The Skilful Cook

Chapter 66

_Ingredients_--1 tablespoonful of flour.

1 tablespoonful of arrowroot.

1 winegla.s.s of sherry.

A few raisins.

3 stale sponge cakes.

1 pint of milk.

2 oz. of sugar.

_Method._--Put the milk to boil with the sugar.

When boiling, stir in the flour, mixed with a little cold milk.

When it thickens, add the arrowroot, also mixed smoothly with milk.

Boil for three minutes, stirring all the time.

Then add to it the sherry.

Cut the raisins in two and stone them.

Decorate a plain round tin with them.

Break up the cakes and put some pieces in the tin.

Pour in some of the thickened milk, then some more pieces of cake, and more milk.

Continue in this way until the mould is full.

Set it aside until quite cold.

Then turn it out, and serve with jam.

Cornflour Pudding.

_Ingredients_--2 tablespoonfuls of cornflour.

1 pint of milk.

2 tablespoonfuls of castor sugar.

1 egg, if liked.

_Method._--Put the milk on to boil.

Put the cornflour into a pie-dish with the sugar.

Mix smoothly with a little cold milk.

Pour on it the boiling milk, stirring quickly until it thickens.

Add the egg, well beaten, and a little flavouring essence.

Bake in a pie-dish for about thirty minutes.

Swiss Pudding.

_Ingredients_--2 lb. of apples.

lb. of bread-crumbs.

3 oz. of moist sugar.

A little grated lemon rind.

1 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

_Method._--Peel, core, and slice the apples.

Put a layer of them into a b.u.t.tered pie-dish.

Sprinkle them with crumbs, lemon rind, and a little sugar, and put small pieces of b.u.t.ter about them.

Put some pieces of apple on the top; sprinkle them also with crumbs, lemon rind, sugar, and b.u.t.ter.

Continue in the same way until the dish is full.

Bake until the pudding is nicely browned.

For serving, it may be turned out of the dish.

Brown-Bread Pudding.

_Ingredients_--1 loaf of brown bread.

1 gill of double cream.

The rind of 1 lemon.

3 oz. of castor sugar.

1 gill of milk.

4 eggs.

A few drops of essence of vanilla.

_Method._--Remove the crust from the loaf, and rub the crumb through a wire sieve.

Put five ounces of the crumbs into a basin with the sugar and grated lemon rind.

Boil the milk, pour it over the crumbs, and add the vanilla essence.

Whip the cream to a stiff froth, and mix it with the pudding, adding also the yolks of the eggs.

Beat the whites of two eggs to a stiff froth, and stir them in lightly.

Put the mixture into a well-greased mould, and steam for an hour and a half.

Diplomatic Pudding.

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