The Six Immortals

Chapter 93

The Natal attack was Jian Shen Sect’s secret condensation technique, and a martial artist was usually required to be inside the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer to be able to practice this method properly.

Once inside the ‘emerging from the womb’ layer, a martial artist who was able to master this art natal art, could easily forge his path towards being considered a genius martial artist; but mastering this art required a lot of talent, and luck.

The Natal attack was a very powerful technique, and mistakes while practicing the method could even lead to the pract.i.tioner’s death.

But once a martial artist was able to master the technique of natal attack, the same could be used as an extremely powerful weapon.

‘Transformation’ layer martial artist who were able to cast out the Natal attack, were not able to use the attack to its full capability, and the effect was only equivalent to the blow of a low-grade weapon.

However, Mo Li’s attack was obviously more powerful than Gu Feng’s, and if he was able to find the right weapons to go with it, then with some practice, his attack could become even stronger.

“Chase him down!” Lone Leaf, and Blue Dragon, both set after him in a hot, high-speed, chase.

Ahead of them, Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong, separated away from each other, and outflanked him from different sides.

Furthermore, at Bi Fan’s command, the Chimera had been secretly preparing to intercept Mo Li from the front, and was already half-way through its task.

Mo Li was exceptionally quick, but unfortunately, wasn’t able to go very far, and soon found his path being blocked by the Chimera, and a number of other Devil’s Race beasts.

The Chimera had made a smart move, and had somehow managed to draw support from beasts of the Devil’s Race.

“Kill him!” Bi Fan and the others were still catching up, and were getting closer and closer. Mo Li had no choice but to blaze his trail through the Devil’s Race.

He swept his sword, Natal attack; his sword gleamed radiantly, and a large number of the Devil’s Race fell to their death.

The Natal attack was a really powerful attack, and once a Jian Shen student was able to utilize its full capacity, the effect would stand to multiply.

Bi Fan’s eyes were red with envy: “If I were somehow able to figure out a way to master the Natal Attack, then I will be able to forge my way to greatness.”

Even though he fancied the idea of being able to use, and master the attack, he hadn’t yet antic.i.p.ated that it wouldn’t be so easy to take such a method from the Jian Shen Sect, otherwise, the whole world would have already known the secret behind the method, and it wouldn’t be considered as big a secret as it is.

Each of the Jiu Yu Da Sect Schools had their own secret martial techniques, and they all went to great lengths to protect, and prevent, them from leaking out. If they didn’t, then their secrets would soon become public knowledge, and their factions would lose their value.

The Natal attack was one of the techniques on which the Jian Shen Sect had built their fortunes on. Moreover, it wasn’t an easy technique to master either, and most of their disciples weren’t able to master this condensation method.

Mo Li was killing the beasts at an exceptionally quick rate, but still, was delayed enough for Bi Fan, and w.a.n.g Zhong, to catch up with him.

“Is this the best that you can do?” w.a.n.g Zhong laughed.

Both of them were blocking him from behind, and even if he somehow managed to get away from one of them, the other was sure to stop him.

Even if Mo Li decided to change the direction of his escape, Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong were sure to chase him down successfully.

Blue Dragon, and Lone Leaf, weren’t that far behind either, and managed to catch up soon.

Mo Li a.n.a.lyzed the situation, and it was obvious from his face that he knew he was in trouble.

Suddenly, his face started turning, a weird, purple in color.

Natal Attack Detonate! Detonate!….

“Oh s.h.i.t! The guy is actually about to use the Natal Attack to create a blast!” w.a.n.g Zhong exclaimed.

The Natal attack detonation happened really quickly; Bi Fan was standing closest to him, and was barely able to react.

Bi Fan was only able to use his hands to cover his vital body parts, and managed to mobilize his entire energy to defend himself.

“Boom!” A huge explosion sounded, and Bi Fan was blown away by its force.

w.a.n.g Zhong was able to get his guard up in time, but was thrown away by the force of the explosion nonetheless.

Mo Li spit out some blood; his face was wan, and his body was shaking.

It seems that Mo Li had only been able to cast out the ‘Natal Attack Detonation’ at the cost of sustaining internal injuries; his injuries seemed quite severe.

Mo Li didn’t hesitate, as he had no time to stall and celebrate his victory, and so, he quickly made a dash for it.

“Brother Bi Fan, are you okay?” Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf seemed very concerned, and promptly hastened towards Bi Fan to check the status of his injuries.

“Ahem….. I think I’ll live.” Bi Fan’s arms and legs were covered in his own blood, while his face was covered with dust.

In that critical moment, Bi Fan had somehow managed to use his arms to protect his head, owing to which, he hadn’t sustained any injuries on his head.

Bi Fan had also managed to use the techniques that he had learnt from the battered jade book, owing to which he had been able to transfer enough energy to protect his arms and legs, otherwise, his limbs would not have been able to withstand the force of the attack.

As for the rest of his body, the soft armor which he always wore had done its job once again. The core of his body hadn’t sustained any injuries, but his clothes were in tatters.

The ma.s.sive blast had blasted off the surrounding rocks into granules, but Bi Fan had managed to get away with only a few minor injuries; this feat of his, was nothing short of extraordinary.

“Man, you really scared us for a second there.” Blue Dragon’s sincere smile, reflect the relief his heart felt upon seeing Bi Fan safe.

Lone Leaf smiled: “I knew he was alright. It’s not that easy to kill Brother Bi Fan.”

At this time, w.a.n.g Zhong also stumbled over. He too had sustained some injuries, but was in a much better condition than Bi Fan.

“Brother Bi Fan, are you okay?”

“Brother w.a.n.g, are you okay?”

They both asked at the same time, and then paused for a moment, before breaking into laughter.

Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong needed to heal themselves, as they had both sustained significant injuries.

In less than an hour, both men had healed the most severe of their injuries, but still, wouldn’t be regarded as battle ready at this point.

“Unfortunately, Mo Li managed to escape. It seems that we are about to run into some major trouble later on.” The thought of confronting threats from a Jiu Yu Da Sect, like the Jian Shen faction, was making Bi Fan’s heart a little b.u.mpy.

Bi Fan wasn’t weak, but if a Sect as strong as the Jian Shen School came after him, then they would succeed in killing him quite easily.

Lone Leaf looked worst of them all, after all, he was a Bei Ming School disciple. If the Jian Shen Sect set an inquiry into the matter, and asked Bei Ming to hand him over, then he may not live to tell the tale.

“I had never imagined that Mo Li could have taken such a huge step. He was barely able to pull off the Natal Sword Attack; his chances of succeeding at the Natal Attack Detonation were very slim.” w.a.n.g Zhong said.

To condense enough strength to cast out the Natal Attack was quite difficult, but doing it a second time was even harder, and the chances of success was minimal.

On top of that, Mo Li had used the Detonation technique, which had backfired to some extent, and had inflicted severe injuries to his internal organs.

Mo Li had gotten away, and if he managed to get out of the Devil’s Abyss alive, and related the incident to his superiors, then Bi Fan, and his companions, were sure to find themselves in a lot of trouble.

Especially Lone Leaf. But since he too, like Mo Li, was disciple of a Jiu Yu Da Sect, his best course of action would to be to counter-frame Mo Li. But then again, if the Jian Shen Sect backed Mo Li, and he was unable to find backing from his Sect, then he would again end up in a grave.

“Brother Leaf, I suggest that you temporarily delay your return to the Bei Ming Sect, and first enhance your strength to the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer. Once you’ve managed to get into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, you will be accepted as a Neimen disciple, and your survival will be as good as guaranteed.”

Niemen disciples, were considered true martial arts disciple within any Sect. So naturally, these Sects made sure that they took whatever measures were necessary to protect such students.

If Lone Leaf was able to break into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer at such a young age, then it would be a clear indication of his true talent, and the Bei Ming faction would surely attach a lot of value with his name. So if the Jian Shen Sect tried to frame his name then, the Bei Ming would surely provide him with the necessary backing.

“Good idea! I will go back only after I have managed to enter the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer.” Lone Leaf, all of a sudden, was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with confidence.

With the help of the Ogre Flower petals, breaking into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer would fairly easy, and on top of that, his chances of future growth will also be quite solid.

He however, would always regret that he would never be able to learn and practice any methods for improvement of his physical strength, since he was short on time, owing to which, the effect of the breakthrough wouldn’t be as exponential as he would have desired.

It was impossible to make such a big breakthrough inside the Devil’s Abyss, so he would have to practice his way to the peak of the ‘transformation’ layer, and then return to his Sect. Upon his return, he would have to consume an Ogre Flower petal immediately, and make the breakthrough.

As for the other three, the matter was of much less concern.

Even though Jian Shen was a very powerful Sect, their base location was quite far away from the Jiu Yu city. So, even if the Jian Shen Sect tried to punish them, they would have to go through a lot of trouble to achieve their objective.

They would have to send a lot of, very strong, men after them, and would have to aim for overkill.

Sending ordinary disciples, or small teams, would not work, as they would take a long time to arrive at the Jiu Yu city; and moreover, they may not even make it, as the road to Jiu Yu city walls, from the Jian Shen headquarters was a very long one, and was fraught will all kinds of dangers.

Bi Fan and the other two, simply needed to concentrate on upgrading their strengths, in order to temp the Jian Shen faction from refraining to retaliate against them, and fight them if needed.

They continued to discuss the situation, as the neither of them was in a hurry to leave the Abyss anymore. w.a.n.g Zhong, Bi Fan, and Blue Dragon, decided to accompany Lone Leaf for some time, while he practiced his way to the summit of the ‘Transformation’ layer.


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