The Six Immortals

Chapter 175 – Desert Blade

Chapter 175 – Desert Blade

(Mustang: Regular Chapter. I’m trying to pick up speed again, but I had a lot of RL issues piled up with the moving this time. Hopefully I’ll be able to make myself available again soon. Thanks for being patient guys.)


If Blue Dragon hadn’t intended on partic.i.p.ating in the Jiu Yu Hidden Dragon list, then he wouldn’t have stayed with the Eastern Aristocracy after his return from the Abyss.

Blue Dragon had already suffered more abuse than he could bear with, since he wasn’t strong enough to make it in the outside world on his own in the past. But now, he was strong enough to survive on his own, so he obviously didn’t wish to stay with the Eastern Aristocracy.

In the entire Eastern Aristocracy, there was only man who had been good to him, but that man had gone missing almost a decade ago. That man was his father.

Ever since Blue Dragon’s father had gone missing, his situation had gone from bad to worse.

Blue Dragon clenched his teeth as vowed to make a better life for himself.

The second day had ended and he was still unbeaten, which meant that he had the same points as Bi Fan and Jing Feng.

The tournament proceeded very quickly and another six days pa.s.sed in a flash. Now, only the last two days of the third round remained.

In these first eight days, Bi Fan had already beaten Xuan Yuan Feng, Xuan Ming Yang, Xuan Wu Ji, Xuan Yuan Yun, Hong Yun Kai, w.a.n.g Lan, Su Yang, Blue Dragon, Zi Feng, Chen Kang, Tang Tian Feng, Gu Da Tong, Zhao Yun Fei. Blue Dragon had straight away conceded the fight.

Until now, Bi Fan hadn’t lost a single contest, which meant that he was at par with Jing Feng, Wu Ji Xuan, Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu, and Li Qian Xun.

Blue Dragon had lost one fight so far, to Bi Fan, which meant that he too was still ranked in the top few.

In these eight days, Wu Ji Xuan and Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu still hadn’t summoned their beast pets, but their other four comrades had lost their pets in battle.

A lot of things had happened in these last few days. Bi Fan’s chimera had woken up after successfully evolving into a formidable monster; while his strength was now almost at par with the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layer.

Bi Fan was very happy to see the Chimera waking from its sleep since the Chimera would now be his best trump card in the tournament.

In addition to this, Li Quin Xun had also summoned his Beast pet against w.a.n.g Feng, a Mangalica Pig, and had managed to defeat w.a.n.g Feng with the help of his advanced ‘Transformation’ layer pet.

Beating w.a.n.g Feng had given a major boost to Li Qian Xun’s morale and standing, and he was the only new comer who had managed to overshadow Bi Fan in the eyes of the public.

On the ninth day of the contest, every one reached the contest arena earlier than usual, and the place got so crowded that the staff was unable to accommodate the entire audience in the arena.

“Brother Bi Fan, Brother Jing Feng, only two days remain… just four more matches, and you have to win them all.” Mo Nan stated.

Mo Nan had lost against Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu, but since he had won every other fight, he was still ranked quite high in the charts.

“I don’t want to run into Wu Ji Xuan in these last two days, I want him for the finale.” Jing Feng said.

“I’m also hoping for the same; let’s see what fate has in store.” Bi Fan smiled.

“Brother Bi Fan, for the sake of the Quinyang Sect, I pray that you encounter Wu Ji Xuan and then you beat him. Once you’re done with him, I hope you meet Xuan Yuan Xiao Yu and Li Quin Xun as well. Once you’ve beaten all three of them before the final, the Quinyang Sect can get the top two spots in the List.” Jing Feng looked quite serious about it.

“Brother Jing Feng, you cannot expect me to beat three of them in two days…. Beating one a day is still possible, but two a day….” Bi Fan was a little surprised.

Luo Sheng was growing more and more restless, but knew that if he spoke up out of turn, then he’d paint a target on his back, so much so that he may not even receive support from Luo Xiong and Luo Xiao Tian this time around.

It would appear as if Jing Feng’s predictions were about to come true and Bi Fan ran into Li Qian Xun in the seventeenth set.

Li Qian Xun was very strong even without the support of his Beast pet, and wasn’t very far behind Blue Dragon.

As soon as they took the stage, Li Qian Xun summoned his Beast pet.

Even though Bi Fan was being dubbed as the ‘Pet Slayer’, Li Qian Xun had enough confidence that he could protect his pet and use it to beat Bi Fan at the same time.

Li Qian Xun’s strong self-confidence had its roots in his amazing strength, and he didn’t even seem afraid of Bi Fan.

“Bi Fan, you’re strong! But, you’re no match for me, and I’ll beat you for the glory of my Ba Gua Sect.” Li Qian Xun announced.

Li Qian Xun was a man of very words, but couldn’t help himself since he had finally met Bi Fan in a match.

Bi Fan replied: “You’re quite strong as well, but since you’ve met me, it seems that you’re not destined to play in the finals anymore.”

As soon as the referee started the fight, Li Qian Xun casted ‘The Universe Blade’, the Ba Gua Sect’s trademarked skill.

The Pig was right behind Li Qian Xun, and was just waiting to outflank Bi Fan. In case Bi Fan exposed even the slightest of weakness, the Pig would charge straight for him.

Since Li Qian Xun was leading the charge, killing the Pig wasn’t going to be an easy task for Bi Fan.

Li Qian Xun was ready to lead the charge against Bi Fan, which clearly indicated that he was quite confident about his strength and ability.

Li Qian Xun was fairly strong physically, and on top of that he was using a very heavy golden nine ring broadsword, so naturally his attacks were quite ferocious.

The large Golden Nine Ring Broadsword glimmered in a radiant golden light as it powerful charged towards Bi Fan.

Bi Fan didn’t dare to neglect the threat and responded in a very careful manner, constantly using his ghostly agility to dodge the attacks.

He wasn’t afraid of Li Qian Xun, but feared that things wouldn’t go well if he gave the Pig a chance to get in the game.

Bi Fan didn’t wish to summon the Chimera for now, since the Chimera was his best weapon, and he was trying to save its entry for the most critical of junctures.

Killing the Mangalica Pig, while beating Li Qian Xun, was a very hard task without any a.s.sistance.

But while being engaged in the fight with Li Qian Xun, Bi Fan was constantly coming up with new ideas to change the course of the battle.

Li Qian Xun was also fighting very cautiously, and wasn’t giving Bi Fan any room to make a move.

Li Qian Xun’s idea seemed very clear: Step by step, force Bi Fan back, and slowly deplete his energy till he can’t carry on and force him to admit his defeat.

Bi Fan didn’t wish to expose too many of his trump cards at the moment, so using the Scared Rune or the Chimera was obviously out the equation for him.

Bi Fan could easily defeat Li Qian Xun with a sudden burst, but he wasn’t doing it since he still wanted to kill his beast pet.

After losing to Bi Fan, Li Qian Xun would have the same points as Mo Nan and Blue Dragon, which meant that the two of them might have to face him in the tie breakers. If Li Qian Xun had his pet for support, then their chances of notching a victory would be non-existent.

Bi Fan wanted to win the tournament, but also wanted his friends to do well too.

Li Qian Xun obviously didn’t know this, and was visible happy since he was presently winning this fight.

Both men were fighting ferociously, and Bi Fan was constantly being pushed back in this intense match-up.

“What is Brother Bi Fan doing? Why isn’t he hurrying up to finish off this fight? The longer he keeps stalling, the more energy he’ll consume…. He still has the afternoon fight left, ah.” Mo Nan was getting anxious at this point.

Jing Feng smiled: “Don’t worry, Brother Bi Fan can finish this fight whenever he wants. If he’s still dragging it out, then he’s surely looking to kill that Mangalica Pig for the rest of us.”

Yan Yu Si was also a bit concerned, but was still quite satisfied with Bi Fan’s fighting. She would smile and nod from time to time, as she continued to watch his contest.

In fact, even Yan Yu Si could tell that Bi Fan could win the fight at a moment’s notice.

“Desert Blade!” Suddenly, Li Qian Xun changed the gears, and employed a new technique.

This attack was even tougher, and a lot more straightforward in its style. This law was especially designed for people with excessive physical strength; for people like Li Qian Xun.

Li Qian Xun’s strength and ‘The Desert Blade’ law were beautifully complementing each other, and as a result, the power of the attack was being amplified to a great extent.

Now, faced with a new and more powerful attack, Bi Fan was looking even worse than before.

Li Qian Xun wasn’t even falling for Bi Fan’s tricks and crafty plots, and was still trying to force Bi Fan into conceding the fight.

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