The Six Immortals

Chapter 98


“That’s just sick! Brother Bi Fan you’re a freak, and that Chimera is a freak too!” w.a.n.g Zhong exclaimed.

“d.a.m.n, how does this make me a freak? The Chimera sure is one…” Bi Fan was extremely gloomy all of a sudden.

w.a.n.g Zhong smiled: “This Chimera is too strong, it’s practically a freak. And since you managed to tame it, you’re a freak too.”


Bi Fan really didn’t have a come-back.

“Oh man, the Jungle Python’s skin is definitely gone now, and fire will take its flesh too. I don’t think its blood will be able to withstand that combustion either.” Bi Fan sighed as he looked at the fire-flooded body of the serpent.

The Jungle Python continued to shriek for a while, and then eventually silenced to its death. Its body was soon reduced to ashes, and a sparkling nucleus fell to the ground.

“Ah! The Jungle Python gave out a nucleus!” Bi Fan and the others were extremely, and pleasantly, surprised.

The Chimera, suddenly, scuttled out of the woods, and ran out towards the Nucleus.

“Chimera, don’t take the Nucleus!” Bi Fan said in a loud voice.

“Gulp.” The Chimera quickly gobbled up the nucleus, and immediately fell into a deep sleep to refine the Nucleus.

“Brothers, the Chimera acted very greedily. I’ll try to come up with some way to compensate you all.” Bi Fan smiled apologetically.

Lone Leaf said: “Brother Bi Fan, you’re too polite. There’s no need to apologize, or compensate us in any way. The kill belongs to the Chimera, so if he took the Nucleus, then I consider it justified. We may not have been able to kill the Jungle Python on our own. However, the Jungle Python was probably guarding a very precious Panacea, so if you give us a share of that reserve, then I would consider myself very grateful.”

“Yeah, I agree with him.” Blue Dragon laughed in agreement.

w.a.n.g Zhong didn’t say anything on the subject. Anyway, he was Bi Fan’s subordinate.

“Well, then let’s go and see what the Jungle Python was protecting.” Bi Fan quickly incorporated the sleeping Chimera into his pet belt, and the started walking in the direction where the Chimera had been hiding.

They were keenly looking around as they made their way forward, since they didn’t want to miss out anything valuable.

But they were unable to locate any precious herbs; all they found was a low-grade herb, which was as good as useless in terms of market worth.

They continued to follow the trail which was left behind by the Python’s body, and soon found themselves standing in front of a mountain.

The mountain was almost three hundred meters in height, and was covered with a vast selection of trees.

After careful observation, the four of them managed to discover an immense, and deep, cave, which they suspected was probably the deceased Jungle Python’s lair.

“Let’s go in and check this out. Everyone must remain at guard.” w.a.n.g Zhong cautioned.

w.a.n.g Zhong took the lead, as he was the most experienced member in their team.

The interiors of the cave were very dark, but that wasn’t about to effect Bi Fan, and his team, very gravely, as Bi Fan was gifted with a night vision.

The texture of the cave’s floor, and walls, was extremely smooth, which was probably as such due to repeated friction with the serpent’s body.

The four of them, carefully, and slowly, walked through the cave; after a long while, the finally managed to reach the end of the cavern.

The deepest part of the cavern was an open s.p.a.ce, which had probably served as the Serpent’s residence. There was no roof in this part of the cave, and the sunlight was brightly illuminating the cave, creating a panoramic view.

“Snake eggs!” Blue Dragon cried out in excitement.

The rest of them followed Blue Dragon’s gaze to the corner of the opening, where six, basketball sized, eggs lay, glistening in a brilliant white light.

w.a.n.g Zhong exclaimed: “Looks like we hit a jackpot! But we need to make sure that these eggs are able to hatch, since baby Jungle Python can prove out to be very useful if tamed properly.”

“If that’s the case, then let’s divide them.” Bi Fan laughed.

w.a.n.g Zhong said: “First we need to see if these eggs are alive; dead eggs are useless.”

He personally walked up to the eggs, and inspected them one by one, after which he spoke: “All the eggs are alive, but how do we divide them up?”

“I only want one.” Lone Leaf was prompt: “After I’m able to tame it, I will no longer need to envy Brother Bi Fan’s Chimera.”

Blue Dragon took one for himself as well, leaving behind four eggs.

“I’ve already got a Chimera. I don’t think I’ll be able to pet a Jungle Python.” Bi Fan reasoned.

Lone Leaf looked at him and said: “Brother Bi Fan, you take the rest, since we can’t leave them behind. We’ll figure the rest out later.”

“Brother w.a.n.g, you must take one egg for yourself.” Bi Fan said: “As for the remaining three, I guess I can take them for the time-being. In the future, if we all have any congenial friends, then we can offer these eggs to them as gifts, as we can’t afford to sell them in the open market. If we do so, they might fall into the hands of an enemy, and we might have to deal with a major headache later on.”

Jungle Pythons have a huge amount of room for evolution, and can even turn into a variation of Dragons. And if they are able to evolve into a Dragon, then their progress becomes even faster.

Everyone agreed with Bi Fan’s decision, as they were all reluctant to exchange these eggs for money.

Bi Fan carefully took the remaining three eggs, and put them into a corner of his pet belt.

Yin Yang pouches aren’t meant for living organisms, so naturally, he’d have to put them into his pet belt.

Bi Fan wasn’t sure if the Tian Yuan ring was capable of accommodating living beings inside it safely, but he wasn’t going to experiment with these eggs.

Soon after, the four of them discovered a small parchment of Dragon Tongue gra.s.s, which is also considered a top-level Panacea, but unlike the Purple Vine, the amount of this herb was incomparably lesser.

The four of the divided the gra.s.s equally, and were now in possession of thirteen strands each, which was a pretty decent reward in its own merit.

It appeared as if this cave had been plundered several times in the past, owing to which they were unable to find any other valuables.

The four of exited the cave in a very excited frame of mind.

“Some day in the future, when we have a Jungle Python as a pet, we’d probably be considered very powerful men!” Lone Leaf laughed.

Blue Dragon said: “Well, my goal in to evolve this Python into a Dragon; A real Dragon.”

Such pets, if trained properly, can turn into very powerful beasts after evolution.

The Chimer, in the past had consumed a nucleus, after which his power had increased manifold.

Now that the Chimera had swallowed a Jungle Python’s nucleus, and has fallen into a deep sleep to digest the Nucleus’s energy, it was quite difficult to a.s.sess the exact range of his new abilities upon his emergence from the hibernation.

Bi Fan was the Chimera’s master; so naturally, he’d always want the Chimera to grow in strength.

Everyone continued to talk and laugh along the way, as they continued to discuss matters involving evolution of beastly pets.

“For such beastly pets, swallowing a Nucleus is the fastest method of approaching evolution stages.” Bi Fan shared: “Afterwards, when we have a large amount of money, we can always buy more Nuclei, which can help us evolve our pets faster.”

“Nuclei are very hard to come by in the open market. We’d have to obtain some ourselves.” Lone Leaf replied.

w.a.n.g Zhong said: “Until our pets have grown up, we must find good pet belts for their safekeeping. If we let our pets out in the open, then they might end up dying prematurely.”

Everyone agreed with w.a.n.g Zhong’s words. In this world, very few men were able to obtain such beastly pets, and if they ended up attracting jealous attention of others, owing to their pets, then such men may cause their pets harm.

There are two ways in which someone can obtain such a pet: one, like Bi Fan. Subdue an adult beast. But since adult beasts always yearn for freedom, they are very highly unlikely to allow themselves to be subjected to a human’s will. Even people as strong as the ‘Magical powers’ layer are often unable to obtain pets using this method.

The second way is to tame a cub; wait till the Beast is born, and start taming it as soon as possible.

But this approach requires a lot of luck, since younglings of beasts are usually very hard to come by.

Bi Fan, and his friends, had suddenly managed to procure six Jungle Python eggs, which was nothing short of a miracle.

Evolution of beasts gradually increases their strength, and in time they can evolve into real monsters.

Even the weakest of such monsters are usually comparable to an ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer human, and are often quite intelligent.

Obviously, obtaining a monster grade beast, directly, is exceptionally difficult.

Bi Fan had somehow managed to acquire a fully grown Chimera at such a young age; he would definitely be considered very luck in the eyes of his contemporaries.

Bi Fan usually kept the Chimera inside the pet belt, or in general, out of public sight, which most people would deem ‘wise’.

“What if I could get an actual piece of a Dragon Nucleus, do you think the Jungle Python would evolve into a Dragon then?” Blue Dragon had already started fantasizing.

w.a.n.g Zhong started laughing: “I won’t comment on obtaining a Dragon’s Nucleus, but even if you managed to get one, I doubt if a Jungle Python will be able to a.s.similate its energy. You’d probably end up kill your pet.”

“Ha Ha…” Bi Fan and Lone Leaf started laughing in agreement.

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