The Skilful Cook

Chapter 51

1 lb. of beef or rump steak.

lb. of bullock"s kidney.


_Method._--Chop the suet finely, mix well with the flour, adding a pinch of salt.

Mix to a paste with cold water.

Roll it out, and line a greased quart-basin, reserving one-third for the cover.

Cut the steak into thin strips, and the kidney into slices.

Mix some pepper and salt on a plate, and season the meat nicely.

Roll each piece of meat round a tiny piece of the fat, and place the rolls and the pieces of kidney in the basin.

Pour in rather more than a quarter of a pint of water.

Roll out the remaining piece of paste.

Wet the edges of that in the basin, lay the cover on, and trim round neatly.

Tie over a well-scalded and floured cloth, and boil for four hours.

Oysters are sometimes put in these puddings; they should be bearded, and the hard white part removed.

A rabbit or veal pudding may be made in the same manner. To these add a quarter of a pound of lean ham or bacon.

Where economy must be studied, less suet may be used in making the crust.

Suet Pudding.

_Ingredients_--1 lb. of flour.

4, 6, or 8 oz. of finely-chopped suet.

A pinch of salt, or, if liked, a teaspoonful of baking powder.

_Method._--Mix the flour and suet lightly together.

Add the salt.

Mix to a stiff paste with cold water.

Then boil in a well-scalded and floured cloth for three hours.

Sultana Pudding.

_Ingredients_--1 lb. of flour.

lb. of finely-chopped suet.

lb. of sultanas.

lb. of castor sugar; or, three ounces of moist sugar.

2 oz. of candied peel.

The grated rind of a lemon.

A pinch of salt.

1 egg.

A little milk.

_Method._--Rub the sultanas in flour and pick off the stalks.

Cut the candied peel in small pieces.

Put all the dry ingredients into a basin, and mix with the egg, well beaten, and a little milk.

Boil in a basin or cloth three hours.

Compote of Rice.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of rice.

lb. of sugar.

1 pint or more of milk.

Vanilla or other flavouring.

_Method._--Boil the rice in the milk, with the sugar, for twenty minutes; if very stiff, add a little more milk or cream.

Flavour with vanilla, and put into a b.u.t.tered mould with a well in the centre.

Any fruit may be put in the middle, when it is served.

If oranges are used, boil 1 gill of water with lb. of lump sugar, until it sticks to a knife like an icicle.

Peel the oranges, and roll them in it.

If apples are used, boil them gently in one pint of water, with lb. of sugar.

When tender, add a little cochineal.

Take the apples out, and reduce the syrup to less than a quarter of a pint.

Roll the apples in it.

Queen Victoria Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of b.u.t.ter.

lb. of castor sugar.

lb. of flour.

2 oz. of chopped peel.

1 oz. of blanched and chopped almonds.

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