of making it out alive.

Moreover, Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong were both stronger than them, and were just waiting on the edge of their battles, eyeing them, in the hope of systematically crushing their hopes of survival.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! If I’m going to die, I will take you with me!” Tie Fei Yun’s eyes were red with madness, as he started attacking Lone Leaf in a frenzied manner, in the hope of killing at least one of his enemies.

Lone Leaf wasn’t as reckless, and he kept falling back ceaselessly, in order to avoid harm.

w.a.n.g Zhong realized the threat, and promptly offered a.s.sistance.

“Defying Domination!” w.a.n.g Zhong’s move was blocked off by Tie Fei Yun, but Lone Leaf finally found some room to breathe.

Tie Fei Yun had gone completely berserk, and in a very short time, had managed to inflict several minor wounds to Lone Leaf.

If Lone Leaf hadn’t defended wholeheartedly, then Tie Fei Yun could have injured him very severely.

w.a.n.g Zhong was far stronger than Tie Fei Yun, so even though the latter was doing his utmost, he still couldn’t break past w.a.n.g Zhong’s defense.

And since his counterpart wasn’t exactly defending, w.a.n.g Zhong was basically spoilt for options, and quickly managed to inflict several injuries to the man.

Blue Dragon and Bo Lin, were still engaged in a fight, but Bo Lin’s had, seemingly, already lost his morale, which was beginning to reflect in his fighting.

But then again, he was a fairly strong man, so killing him, even under these circ.u.mstances, wasn’t exactly going to be a walk in the park for Blue Dragon.

w.a.n.g Zhong was acting fast, and soon, managed to strike Tie Fei Yun down.

Tie Fei Yun had already lost all sense of rationality, so his quick death at the hands of w.a.n.g Zhong, wasn’t exactly a surprising feat.

After Tie Fei Yun’s death, Bo Lin completely lost his will to fight.

Hegemon Overlord!

Blue Dragon seized his opportunity, and unleashed a continuous onslaught of powerful attacks, and finished Bo Lin off.

“Well done guys!” Bi Fan clapped his hands in appreciation.

They quickly swept the battlefield, and prepared to leave.

Just then, out of a no where, a strong man came out with a big smile of his face: “Gu Feng was so utterly useless; he died at the hands of four such n.o.bodies.”

This man was dressed in a peac.o.c.k colored attire from head to toe, which was rather a very weird dress for anyone to put on.

“n.o.bleman Mo Lin! Another Jian Shen top-three…..” Lone Leaf was astounded.

w.a.n.g Zhong’s eyes started filling with a flavor of war, once again: “Really? This guy is also considered to be a top-three at the Jian Shen Sect?”

“Yes, I like Gu Feng, am a top three at Jian Shen School. You have killed so many of my Brothers, now how could I possibly let that go?” Mo Lin’s face was calm, and indifferent.

In reality, he had managed to arrive at the scene a while ago, and had witnessed the deaths of the last three men, but hadn’t offered them any a.s.sistance. Had he helped them in their fight against Bi Fan’s party, then with his a.s.sistance, they might have been able to win. But his decision to reveal himself at this moment, made it rather obvious that he was only interested in keeping all the rewards for himself only.

Mo Lin was behind Gu Feng in the list of top three at Jian Shen School, and had been trying to topple his rivals for a while now. Gu Feng’s death was excellent for his personal gains.

Now that Gu Feng was dead, Mo Lin was secretly very happy, but didn’t let it show on his face much.

Anyway, the other side had killed off so many Jian Shen disciples, so it wouldn’t be appropriate to just back down now.

“Oh, so now you also want to steal from us? I don’t think you have the strength to take what you seek.” Bi Fan sneered: “I could easy wipe out three, or maybe even four, of your kind by myself. If you think you can steal from me, then you’re sadly mistaken.”

Bi Fan had picked his words carefully, and had intentionally used a very demeaning tone, and his trick worked flawlessly; Mo Lin was trembling with rage.

“Boy, don’t you dare think that you could have killed the great Gu Feng all by yourself. If it wasn’t for that Devil’s Race creature, Gu Feng would have gotten away. As long as you let me take the swords of my fallen Brothers, I will let you live. And anybody who steps in my way, dies!” Mo Lin finally revealed the true purpose of his presence.

“Yes well, why not. Now, you also want us to just hand over their swords. Since we have already started this, I don’t think we’ll mind killing another Jian Shen disciple.” w.a.n.g Zhong sneered.

w.a.n.g Zhong, Lone Leaf, Blue Dragon, and Bi Fan, slowly started walking towards Mo Lin, and started encircling him. The four of them started releasing their momentum, and their momentum started pilling pressure on Mo Lin. Mo Lin realized his mistake quickly, it was obvious from his facial expressions, that he was already getting cold feet.

“You lawless b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, you really want to offend the Jian Shen Sect to such an extent?” Mo Lin threatened.

w.a.n.g Zhong smiled: “The way I see it, we have already killed off so many Jian Shen disciples, that killing one more won’t really make a difference. And if we are able to silence you, we really won’t have anything to fear, as no one will ever find out.”

Divine essence seals, bless my body!

Shooting star!

The ‘Shooting star’, was a wonderful agility technique which Mo Lin had obtained during one of his travels.

Mo Lin wasn’t fully prepared to use the technique in combat, but still decided to use it, as he was out of options and needed to make an escape.

‘The Shooting star’ was an incredibly quick technique, but still Mo Lin couldn’t wantonly charge at his opponents, as he was hemmed in the middle of the four of them.

Mo Lin’s figure was constantly changing directions, and no one was able to make out what he was up to. One simply error in judgement, and he would be able to escape immediately.

His fleeting figure was changing directions so quickly, that w.a.n.g Zhong didn’t know where to start from, and had a brief moment where he was unable to find his feet; Mo Lin seized his chance, and managed to get out of the encirclement.

“Amazing speed!” Bi Fan praised.

Whether it’s friend or a foe, his agility was exceptional; and exceptional martial arts must always be praised.

Bi Fan took support from ‘the dance of mist’ footwork; in an instant, Bi Fan was no longer visible to the naked eye.

Bi Fan dodged sideways, and quickly managed to come in front of Mo Lin, and blocked his path once more.

Natal Sword Attack!

Mo Lin cast out the Natal Sword attack, in the hope of forcing his way past Bi Fan.

“d.a.m.n it! This Natal Sword attack is a real pain. It’s not very quick, but it’s still quite powerful. If I could somehow master it, and unite it with my own techniques, then I could turn it into something extra ordinary.” Bi Fan envied his opponent.

As for w.a.n.g Zhong; he was still confused as to what just happened.

Lone Lead laughed: “Sure, since you are one of the top-three from the Jian Shen Sect, it comes as no surprise that you also know the Natal Sword attack like the rest of them.”

“Anyway, Natal Sword is a childish attack, and I’m tired of dealing with it all the time. I don’t get what the fuss is about.” Bi Fan said in a loud voice.


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