The Six Immortals

Chapter 97


The Jungle Python, and Bi Fan’s party, were both mutually aware of the opposition’s threat, and neither side was willing to act out rashly.

w.a.n.g Zhong said in a soft tone: “We will have to act smart; there are a lot of big trees around here, and if the Python isn’t very smart, then we may actually have a chance here.”

“We need to find a good spot, and wait for our chance.” Bi Fan sneaked behind a tree, as he continued to watch the Python’s movement.

The Chimera seemed quite nervous, since he had met a natural enemy of his.

Jungle Pythons are large carnivores, and if the Chimera had b.u.mped into one of these in his earlier days, then he would have definitely fled.

Now, however, the Chimera had evolved, and his a.r.s.enal contained the additional advantage of a flame attack. So now, the Chimera had a higher probability of winning against his nemesis.

The Jungle Pythons have an extremely tough defense, so even a good sword wouldn’t be enough to injure it easily.

Even Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong were feeling the pressure against this enemy.

“Grr….” The Jungle Python roared deeply, as he released his terribly oppressive momentum.

The Jungle Python charged through the forest, looking of its prey, eyeing Bi Fan and his party, including the Chimera, ready to make a meal out of them.

“A snap of the Fingers!” Bi Fan popped out a few stones in quick succession, aiming them at the eyes, and the mouth, of the Python.

Unfortunately, the Jungle Python puffed out some air, and diverted the direction of Bi Fan’s stone bullets.

“d.a.m.n it!” Bi Fan was extremely surprised.

This Jungle Python was even more powerful than they had imagined, and the four of them would, at this point, consider themselves lucky if they somehow managed to kill it.

This Python hadn’t yet entered the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer, or else, their slim chance of defeating him would have reduced to zero.

Since they still had a small chance, the four of them weren’t willing to let it go. They weren’t really bothered about killing the Python, and were more interested in gaining some valuable experience out of it.

Bi Fan quickly made a mental note of things, as the four of them charged through the forest, cutting down the distance between themselves and the Python, as the readied themselves to attack it.

“Defying Domination!”

“Rainy-fly Sword!”

“Hegemon Overlord!”

“Six Yang Horseshoe!”

The four of them actually casted out their strongest moves, simultaneously, in the hope of injuring the Python, but failed to do him any harm. On the Contrary, they managed to infuriate him.

The wild Python lashed out with its tail, which hit one of the trees that was next to them, as they all managed to dodge his attack, while the tree collapsed to the ground.

The Python’s strength was hard to imagine, and if his attack had landed on their bodies, then neither of them would have been able to withstand the brutality of it.

Even though Bi Fan was wearing the soft armor, which he had purchased from the Ting Feng valley, he too knew that the attack would have proved out to be too much. Even if his armor was capable of withstanding the Attack, the sheer shock from the force of the attack would have jolted his interiors badly; the shock might actually be strong enough to shatter his interiors altogether, leading to very painful death.

The four of them made a mental note of the Python’s strength; they simply couldn’t allow the Python to sweep them.

Bi Fan and his companions were extremely fast, and exceptionally nimble, and the Python was very highly unlikely to catch them easily, but then again, he didn’t really seem the kind to give up very easily.

The Python had found himself a very delicious meal, and wasn’t ready to let it slip by.

“Grr…” The Python, unexpectedly, ejected some poisonous smog from its mouth, and the smog rapidly started diffusing in the air around it.

“Quickly get away! CAUTION, that’s poisonous!” w.a.n.g Zhong warned his friends in a loud voice.

Bi Fan and the others, simply couldn’t neglect the threat, and quickly fled to a safe distance.

However, before dashing away, Bi Fan quietly released the Marten out in the open.

The Marten had been staying inside the pet belt, in Bi Fan’s waist band, for a long time now, and was extremely bored.

The moment it came out, it saw the toxic smog.

The Marten had always liked poisonous substances, as they were its favorite variation of a meal. He wasn’t about to allow the smog to go waste, and he opened his mouth, and started inhaling the toxin in the air.

The Marten inhaled the entire poison, which was infusing into the air, at a very quick rate, like whale inhaling surface oxygen, and quickly swallowed the entire poison.

The Marten patted his humane belly, almost as if he was asking for more; he looked even more adorable than usual.

If a woman had been present of the scene, than she probably would have fallen head over heels for the adorable Marten, and would have most likely chased after it, wooing.

Once the smog dissipated completely, the Python got a glimpse of the culprit, and snarled furiously.

The Jungle Python turned to the Marten, and opened its jaws. He started to inhale air, in the hope of sucking the Marten into its belly.

The Marten was extremely small in size, and was highly unlikely to be capable of standing up to the Python’s vacuuming power for long.

The Marten was quick to react, and flashed away from the Python to a safe distance, while the Python was only able to suck in a bunch of dried twigs and leaves.

The Marten quickly returned to the safety of Bi Fan’s shoulders, and creaked, almost as if he was whining and claiming his credit.

“You did a great job!” Bi Fan rubbed the Marten’s s.h.a.ggy head, as he burst into laughter.

Now that the Jungle Python’s smog was out of the equation, the four of them were feeling a lot more confident about facing the Python, and the started moving closer to it, as they prepared to launch another wave of attacks.

They just wanted to kill the Python now, and didn’t really care how they accomplished it.

They continued to attack the Python relentlessly, but to no avail, and failed to inflict any serious injuries to the snake. However, they did manage to make it even more furious.

The Jungle Python was getting more and more enraged with every pa.s.sing minute, and was ceaselessly severing the trees in his vicinity.

Even two or three trees, simultaneously, were unable to restrain the Python, as he was able to break them down with relative ease; his momentum was terrifying, and earth-shattering.

Blue Dragon and the others were constantly looking for opportunities, and were using every last one of them to attack the Python, but still, to no end.

“First, we need to let the Python calm down a bit.” Bi Fan said.

Bi Fan wanted to appoint a task to the Chimera, but realized that the Chimera had actually managed to disappear, and he wasn’t able to spot it, or trace its footsteps.

Bi Fan decided to not get diverted, and continued to focus his attention on figuring out a way to take the Python down.

A Jungle Python’s skin is very precious, and can be used to manufacture armors, which are of even better quality than the ones that are made from the leather obtained from Ape skin. On top that, these armors usually have a very cooling effect, but are still capable of providing excellent resistance to heat, while having excellent defensive capabilities.

This Python was huge in size, so naturally, the leather refined from his skin, would be enough to manufacture a good number of armors.

The value of these armors was one of primary reason that was luring Bi Fan, and the others, to take this serpent down.

“Brother w.a.n.g, can you think of anything?” Bi Fan asked.

“No. It’s going to be very difficult to cause him any injuries, unless we can find ourselves a top-grade weapon…” w.a.n.g Zhong shook his head: “Its only weakness is its eyes, but it’s going to be very difficult to attack them, as he’s on guard against any attacks on them. So, I’d say that we are going to have to create an opportunity by force, but it’s not going to be easy.”

Lone Leaf said: “You guys continue to think of a way, and I’ll distract it. Anyway, I need to train.”

Lone Leaf didn’t hesitate for a second, like a soldier whose honor wouldn’t allow him to turn back. He needed to enhance his strength; he was desperate.

Blue Dragon laughed: “Brother Leaf, I’ll accompany you.”

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf were quite smart, and acutely skilled, and started engaging the serpent in furious battle.

The Jungle Python couldn’t do much, and was only able to use his power to sweep at the trees.

These towering trees weren’t awfully easy to break down, and even though the Python was insanely strong, even he couldn’t do it in instant either.

Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf were using every opportunity they were presented with, to attack the Python, regardless of whether they were able to harm the Python or not.

Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong continued to discuss theories for countermeasures, as they knew that they couldn’t carry on like this for long.

After deliberating for a long time, they were still unable to come up with a solution, so ultimately Bi Fan decided to use ‘The Immortal Finger’, and its variations, to counter the Python.

At that very moment, the Python issued a wild roar, and then frantically started rolling on the ground, severing several trees in its path.

Unaware of the reason behind this change in situation, Bi Fan and w.a.n.g Zhong shifted their gaze to the Python, and realized that the Python’s tail had caught fire.

The initial fire was quite small, but was quickly spreading to the rest of its body, and was growing in both, intensity and size.

Previously, the Chimera had hidden itself in the woods, and had used the distraction, which was unwittingly provided by Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf, to spray some fire onto the Python’s tail.

The black fire was acutely contagious, whereas the Python had no means to stop it; and on top that, there was no water in the vicinity either.

The Jungle Python had absolutely no means to extinguish the fire, which was quickly spreading. The Python continued to roll on the ground, as he issued painful shrieks to express his helplessness, and agony.

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