The Skilful Cook

Chapter 52

2 tablespoonfuls of brandy.

3 eggs.

_Method._--Put the b.u.t.ter and sugar in a basin.

Cream them well together with a wooden spoon.

Add the yolks of the eggs one by one; then the flour, peel, almonds, and brandy.

Beat the whites of the eggs stiffly, and mix them in lightly.

Put the mixture in a well-b.u.t.tered mould.

Cover with b.u.t.tered paper, and steam for three hours.

Rice Bars.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of rice.

1 pint of milk.

3 oz. of castor sugar.

Yolks of 2 eggs.

A little lemon essence.

1 whole egg.

Some bread-crumbs.

Some red jam.

_Method._--Boil the rice in the milk, with the sugar, for half an hour, gently stirring occasionally.

Then remove from the fire and, when cool, beat in the two yolks, and add the lemon essence.

Then spread on a flat dish to cool.

When quite cold, cut into bars.

Brush over with the beaten egg, and cover with bread-crumbs.

Fry in hot fat until lightly coloured.

There should be an equal number of bars.

Spread one half of them with jam, and lay the others on the top.

Rice Cakes.

Put the rice mixtures when hot into well-greased tartlet tins.

Make a small hole in the middle and put in a little jam.

Cover with some more of the rice mixture and let them get cold.

Then egg and bread-crumb them, and fry in hot fat.

Orange Pudding.

_Ingredients_--The rind and juice of 2 oranges.

2 oz. of cake-crumbs rubbed through a sieve.

2 oz. of castor sugar.

3 eggs.

1 gill of milk or cream.

_Method._--Put the crumbs in a basin, with the sugar.

Add the grated rind of one orange, and the juice of the two.

Beat in the yolks of the three eggs, and add the milk or cream.

Whip the white of one egg to a stiff froth, stir in lightly.

Line a pie-dish with a little good pastry; pour the mixture in.

Bake until set, and of a light brown colour.

Welcome-Guest Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of suet.

lb. of sugar.

lb. of cake-crumbs, or ratafias, rubbed through a sieve.

lb. of bread-crumbs.

The rind and juice of one lemon.

3 eggs, well beaten.

_Method._--Put all the dry ingredients into a basin.

Add the lemon rind and juice, and mix with the eggs.

Put into a well-greased mould.

Cover with b.u.t.tered paper, and steam for two hours.

Creme Frite.

_Ingredients_--1 whole egg.

1 white.

4 yolks.

1 gill of cream.

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