The Six Immortals

Chapter 118 – The Ever-growing Charm

Chapter 118 – The Ever-growing Charm

(Mustang: Hey guys, this is the tenth and final chapter for this week.)


Ji Ying Lan couldn’t believe that he could ever lose to someone in the skill that he had mastered over so many years. On top of that, the said-man, wasn’t even above him, and was only in the ‘Enormous strength’ layer.

Therefore, Ji Ying Lan casted out a fierce attack, a completely different form of attack than his previous ones. This is time, his ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’ attack was as elegant as ever, but with a strange hint of an unparalleled threat.

“Amazing Sword-play!” Bi Fan praised out loud.

This time, Bi Fan had to resort to using ‘The Floating Sword’ technique, in combination with the ‘Prancing Tiger’ fist, as the situation was getting out of hand. If Bi Fan continued to use the ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’ then he was sure to lose.

This was a contest, not a training session; so naturally, Bi Fan didn’t want to lose.

Moreover, as long as the fight continued, Bi Fan could continue to observe and learn more, so obviously, he didn’t want to lose.

Once he lost the fight, it would be relatively difficult for him to make those subtle changes in his style.

Bi Fan’s eyes were as straight forward as ever, but his mind was making all kinds of calculations.

Ji Ying Lan had been angered further by Bi Fan’s praise, since he had taken it for mockery.

“Boy, don’t you dare be so arrogant!” Ji Ying Lan roared; his eyes were red with fury.

“‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword, The Flying Willow! Thousand Willow Needles!’” Ji Ying Lan decided to cast out all the three forms of the ‘Fufeng Double-edged sword’ in a simultaneous manner.

Bi Fan also knew all the three variations of the skill, but he also knew that he’d never be able cast them out to match his opponent’s perfection.

These three forms, when in the hands of Ji Ying Lan, and the changes that he’d made to them, were able to deliver twice the normal power of these attacks.

Bi Fan’s face became slightly tensed, as his Purple-feathered Sword started to flick slightly in his hands, under the pressure of his opponent’s attack; he needed to change his attack.

Bi Fan casted out the second form of the ‘Floating-sword’, ‘The Flurry Sword’, and his Purple-feathered sword seemed as if it had grown several new edges, as it started to collide with Ji Ying Lan’s Bamboo Sword.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!….” The collisions gave rise to violent sounds, and in a flash, the two swords has already clashed around a hundred times.

The spectators in the stands were mostly only able to see the sparks, and weren’t able to tell the situation of the actual combat.

“Amazing Strength! Excellent Sword-play!” A disciple’s eyes shone in admiration.

“Is this the same ‘Fufeng Double-edged sword’ that I learnt? I never knew that it could be used to such effect…it seems that I’ll have to start studying it again!” Another disciple who was known to the skill, spoke up, as he made a decision to study the skill in more depth.

“Brother Ji Ying Lan is very powerful, and has managed to research the ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’ to such a degree, that it can even be used to confront the ‘Floating Sword!’” This disciple obviously seemed to know Ji Ying Lan quite well.

Yan Yu Si was in high spirits: “Bi Fan’s strength is amazing, and I’m confident that he could become Quinyang Sect’s backbone. If you back him, Father, then he could really achieve a lot.”

“I don’t like wasting my time, but I think you’re right.” Yu Qing Yang smiled.

As they talked, the battle which was ongoing on the stage in front of them, continued to get even more violent.

“Boom!” After another loud noise, Bi Fan and Ji Ying Lan finally separated away.

Bi Fan’s cheeks were studded with sweat; he was panting, and his clothes were torn in several places.

Ji Ying Lan looked even more tired, almost as if we about to fall down.

“I lose….” He couldn’t even finish the sentence, as his face was turning ashen, due to the dejection of losing the battle.

Bi Fan had managed to oust Ji Ying Lan’s every move; even his strongest ones. Ji Ying Lan had been studying these skills for over a decade, and had never imagined that a younger man, of a lower layer, could overpower him with as much ease as Bi Fan had.

He obviously knew about Bi Fan, since Bi Fan had come to the limelight in the previous tournament, by registering himself as the champion in the Selection tournament.

Such a young teenager had managed to become a disciple, and had also managed to beat him in sword-play. Ji Ying Lan had already started losing confidence in his ability, almost to the point where he had completely given up hope.

“Oh, Ji Ying Lan is beating a bull’s horns to no end; he really needs to give in….” Yu Qing Yang’s face started turning unsightly.

Bi Fan was very serious as he said: “Indeed, you have to accept defeat. Because if you don’t, then you’ll force me to attack you with all my strength and I won’t have a choice but to put my sword through your chest…..”

As Ji Ying Lan heard Bi Fan’s words, he had already started to shake from the exhaustion, which was obvious on his ashen face.

“d.a.m.n, this isn’t good. This kid is so wicked! He’s trying to provoke Ji Ying Lan, and if Ji Ying Lan falls for it, then even I won’t be able to help him out here.” Ji Ying Lan was already on his feet. He was so anxious, that he had even started using foul language.

“Father, don’t worry. Bi Fan’s isn’t that kind of a man, he isn’t trying to insult Ji Ying Lan. He isn’t the kind to throw stones at someone who’s fallen down a well.” Yan Yu Si pulled her father back.


Bi Fan continued: “However, I really do admire you. I have never met anyone with such a deep understanding of their skill set. If you continue to research like this, then maybe one day, we might even be able to create a style of our own, for the sake of the Quinyang Sect; and a real skill to the Sect.”

“Really?” Ji Ying Lan’s eyes revealed a color of hope, as a glow started to return to his face once again.

“Of course, ‘Fufeng Double-edged Sword’ is only an average skill, and you can induce enough power in it to match it to a star skill. You even managed it to match the Second form of a four star skill…. with a little more research, you might even win.” Bi Fan looked very sincere.

“But…. But, why did I eventually lose the fight?” Ji Ying Lan was still completely puzzled, and he simply couldn’t comprehend the manner in which he had lost.

Bi Fan smiled: “Because you met me; it’s that simple.”

Then, Bi Fan strode off the stage, with his head held high.

Bi Fan looked back once, and could tell from Ji Ying Lan’s expression that he was beginning to emerge from the shadows of the traumatic defeat, which he had just suffered; otherwise, he may have lost all hope.

Yu Qing Yang breathed a sigh of relief, as he finally took his seat again, and said: “Bi Fan is good, and he’s a moral man too. There won’t an issue between him and Ji Ying Lan in the future.”

“Father, are you convinced now? Do you believe me now?” Yan Yu Si laughed softly.

Yan Yu Si’s smiled was perfect, and inspiring, almost as if her smile was capable of bathing someone in the soft and fragrant warmth of the Spring Winds.

Bi Fan didn’t know that the Yan Yu Si had this much confidence and trust in his ability, otherwise his pa.s.sions would have broken all barriers.

As Bi Fan strode down the stage, he realized there was another very interesting contest taking place, on another stage, which was now acquiring the attention of the spectators.

Bi Fan glanced over to see. Jing Feng was facing Mo Nan.

Mo Nan and Jing Feng were considered old enemies. They had started together at the Selection tournament, after which they both were accepted as disciples. This year, they were facing each other for the fourth time, and each time in past, Jing Feng had won by a small margin.

Mo Nan had never taken it as a discouragement, and had always worked harder to catch up, which is why he had been successfully narrowing down the gap which separated them.

This time around as well, Jing Feng and Mo Nan were both being regarded as ‘crowd favorites’ to win the championship, and neither of them had let their opponents down, as they had both maintained an unbeaten record so far.

Indeed, and many of the disciples were shouting, in the hope of cheering their favorite to victory.

“Jing Feng! Jing Feng! You’re the Champion!”

“Mo Nan, take him down, you’re a Champion!…”

“I could just tear you apart…” one of the female students shrieked. It wasn’t clear whether she was referring to Mo Nan or Jing Feng.

The moment this girl shouted, the other disciples silenced for a second, since her voice intensity was far too violent.

Even Jing Feng couldn’t help the chill that ran down his spine for a second.

“Jing Feng, it seems that your charm is ever-growing, and now they even want to tear you to pieces.” Mo Nan laughed, but his eyes weren’t devoid of envy.

Jing Feng recovered from it, and said: “You’re the one to complain about charm…. Look at increasing number of men who are here to cheer for you.”

“d.a.m.n it! That’s because of you; your charm offends the guys, so they cheer for me, and not because the men find me attractive.” Mo Nan looked gloomy; Jing Feng had always gotten the better of him.

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