The Six Immortals

Chapter 76


Lone Leaf wouldn’t have allowed the Chimera to steal his opponent either, had he been aware of its intentions. But since he had his back towards the Chimera, he didn’t realize that the Chimera was making its way towards his enemy, and hence, didn’t open his mouth to object.

As the Chimera, gradually started to approach closer to the fight, Lone Leaf’s opponent started becoming even more nervous.

Finally, unable to withstand the pressure, Lone Leaf’s opponent dashed away from the battlefield, hoping to make an escape.

“Oooooo…” The Chimera, quickly, and readily, belched out more fire.

Lone Leaf’s opponent was running at an awfully quick pace, but still couldn’t outrun the Chimera’s attack, and the fire quickly enveloped his whole body.

Zi Chuan’s heart went numb, as the screams and cries for help, echoed through the air.

Zi Chuan hadn’t accounted for the Chimera, when he was a.s.sessing the strength of Bi Fan’s group, as the Chimera was hidden from their sight.

Plus, he hadn’t realized Bi Fan’s and Blue Dragon’s real strengths, and had just taken their surface strengths into account, while making his calculations.

Miscalculations had doomed Zi Chuan’s operation for failure.

Zi Chuan had entered the fight along with seven strong men, three of whom were already dead, while the other four had already lost the will to fight.

Even though Zi Chuan was going insane with rage, he immediately calmed down, and yelled: “Withdraw!”

“Leaving? Well, that’s not going to happen…more wishful thinking, really….” Bi Fan was as loud as Zi Chuan.

Bi Fan had launched an attack, while he was speaking; he cast out several waves of ‘Fufeng double-edged sword’ in quick succession, and manage to stifle Zi Chuan’s escape plans for the time-being.

Zi Chuan realized that he would not able to escape immediately, and if he did try to force his way out right now, Bi Fan would kill him easily.

Bi Fan was attacking full throttle, so Zi Chuan would have to wait till Bi Fan slowed down a bit, before he could make any attempts to flee from the battlefield.

The Chimera started to make his towards w.a.n.g Zhong’s fight, whereas Lone Leaf started to circle Blue Dragons’, ready to intercept any fleeing enemies.

w.a.n.g Zhong realized that the Chimera is coming over to lend a helping hand, and so, he set aside the weaker one, of his two, opponents for the Chimera, and started to concentrate on the ‘transformation’ layer opponent only.

Now, since the fight was one-on-one, w.a.n.g Zhong quickly established absolute dominance over his opponent. So much so, that his opponent wouldn’t even be able to escape, no matter how hard he tried.

Even though the Chimera was fighting a man who was the same level as him, ‘enormous strength’, he was able to suppress the man easily, owing to his superior fighting skills and strength.

Since the man had already witnessed the Chimera’s true might, he wouldn’t even dare to turn his back and run, as he was afraid that the Chimera might burn him as well.

One of Blue Dragon’s two rivals, successfully managed to get away from Blue Dragon, but only got as far as Lone Leaf.

This infuriated Blue Dragon, and he decided to take it out on the one, who still remained in front of him. He unleashed his entire might on the poor robber, as he wanted to finish the man as soon as possible.

Blue Dragon’s physical strength and inner energy, combined, was not very far from the ‘transformation’ layer, in terms of overall fighting power, so naturally, killing a ‘spiritual intelligence’ layer fighter, was not going to be any trouble for him, which he demonstrated with a perfectly executed combination.

Zi Chuan hadn’t antic.i.p.ated that his men would not be able to escape, another miscalculation, which had already costed him the life of another one of his men.

Zi Chuan could make out that the other three were also in a similarly precarious state, so, he started to seek opportunities to make his own escape.

Even though Blue Dragon had just killed one man, he still, was completely infuriated, and so, he picked up his scimitar, and walked over to Lone Leaf, who was busy fighting with the man that had escaped from his clutches.

The man’s mind was in a state of complete chaos, and was unable to detect the punch that Lone Leaf managed to, very clandestinely, conceal, and he fell down on the ground.

Lone Leaf quickly seized the opportunity, and violently lashed out at the fallen robber; there was no way the man could have survived an onslaught of that caliber.

“That’s not fair! You saw me coming and killed off my opponent. Not fair, brother!” Blue Dragon looked very disheartened.

“Three strong rivals are still left on the battlefield; Brother, you can try having a go at them, unless you’re afraid of a little compet.i.tion….” Lone Leaf teased Blue Dragon.

Blue Dragon groaned, and then quickly turned to make his towards the spot where the Chimera was fighting the ‘enormous strength’ layer robber.

The Chimera realized that Blue Dragon would try to claim his kill, so he sped up his pace, as he too, didn’t want to share.

“GRRRR…” The Chimera roared and roared, as he launched a series of fierce melee attacks, couple with a few mouthfuls of fire, which eventually caught the man, and set him ablaze before Blue Dragon could arrive.

“Chimera! That’s not very nice you know…”Blue Dragon turned around, and started to walk towards w.a.n.g Zhong now: “Brother, please let me fight your opponent, I beg you.”

w.a.n.g Zhong laughed: “I still haven’t landed a single kill, so please don’t damage my business. Try and see if Bi Fan can let you fight his guy….”

“Oh come on!… Brother w.a.n.g, Bi Fan’s rival is too strong; I won’t be able to cope up with him.” Blue Dragon’s face was literally pleading for a chance to fight.

w.a.n.g Zhong wouldn’t have any of it: “I can’t do that, but since we are going to fuss over him, I’ll just finish him off right now.”

Defying Domination!

w.a.n.g Zhong cast out his strongest attack, seeking to finish off the fight as soon as possible.

Blue Dragon looked on gloomily, as he watched w.a.n.g Zhong thrash the only remaining man he could have fought, but didn’t intervene, since w.a.n.g Zhong had already, completely suppressed the man.

Zi Chuan could hear the dialogue between Blue Dragon and the others, and his blood started to boil.

He had organized this team with great difficulty, and now they were all dead. He hadn’t even expected Bi Fan’s group to put up a fight, let alone achieve what they had.

“If I don’t leave now, then it will be too late later on.” Zi Chuan’s top priority at the moment was to run away, safely, from this situation, as he was aware that if any of his other enemies’ came over to help Bi Fan, then he would get himself killed in no time at all.

Flying Hammer!

Zi Chuan threw his hammer, which violently rushed through the air, towards Bi Fan.

It was a really unusual scene, as Zi Chuan was even willing to sacrifice his weapon, in order to secure his escape.

Bi Fan saw the hammer, as it raced through the air towards him, but he didn’t back away, as he simply couldn’t allow Zi Chuan to escape.

Bi Fan quickly stepped sideways, in order to dodge the rogue hammer. At this point, Zi Chuan had already taken a few steps, and was getting away from Bi Fan.

“’The Immortal Finger!’ – ‘Ten Finger Extermination!’ ” Bi Fan used all his fingers, and employed each one of them to launch a strike of ‘The Immortal Finger’, in the hope of blocking off Zi Chuan’s escape routes.

Zi Chuan could no longer halt in steps, or turn back, his only option was to dodge, and outrun, Bi Fan’s attacks.

Zi Chuan was relying on a low-grade armor, which he had stolen from someone in the past, to protect him from their attacks while he made his escape. And so, without the slightest of hesitations, he continued to carry on running.

“Chik! Chik! Chik!”

Three of Bi Fan’s attacks, tore past his clothes and hit his armor. The collision was such an intense one that sparks emitted from his armor.

He had already survived three of Bi Fan’s attacks, so he was very relieved to know that his armor was doing its job well.

“Ah!” He screamed!

One of Bi Fan’s attacks had pierced through his right thigh, and blood started to pour out.

The pain was unbearable, and Zi Chuan was forced to bend down on the floor owing to the wound; he gasped as sweat dripped down from his body.


Zi Chuan had just bent down when several similar attacks, landed on his back, his neck, and the back of his head, and blood started to splash out of his punctured body.

Zi Chuan toppled over, and fell to his death, as result of Bi Fan’s stunt.

‘Ten Finger Extermination’, was a relatively new trick, which Bi Fan had just come up with. Since it basically const.i.tuted of several individual ‘The Immortal Finger’ attacks, it was formless, and invisible, while each individual attack, still, carried the same threat as ‘The Immortal Finger’.

This is was the first time that Bi Fan had tried out this new attack, and it had successfully wiped out a very powerful opponent.

However, this attack had consumed a huge amount of energy, and Bi Fan’s energy reserves were so badly depleted, that he felt like he would fall down any second. The only thing that was keeping him from falling down, on the soft and comfortable looking ground below, was his physical strength.

w.a.n.g Zhong managed to finish his opponent off, in the same breath as Bi Fan.

Zi Chuan and his seven-man team had been completely annihilated by Bi Fan’s four-man platoon. And even though they had all spent a great amount of their inner energies, they still hadn’t sustained any serious injuries.

Bi Fan stated in a loud voice: “Let’s quickly clean out the battlefield and leave this place.”

Such a fierce and long fight, ought to have alerted some humans, or beasts, of their presence, so it was best to leave this place as soon as possible.

Actually, there wasn’t much to collect from the dead bodies of w.a.n.g Zhongs’, or anyone else’s opponents, as all the loot that the robbers had collected, was kept with Zi Chuan for safekeeping.

Bi Fan quickly searched the man, and found almost thirty Yin Yang pouches on his carca.s.s, which he gratefully accepted. Then, he even relieved Zi Chuan’s dead body of the armor that he had been wearing. Last but not the least, the hammers that he had thrown at Bi Fan, had been collected by Lone Leaf long ago.

Now that everything was settled, the four of them, along with the Chimera, quickly left the scene.

Zi Chuan’s gang was a very specialized group of robbers, which could mean that they could possibly be carrying a lot of loot on their hands. Their collective wealth might even be more than what Bi Fan, and his group, had obtained after the previous fight against Li Zhong Ren.

“Well, that worked out well.” Lone Leaf laughed, as his eyes went squinty.

Blue Dragon was very excited as well: “Let’s hope we get robbed more often!”

“Let’s quickly meditate and restore our energies, and then we divide the rewards.” Bi Fan suggested.

Bi Fan had already ingested a Dan pellet to reinstate his inner energy, as he was far too weak to walk without it.

They simply couldn’t neglect their vicinity, and so, while the four of them meditated, the Chimera stood guard, ready defend them against any dangers.

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