The Six Immortals

Chapter 69


The Devil’s Abyss was a vast and limitless territory, and although it was a little dusky, Bi Fan still didn’t have any trouble fighting.

After carving out their respective shares from the body of the Dark Drake, Blue Dragon, Lone Leaf and w.a.n.g Zhong, were, visibly, very excited, and a result, the intensity with which they started to kill the beasts they came across, increased.

They were all very interested in knowing how Bi Fan had managed to incorporate the entire dead body of the Dark Drake into his Yin Yang pouch, but still, no one mentioned it out loud.

Since they didn’t ask, Bi Fan didn’t bother to mention it either, as he obviously, wanted to save himself the extra effort of going through the tedious explanations.

“Look, that’s Wu San and his group, and there’s one more person with them. And it looks like it Yuan Shi’s Li Zhong Ren.” Lone Leaf was extremely surprised to see them again.

Lone Leaf’s expression was a bit awkward, as he could see that Yuan Shi’s Li Zhong Ren’s arms were around the waist of San Yuan’s Wu XuiLi, which had left him completely confused.

If the San Yuan disciples managed to instigate Li Zhong Ren against Lone Leaf, then Lone Leaf would be in a great amount of trouble, and it wouldn’t be easy for him to get out of this alive.

Li Zhong Ren was extremely strong, and was considered a leading figure within his Sect’s younger generation.

If Wu San and Li Zhong Ren were working together, then Lone Leaf was worried, that owing to his previous encounter with San Yuan students, he might have also offended Yuan Shi by extension. And he was even more worried about the thought, that Bi Fan, and the rest of his companions might not help his case.

Lone Leaf would have wanted to conceal his ident.i.ty in front of Li Zhong Ren, but knew that owing to w.a.n.g Zhong’s presence, it wouldn’t do him much good.

Therefore, the only thing that Lone Leaf could do was to face the consequences, whatever they might be.

Lone Leaf had seen them, and naturally, they too had seen him in return.

“Another Bei Ming group of nasty flies, I really want to spank these ones to death.”

Wu San gritted his teeth, as his blood-red eyes glared at Lone Leaf, as if they were trying to say, ‘you’re a dead man’.

Wu San would have wanted to direct those words at w.a.n.g Zhong, but didn’t do so, as he was scared of w.a.n.g Zhong’s strength and ability.

Anyway, if he was to kill Lone Leaf, then there was no point in leaving the rest of his group alive, which included w.a.n.g Zhong as well.

“Bei Ming group? Do you want me to help you guys in sorting them out?” Li Zhong Ren’s right arm was curled around Wu XuiLi’s narrow waist, and his fingers were gently stroking, and caressing, Wu XuiLi’s tender skin.

Wu XuiLi giggled, and smiled: “Zhong Ren, you… are so bad, but so good, ah heee heee. Zhong Ren, that Bei Ming boy, Lone Leaf, has crossed paths with me in the past as well, if you can…”


“Yes, I can help you deal with Lone Leaf, but… hey…” Li Zhong Ren’s face exposed a lascivious smile, as his big hands, reached down to touch her b.u.t.t.

Wu XuiLi wringed her waist, to excite Li Zhong Ren’s already ardent intentions further.

“If you help us out, then well, I guess, I’ll help you out…” Wu XuiLi smiled, and raised her eyebrows.

“Good! Good! Very good!” Li Zhong Ren playfully squeezed her b.u.t.tocks, as his face exposed the colors of his true desires.

“Lone Leaf, you are blamed with the sin of provoking this little beauty here, and it only ends one way.”

Wu San and the rest of them quickly approached Lone Leaf, and the rest of his party; their aggressive momentum and vicious looks, clearly indicative of their intentions.

Lone Leaf’s face was beginning to get more and more ugly, and he said in a low voice: “Brother Bi Fan, seems like Wu San, and the rest of his gang, is here to kill me, please lend me helping hand in this time of great need.”

“Don’t worry, we’re in this together. If the Wu San, and the rest of them, try to lay a hand on you, I’ll provide support to you.” Bi Fan’s face was as calm as ever, but his mind was completely blank.

w.a.n.g Zhong’s expression was even more serene, but his eyes were burning with a wild desire for war.

The Blue Dragon, well, goes without saying, was just aching to get his hands of them.

Fighting against the usual Devil’s Race beasts, was too easy, and didn’t provide them with even the slightest of challenges.

But a battle with strong human opponents, was a completely different thing, and was one of the fastest methods to increase strength.

“Lone Leaf, I didn’t expect to into you again in such a big Devil’s Abyss, but here we are again.” Wu San laughed.

Lone Leaf replied promptly: “Yes ah, I think the Devil’s Abyss is shrinking, otherwise, why would we into each other again and again.”

Since Lone Leaf had gotten a positive response from Bi Fan, he had calmed down, and had managed to collect himself.

He had personally seen what Bi Fan was capable of, and not to mention, that there was the added strength of w.a.n.g Zhong, ‘transformation’ layer, which meant, that with the two of them on one side, they would be easily able to deal with Li Zhong Ren, and still be left with plenty.

“Bei Ming’s Lone Leaf… nope, never heard of you before.” Li Zhong Ren shook his head.

Li Zhong Ren’s eyes, full of contempt, sized up Lone Leaf, and then his gaze shifted to Blue Dragon, then Bi Fan, still, flourishing with pejoration.

Finally, his eyes found w.a.n.g Zhong’s body, and didn’t leave him for a while.

“Who are you? Which school do you belong to?” Li Zhong Ren frowned as he asked.

Wu San quickly answered his question: “He is Whisker w.a.n.g; he doesn’t have any loyalties to any particular sect.”

Then, he turned to w.a.n.g Zhong, and said: “w.a.n.g Zhong, I’m looking to settle an old score with Lone Leaf, and you’d better stay out of this.”

“And what if I don’t? If I intervene, what are you going to do about it?” w.a.n.g Zhong looked at him; his eyes brimmed with disdain.

Wu San’s face quickly started to lose color: “w.a.n.g Zhong, you’re a lone ranger, if you help out Lone Leaf, then you’ll end up marking yourself for death as well.”

“Wu San, don’t be so arrogant, not on the backing of your sect.” Lone Leaf stepped out, and threatened.

w.a.n.g Zhong laughed: “I could have killed you in your own School; G.o.d knows what I’ll do to you here.”

w.a.n.g Zhong’s tone was so casual, that it seemed like he was chatting about domestic trivia.

Wu San’s four man team took a step back, a clear indication of the fear that w.a.n.g Zhong could provoke in their hearts.

Only Li Zhong Ren greeted his threat: “A no one from nowhere, and you dare to challenge people from schools as big as ours… courageous… but today, I will show you your place.”

Li Zhong Ren’s eyes were sharply staring at w.a.n.g Zhong, and the flame for a war had already started to rage in them.

w.a.n.g Zhong’s eyes were equally staunch; and as the two glared each other down, the momentum to the battle up ahead, started to rise.


Bi Fan stated in a cold voice: “It seems like a fight is inevitable. It is imperative that we don’t let anyone leave, otherwise we will end up facing a lot of flak for it later on.”

His tone was more of a whisper, and only Blue Dragon and Lone Leaf heard his words, who nodded in understanding.

w.a.n.g Zhong’s murderous gaze was beginning to overwhelm Li Zhong Ren, and it seemed that Li Zhong Ren was a little scared of him as well, almost to the point where his body seemed to sweat from it.

“This guy is fairly strong, and seems to have a very strong reputation as well, plus, he’s certainly very experienced. If I go up against him, I’d have to use everything I’ve got; every last one of my tricks, and even then, I might still end up hurting myself. Not sure if this little beauty is really worth all this trouble.” Li Zhong Ren’s mind was beginning to weigh the pros and cons, and his impulsive desires started to cool down immediately.

Wu San had been planning on using Li Zhong Ren all along, and so, he looked over at Wu XuiLi, and winked.

Wu XuiLi smiled tenderly as she said: “Zhong Ren, I really want to see your majestic strength; I adore you.”

Li Zhong Ren’s mind started to picture Wu XuiLi’s tender skin, her amazing b.u.t.t, her magnificent bosom…

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva, to sate the thirst ignited by his scalding heart.

“For you beautiful, I will. With my weapon, killing any person, of any school is as easy as slicing a fruit.” Li Zhong Ren had finally made up his mind.

“All hands to deck! Kill them all!” Li Zhong Ren screamed, as he launched a forestall attack.

Li Zhong Ren was using a double-edged saber; a top-grade magic weapon.

His saber seemed extremely heavy, its huge flanks very as shiny as a mirror, and gleamed brightly in the Abyss’s dull light.

His saber seemed so powerful, that it could be easily used to split open a rock, or even a small boulder.

With his saber in his hand, Li Zhong Ren jumped high in the air, as he charged head-first for w.a.n.g Zhong, in full force.

“Hill Split Strength!” Li Zhong Ren’s sword slashed through the air, at the speed of lightening, as it made its course towards w.a.n.g Zhong.

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