The Six Immortals

Chapter 55


Bi Fan stood there with a surprised look on his face, as he watched the Blue Dragon slice past one enemy after another.

The Blue Dragon’s usual weapon of choice, the dark scimitar, was slashing past the beasts that surrounded him with exceptional ease, unrivalled, and his enemies were struggling to close him down.

“Blue Dragon, brother, such a pleasant surprise to into you inside the Devil’s Abyss, ah!” Bi Fan shouted out loudly, out of excitement.

Bi Fan, in his state of utter excitement, didn’t realise that the Blue Dragon was engaged in combat, and disturbing him in this manner may distract his attention, which could end up very badly for his friend.

As soon as the Blue Dragon heard his friend’s voice, he looked over and in the process, got distracted from his current engagements. The beasts he was fighting against, quickly took advantage of the situation and launched a fierce attack at him. However, owing to his unparalleled responses, the Blue Dragon was able to recover from the attacks and managed to dodge them, avoiding any serious injuries.

“Brother Bi Fan! Good to see you. Come on and help me sort these guys out, and we can chat later on.” The Blue Dragon called out loudly.

“Sure! Chimera, let’s go!” Bi Fan laughed.

This time, Bi Fan and the Chimera, both launched into action simultaneously, and began slaughtering the beasts.

The Chimera was a formidable opponent, even when he didn’t employ his corrosive fire. He was strong into the ‘enormous strength’ layer, and the Devil’s Race’s beasts simply weren’t strong enough to match him, a fact, which was being demonstrated by the ease with which he was killing his enemies.

The Chimera’s powerful tail, especially, proved to be a very useful weapon, as it was capable of sweeping vast expanses of the battle field.

Bi Fan’s strength wasn’t weak either; in fact, his purple feathered sword slashed past his enemies without any obstructions, and was a paragon of invincibility.

Soon, with the Chimera and Bi Fan providing support to the Blue Dragon, the pressure on the Blue Dragon eased up.

“Brother Bi Fan, you got here just in time, I was afraid that I might start to lose control of his battle.” The Blue Dragon smiled.

“Oh come on, don’t undermine your ability. With your strength, resolving this issue is only a matter of time.” Bi Fan complimented.

The Blue Dragon was quite surprised to see the Chimera, and it had been reflecting on his face. So he asked, out of curiosity: “Brother, how did you managed to subdue such a beast, he really is very powerful!”

The Blue Dragon’s tone wasn’t devoid of envy, but comprised of admiration as well. It was awfully difficult to subdue beasts, a feat which Bi Fan had managed to accomplish. So naturally, the Blue Dragon wished to know the secret, as he too wanted to have a powerful beastly companion of his own.

“I was just lucky; otherwise, it’s impossible to capitulate such a beast.” Bi Fan smiled; his reply didn’t reflect any pride, or arrogance, over his achievement.

“Luck is just a subset of strength.” The Blue Dragon stated.

Even thought the two had been chatting, the speed at which they had been killing their enemies hadn’t reduced at all.

In no time at all, the number of beasts that surrounded the two of them had reduced to zero, and so, the two of them looked at each other, and had a hearty laugh.

“Brother Bi Fan, please go on and select half of the you wish to take, and I’ll take the rest of them.” The Blue Dragon offered.

In a place like the Devil’s Abyss, the most precious loot was a nucleus. But it wasn’t possible to identify if a carca.s.s contained a nucleus, unless the body was dissected first.

The Blue Dragon didn’t mind letting Bi Fan chose first, as he knew that it all came to down to chance, and luck, in the end.

“Brother, you killed the majority of them, so it’s only fair that you get to take your picks.” Bi Fan smiled; he felt it would be cheap to accept this generous offer.

The Blue Dragon was a maverick headed man, and so he didn’t indulge in any further formalities, and quickly selected his half of the loot.

Bi Fan politely collected the other half and incorporated them into his storage facilities.

As far as the question of a nucleus was concerned, it was all a matter of chance.

“Dragon, brother, why did you come to the Devil’s Abyss?” Bi Fan asked.

“Same reason as you brother.” The Blue Dragon smiled.

“Ha ha…. I guess we are both here to upgrade our strengths then. Well, let’s not waste any time and continue forward.” Bi Fan laughed.

He hadn’t expected to run into a friend inside this Abyss, and so at present, he found himself in a very cheerful frame of mind.

“Sure, but let’s first meditate for a while. We must restore our energy levels.” The Blue Dragon stated.

And so they started to mediate and practice. The journey up ahead might be more perilous, and so, it was important for the two of them to very careful.

Soon, the two of them had restored their energy levels, and they set off in search for an adventure.

The Devil’s Abyss was a mysterious place with several beasts, just waiting to be forayed.

“Dragon, brother, how long have you been inside the Abyss?” Bi Fan asked.

“I came here a few days ago, around the same time as you I’d reckon.” The Blue Dragon replied.

“It seems like we are only loitering around here. Let’s try to find a place where we can find stronger opponents, as they would be more suitable for our training.”

“There are two of us, plus the Chimera, and even the strongest demons inside the first layer are below the ‘emerging from the womb layer’, so we should be able to deal with anything in here.” The Blue Dragon was bursting with confidence.

Normally, the demons inside the first layer wouldn’t be any stronger than the Fetus layer.

However, each layer also had its demon king, a boss, which was an awful lot stronger than any other beast in that layer.

In case Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon ran into a demon like that, they would surely try to escape without making any attempts to confront it.

Bi Fan was strong enough to deal with the regular demons that prevailed inside the Devil’s Abyss, in fact the gap in strength was so much that, they didn’t even stand a chance against him.

But when it came to the layer’s Boss, the gap in strength was far too great to even hope for a chance of victory; however, this time, it would Bi Fan’s turn to be on the shorter end on the stick.

The Blue Dragon was roughly around the same mark as Bi Fan, and wouldn’t be able to compete against a demon as strong as the layer’s King.

The Blue Dragon’s statement was based on the optimism, that considering their combined strength, they should be able to escape such a situation without much trouble.

Bi Fan smiled: “That’s right brother, we are invincible.”

The Chimera roared loudly, and excitedly, in agreement.

The two of them were so strong together, that they were able to march on into the Abyss without any problems at all, and were also able to maintain a fairly high energy level the entire time.

The Blue Dragon, it seemed had come prepared with a lot of Ying Yang pouches this time around, as he didn’t waste any time dissecting the for only valuable parts, the way he had before.

Although he was a little surprised to see the amount of that Bi Fan was able to incorporate into his Yin Yang pouches, but still, he didn’t ask any questions, as he knew that Bi Fan didn’t always share every detail.

Bi Fan would first use his Yin Yang pouches to collect the loot, but would furtively transfer them into the Tian Yuan ring later on, as his Yin Yang pouches simply didn’t have enough storage s.p.a.ce inside them.

Thanks to the Tian Yuan ring, carrying a ma.s.sive bulk load of items wasn’t an issue for Bi Fan.

Unfortunately, Bi Fan still wasn’t strong enough to use all the features of the Tian Yuan ring.

If one wasn’t strong enough, then it was best to keep valuables out of the public sight. Or else, there would come a time, when someone would make an attempt to covet the said valuables by using force, and it would be very difficult to fend such people off without strength; so in a way, and combination of weakness and wealth, was a robbery just waiting to happen.

So obviously, Bi Fan hadn’t told anyone about the items that he procured from the Wan Snake Cave, not even Jing Feng or the Blue Dragon.

Walls have ears and news travels very quickly within these walls….

Bi Fan knew this fact well, and so, he was always very careful and kept his mouth sealed, very tightly.

“Brother Bi Fan, I hadn’t noticed earlier, but it seems that you’re progressing even faster than I had imagined. I reckon that you might have surpa.s.sed me by now. I’m going to practice even harder now, I don’t want to be left behind.” The Blue Dragon said out loud.

“I was mostly just lucky, but advancing further isn’t as easy as I thought.” Bi Fan shook his head.

Indeed, Bi Fan’s enhancement could be credited to luck, to a very large extent, and also his ability to take risks. But both of these factors were difficult to reproduce over a length of time, and repeatedly at that.

“No matter, I want to practice some more…..” His voice hadn’t even faded yet, as he quickly lashed out towards another flock of the Devil’s Race creatures; his scimitar slashing, hacking, chopping demons, relentlessly.

Bi Fan was also quite pumped up, and naturally didn’t want to fall behind either.

Bi Fan and the Blue Dragon were good friends, but they also, mutually, relished compet.i.tion. It is for this reason, that if they were ever to come across each other in the Jiu Yu List, as rivals, they would definitely not hold back.

It was this similarity in mindset, which had allowed the two of them to connect with each other, which is why they had become such good friends.

Jing Feng likewise, enjoyed the spirit of a healthy compet.i.tion amongst brothers.

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