The Six Immortals

Chapter 113 – Meeting Jing Feng

Chapter 113 – Meeting Jing Feng



The Disciples tournament was about to start in a few days’ time, but Bi Fan had little incentive to do well in the tournament. He only intended to rank in the top ten of the tournament, and then, show his real ability in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon tournament.

In addition to this, Bi Fan also had a ‘friendly’ against Luo Sheng. Although Bi Fan would need to exercise caution, as he couldn’t kill Luo Sheng, he still fancied the idea of humiliating his enemy, which was his primary target with respect to the Disciple’s tournament.

Since he needed to prepare rations, he met with Yang Feng to arrange the necessary items, and then started descending down the mountain.

After he had reached the valley, Bi Fan first wished to find out about Jing Feng, since he had no information about his friend’s return from the Devil’s territory.

Jing Feng’s senior, Li Xiang Yun, was a core disciple of the Sect, and resided at the Heaven’s Peak.

The Yang Shan Peak wasn’t very far away from the Heaven’s Peak, and given Bi Fan’s pace, he made it to the Heaven’s Peak entrance pretty quickly.

Upon his entry into the mountain, Bi Fan encountered a Ranger. After identifying himself, Bi Fan was allowed to enter the Mountain.

The Ranger informed Bi Fan of Jing Feng’s safe return, and Bi Fan was overjoyed to know that his friend had returned safely.

Soon, Bi Fan made it to the core area of the Mountain, and saw Jing Feng loitering about.

“Brother Jing Feng!”

“Brother Bi Fan!”

They were both very excited to see each other, and mutually b.u.mped their chests in greeting.

Jing Feng smiled: “Brother Bi Fan, it seems that your strength has seen a major enhancement since your indictment to the Yang Shan Peak, I’m a.s.suming that you’ve gained a lot of experienced in the last few months ah?”

“Brother Jing Feng, I came back from my training a few months ago, and I’ve just made the breakthrough recently.” Bi Fan happily informed his friend: “How was your experience inside the Devil’s Territory? You must have had an excellent time there, right?”

“It was decent. I should be able to win the Disciple’s tournament with ease this time.” Jing Feng was quite relaxed about it.

Bi Fan said: “Brother Jing Feng, I’ll be partic.i.p.ating as well, and we’ll also have compet.i.tion from Brother Blue Dragon in the future. I believe that Brother Blue Dragon should have already broken into the ‘Transformation’ layer…”

“Oh? Well, then I will not hold back. How do you know about Brother Dragon’s circ.u.mstances?” Jing Feng asked.

Bi Fan smiled: “I entered into the Devil’s Abyss a while ago, and b.u.mped into Brother Dragon there. From there on, we stuck together. So, I know his circ.u.mstances quite well. He had already reached the peak of the ‘Enormous strength’ layer when we exited the Abyss, so I’m confident that he must have already reached the ‘transformation’ layer now.”

“You guys are progressing too quickly. It seems that if I slip up, you will easily get ahead of me.” Jing Feng was quite surprised.

Bi Fan said: “Brother Jing Feng, you’re too modest. Given your skillfulness, I’m sure that you could have broken into the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer a long time ago. You must have intentionally suppressed your progress to partic.i.p.ate in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon tournament. Am I right about that?”

“Bi Fan, you’re picking up really quickly. This isn’t a good thing; you’re becoming too smart for your own good.” Jing Feng laughed.

Bi Fan offered: “Brother Jing Feng, do you want a Pet to train, and nurture? I’ve got Jungle Python eggs, do you want one?”

Bi Fan didn’t wish to train up these Jungle Python eggs on his own, which is why he wanted to offer these as gifts to his friends.

Bi Fan wanted to give one to Xiao Feng also, but then again, girls aren’t overly fond of Serpents, which is why Bi Fan didn’t make any mention about the Jungle Python eggs to Xiao Feng.

“Thank you Brother, you’re too kind. But, I already have a Beast Pet.” Jing Feng laughed.

Bi Fan’s mood lit up, and he asked: “Really, ah, can you take it out? I really want to see it!”

“My Pet is asleep, and won’t wake up for another few days. I will use it in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon tournament. So you can take a look at him then, Bi Fan.” Jing Feng said.

“Oh, okay.” Bi Fan was a little disappointed.

Jing Feng asked Bi Fan about the conditions inside the Devil’s Abyss, and shared his own experiences from the Devil’s territory, as the two of them continued to chatter.

At noon, Bi Fan and Jing Feng enjoyed a sumptuous meal, and then Bi Fan set out again.

At he descended down the Heaven’s Peak, Bi Fan didn’t intend to return to the Yang Shan Peak just yet, as he wanted to return to the Yu Nu Feng Peak for a few days, and enjoy that, warm, homely feeling for a while.

Back at the Yu Nu Feng peak, Bi Fan was quite popular; after all, Yu Nu Feng only had one man in it.

Several tender and beautiful girls surrounded Bi Fan upon his return, and continued to chatter and joke about for a while; Bi Fan was really enjoying himself.

However, Bi Fan had little interest in any of them, as he wished to pursue Yan Yu Si now. He also had a flaming desire to get even with Ying Tian, Yan Yu Si’s senior.

In the past, Bi Fan never expected this to become a reality, as he simply couldn’t even dare to imagine pursuing Yan Yu Si.

But with the improvement in his strength, Bi Fan’s confidence had started to grow as well. Now, he was far more ambitious, and had even started harboring the ambition of pursuing Yan Yu Si.

Anyway, Bi Fan also had Shuai Ying Tian to thank for it. Had Shuai Ying Tian not humiliated Bi Fan in the manner which he had, Bi Fan may not have found the drive to do better, and may never have harbored such ambitions. (Shaui is a t.i.tle. It means handsome, or commander, depending on context. Since it’s used to with a person’s name, we won’t be using it very often.)

“Bi Fan, it a good thing that you think of Yu Nu Feng often; it’s a very good thing. After all, this Peak is your home, and you can always come back whenever you feel like. The Miss should be back soon too, and you must stay till she returns. We intend on having a grand treat when she returns.” Xiao Feng said.

Bi Fan felt like mentioning Jing Feng again, but he refrained from the thought. Fate, after all, has its own measure, and one mustn’t try to force love’s path.

In the evening, Bi Fan returned to his room. He released the Marten from his pet belt, and took him out to the Orchard.

The Orchard was now in the care of one of the female students of Yu Nu Feng. Bi Fan had personally taught her a lot about the herbs, and the garden was coming out quite well under her care.

“Creak!” the Marten was quite excited to return to the Orchard again, and was bouncing about vivaciously. He simply wouldn’t stop creaking.

“Greedy, time for your meal, ah.” Bi Fan laughed.

The Marten didn’t have a very big appet.i.te, so Bi Fan wasn’t worried that he’d destroy the Orchard. The only thing that they needed to keep in mind was the fact, that they must not touch the valuable herbs, which were placed on the right most part of the Orchard.

The Marten knew the rules well, and picked out two, thirty-five year old, Ginsengs, and leaped back onto Bi Fan’s shoulder as he munched his meal.

Nowadays, the Marten wouldn’t even look at a decade-old herb; after all, their time inside the Secret Forest of the Devil’s Abyss had raised his standards, owing to the high quality of herbs that he had feasted on there.

Bi Fan looked about casually, and slowly started to scan the Orchard. If he saw anything that needed some attention, he’d go over and personally tend to the herb.

Unlike the pervious Orchard at the Quinayng School, where Bi Fan worked under pressure to complete his tasks, Bi Fan had worked on this Orchard like it was his own. He had a genuine love for this Orchard, and had devoted his time and energy, to its care, willing.

Once he was done, he returned to his room, and started practicing.

Now that it was late in the evening, Bi Fan started practicing the methods to increase his physical strength and the various methods of the Blood Devil technique as well. The Blood Devil technique was a secret method, and a forbidden one at that, which is why Bi Fan wouldn’t dare to practice them in the day time.

Ever since he had acquired the Shock Rune, improvement of Physical Strength had taken a higher priority on his list.

At Bi Fan’s present Physical Strength, it was possible for him to expand his strength to up to three times of his total strength. But if he tried to use the three-color variation of the Shock Rune, then his body was unlikely to be able to take the load, and he may end up causing severe damage to his body.

Even though Bi Fan knew the means to upgrade the Rune to its three-colored variation, he wasn’t eager to do so. He was curious to see the next level variation of the Rune, but he had decided to wait till he was ready to use it, and continued to store the required items he’d need for the upgrade.

Since he wanted to increase his Physical Strength as soon as possible, Bi Fan had started devoting more time for practicing the methods described in the Jade Book. Bi Fan was even using the methods described in the Blood Devil technique, in order to temper his body. Now that he was following a two-p.r.o.nged approach, his strength was increasing even faster than before.

The Blood Devil technique also described some more methods, which were even more sinister, and even crueler, and would enable him to progress even faster. But since these methods reeked of evil energy, Bi Fan was refraining from using them.

However, Bi Fan had memorized these methods well, just in case he needed to use them in a critical moment of desperation.

Bi Fan continued to practice all night, and felt that the session had been very productive. He could feel the enhancement in his strength.

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