The Six Immortals

Chapter 88


The Stone Giant’s face was painted in a flavor of forlorn, as he fell to the ground.

The Giant was well aware of his circ.u.mstances, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to get up off the ground in time; he knew he was about to die.

The Stone Giant wouldn’t allow these people to kill him, take his body, and his crystal nucleus.

The Stone Giant’s body started to inflate, and continued to grow bigger and bigger in size.

“Oh s.h.i.t! The Stone Giant is about to self-destruct!” Someone finally realized it, and screamed out loud to warn the others.

Everyone immediately scattered away from the Stone Giant; they broke their personal sprint records as they fled for their lives.

“Boom!” A huge explosion shook the vicinity.

People who were too slow to react, or simply weren’t fast enough, blew to pieces under the impact of the ‘Emerging from the Womb’ layered Stone Giant’s self-detonation.

The Stone Giant’s body was torn to pieces and some of the smaller fragments from its body, darted in all directions across the battlefield.

“Ah….” Screams echoed throughout the battlefield as these fragments inflicted more damage to the humans, resulting in more deaths. The total number of martial artists had already reduced to less than half of its original number.

The leaders of the Jiu Yu Da Sect had stayed away, so they obviously didn’t suffer any causality.

The Stone Giant was finally dead. But his body was now scattered, which gave rise to frenzy and everyone started scrambling around, in the hope of getting their hands on something valuable.

Finally the opportunity to fish in troubled waters had revealed itself; naturally, Bi Fan and his party wasn’t going to let this opportunity slip by.

The others who had been watching the action, like Bi Fan’s party, also joined the fray, and the whole battleground was left in a state of complete disarray, with people rushing in all directions, scrambling for the Stone Giant’s body parts.

“Don’t try to steal. The Jiu Yu Da will unify the rewards, and will then distribute it uniformly amongst everyone.” Yuan Feng mustered his strength, and roared.

“f.u.c.k your unification and distribution. You intentionally didn’t tell us that the Stone Giant could blow up, which has costed us very dearly. We don’t trust the Jiu Yu Da anymore now.” A huge voice sounded from the crowd; but no one knew who the speaker was.

Yuan Feng’s face immediately changed as he heard those words; and this sudden change in his expressions was acutely interpreted by the disciples of the other Sects, whose hearts, now, were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with hatred towards the Jiu Yu Da Sect.

“Take everything! Do not trust the Jiu Yu Da, they framed their allies. If they try to stop us, then we mustn’t refrain from killing them. We are more in number, and together, we will be able to overpower them.”

“We can’t trust the Jiu Yu Da anymore; we need to fend for ourselves.”

The disciples, who weren’t a part of the Jiu Yu Da Sect, simply weren’t willing to trust Yuan Feng or the other leaders of the Jiu Yu Da anymore, and began looting the Stone Giant’s remains.

Yuan Feng announced loudly: “Yuan Shi students, sieze the Stone Giant’s corpse.”

Yuan Feng had no other choice but to instruct Yuan Shi disciples to join the fray, as he had completely lost control of the situation.

Gu Feng, Zi Yan and the other leaders, also instructed their respective followers to s.n.a.t.c.h the Giant’s body, and the situation become even more chaotic than it already was.

Since there was no unity on the battlefield anymore, there was bound to be friction; especially since money was involved.

Friction turned into fights in no time at all, and a new battle erupted on the field.

The Jiu Yu Da Sect disciples were relatively stronger, and were trying to stop the other sects from s.n.a.t.c.hing the Stone Giant’s body parts. Naturally, the fight escalated very quickly.

“Ah… Ah….” The sounds of screams would echo from time to time; the killings had already started taking place.

Yuan Feng didn’t move from his place, as he simply didn’t want to partic.i.p.ate in the mad frenzy that was taking place in front of his eyes.

As more and more disciples from the Jiu Yu Da Sect joined the fray, the fighting became ever more intense, and even more violent.

The Jiu Yu Da Sect disciples started to form encirclements around the Stone Giant’s main body, and were trying to protect the largest chunk from the others.

Bi Fan and his companions were very slippery, and very smart. They didn’t indulge in any kind of fights, and continued to scramble for the chunks which had scattered across the field.

As far the center of the battle field was concerned, Bi Fan and his party had no intention of getting involved in that sort of a fight.

The Jiu Yu Da sect was trying to take control of the area where the core of the Stone Giant’s body had fallen, while the other Sects were beginning to surround the Jiu Yu Da Sect. Soon, a fierce battle was initiated between the two sides.

The central region was enveloped in a state of complete chaos, and even though Bi Fan’s party was quite strong, they too weren’t a.s.sured of a safe return, if they entered the area. And they weren’t about to go knocking on Death’s door.

Only a very small chunk of the Giant’s body had scattered to the other parts of the battlefield, which had already been sc.r.a.ped by opportunists like Bi Fan and his party.

Bi Fan made the call: “That’s it, now we fall back!”

“Fall back? Why don’t we go inside and get some more?” Blue Dragon was still quite excited, and didn’t want to miss the opportunity of getting himself some more action.

Just as he said this, the fight between the Jiu Yu Da Sect, and the other factions, intensified further, and a full-scale war started raging at the heart of the battlefield.

Bi Fan smiled: “There’s complete chaos in the center, since everyone is wildly trying to grab the prize. We must take advantage of this and make our exit swiftly, before Gu Feng notices that we are gone.”

w.a.n.g Zhong, and Lone Leaf agreed immediately. Blue Dragon wasn’t very willing, but reluctantly nodded in approval.

The four of them, without any further delays, quickly dash away from the battlefield.

Gu Feng had been watching the four of them from the corner of his eyes. The moment he saw them leave, he realized that he would have to make a decision. He took into account that his party could only go after one of the rewards, and he really didn’t want to give up of the Ogre Flower.

“We already have a few chunks from the Stone Giant’s body, but we don’t have any petals from the Ogre Flower….”

Gu Feng quickly made up his mind, and shouted his renewed orders out, as loudly as he could: “Jian Shen School students… listen to me carefully. We are going to withdraw from this battle; we aren’t going after the Stone Giant’s body anymore.”

No one believed Gu Feng’s words for even a second.

No matter the others, even his own Jian Shen Sect disciples weren’t able to interpret his command: “Brother Gu Feng, why are we retreating? More than half of the Stone Giant’s body is still lying around.”

“I am your senior, so you will have to obey my order. If I say we are leaving, then we are leaving.” Gu Feng retaliated in a cold tone.

Gu Feng led by example, and made his way out. The people who were closest to him, hesitated for a second, but eventually followed him out.

Since Gu Feng and a few others had already left, the remaining Jian Shen disciples found their total strength greatly reduced. They started weighing their chances of success, and eventually decided to follow, the exiting, Gu Feng.

Yuan Feng was left completely baffled once he realized that Gu Feng was actually leaving the battle along with the other Jian Shen disciples.

“What’s up with Gu Feng? This is a bit weird; he was fighting so fiercely for the Stone Giant’s corpse just moments ago, and now he’s leaving…” Bei Ming Hong thought out loud: “Has he suddenly had a change of heart?”

Zi Yan reasoned in a cold voice: “This is Gu Feng we are talking about. There must be something very important at hand; otherwise Gu Feng would never give up like that.”

They all knew Gu Feng well enough to understand that he must be after something else entirely.

However, the Stone Giant’s body was at stake here, which was a ma.s.sive reward in its own accord; so naturally, no one wanted to abandon its pursuit, simply to find out what Gu Feng was up to.

The Jiu Yu Da Sect found its strength greatly weekend, all of a sudden, owing to Jian Shen faction’s departure.

The Sects outside the Jiu Yu Da, shifted gears and escalated the intensity of their challenge further, taking advantage of the situation, and started succeeding in s.n.a.t.c.hing some chucks from the Stone Giant’s carca.s.s.

The sounds of fighting and screams, converged together to form the tune of a funeral song.

The Stone Giant’s corpse had been mostly taken; the ground was dyed in blood; hundreds of souls were bound to dwell in the region for an eternity to come.

At this point, the Jiu Yu Da Sect, just like the others, had suffered very heavy losses.

“Remember this well, the Jiu Yu Da Sect will not forget this.” Bei Ming Hong threatened in a furious rage.

Bei Ming Hong had been stabbed by a sword, right in his b.u.t.tocks. His pants were red with blood. He was barely able to talk, and was mostly just groaning. Lone Leaf was probably going to drop to the floor with laughter, as and when he finds out about this incident.

“The ‘great ’Jiu Yu Da Sect is a cheat; it plots against its own allies. You intentionally let our Brothers die, and then you tried to deprive us of our rewards. We will go out and tell everyone about this. The whole world will hear of this.”

Majority of the disciples present on the scene didn’t belong to any of the Jiu Yu Da Sect schools, and they had all joined hands against them. Combined, they were stronger than the Jiu Yu Da Sect, at the moment, which is why they weren’t afraid of them. Their combined strength had made it impossible for the Jiu Yu Da Sect disciples to resist them.

The two sides had split up in discord, and both sides were blaming each other in a very high unrestrained manner. If things continued to move at this pace, then soon, the two sides would start fighting again. Only this time, there wouldn’t be a settlement; just annihilation.

“This time around, we only managed to get a very small portion of the rewards, bad luck I guess…” A Yuan Shi school disciple muttered.

Indeed, the number of Jiu Yu Da Sect disciples who were present on the scene, were far lesser in number than the combined total of the other factions. They were almost a third of their opposition in terms of number, which is why they hadn’t been able to s.n.a.t.c.h much from the Stone Giant’s corpse.

Yuan Feng said: “Sooner or later, we will get our rewards. I don’t think that they will stick together for long; and once they separate, we will have our chance to take back our rewards.”

“Senior, you’re not suggesting that we….”

“Yes, we will have to do it, and do it fast. And we won’t leave anyone alive to tell the tale; no one will ever find out about this.” Yuan Feng replied in a cold voice.

Yuan Shi Sect wasn’t the only one; the other factions were also preparing themselves to go on a robbery spree. Fowl winds had started blowing, and they were bringing a shower of b.l.o.o.d.y rain with them. A reign of terror was about to envelop the first layer of the Devil’s Abyss.

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