The Skilful Cook

Chapter 65

Then another slice of bread-and-b.u.t.ter and more gooseberries.

Continue in this manner until the dish is full.

Bake gently for one hour.

Gingerbread Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of flour.

lb. of treacle.

lb. of finely chopped suet.

3 teaspoonfuls of ground ginger.

teaspoonful of baking powder.

2 oz. of candied peel.

1 egg.

A little milk.

_Method._--Put the dry ingredients into a basin.

Mix with the egg, well beaten, treacle and milk.

Boil in a greased basin for three hours.

Economical Bread Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of of bread.

lb. of finely-chopped suet.

lb. of currants.

3 oz. of moist sugar.

1 egg.

_Method._--Soak the bread in cold water until soft; squeeze it quite dry.

Beat it up with a fork.

Add to it the suet, sugar, and currants, which should be well washed and dried.

Mix with the egg, well beaten.

Boil in a greased basin for an hour.

Economical Ginger Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of of bread.

lb. of finely-chopped suet.

2 oz. of moist sugar.

2 tablespoonfuls of treacle.

3 teaspoonfuls of ground ginger.

_Method._--Soak the bread in cold water until quite soft.

Squeeze it dry, and beat with a fork until quite fine.

Add the suet, sugar, and ginger, and mix with the treacle.

Boil in a greased basin for an hour.

Economical Fig Pudding.

_Ingredients_-- lb. of of bread.

lb. of finely-chopped suet.

lb. of figs.

1 egg.

3 oz. of moist sugar.

_Method._--Soak the bread in cold water until quite soft.

Squeeze it dry.

Add to it the suet, sugar, and figs, chopped small, and mix with beaten egg.

Boil in a greased basin for one hour.

Economical Lemon Pudding.

Make like preceding recipe, subst.i.tuting the grated rind and juice of two lemons for the figs.

Currant Pudding.

_Ingredients_--3 eggs.

The same weight of sugar, flour, and bread-crumbs.

Suet, currants, minced apples.

A little grated lemon rind.

A little milk.

_Method._--Chop the suet finely, and add to it the sugar, flour, bread-crumbs, minced apple, currants, and grated lemon rind.

Mix with the eggs, well beaten, and a little milk.

Boil in a greased basin for three hours.

Plain Cold Cabinet Pudding.

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