The Skilful Cook

Chapter 94

_Method._--Pound the pistachios in a mortar, and rub them through a sieve.

Then mix them with the cream.

Add a few drops of vanilla, the sugar, and, last of all, the melted gelatine.

Pour it into a wetted mould.

When set, dip it into hot water for a second or two, and turn carefully on to a gla.s.s dish.

Croquant of Oranges.

_Ingredients_--9 or 10 oranges.

teacupful of melted sweet jelly.

A few pistachio kernels, blanched and chopped.

pint of whipped double cream.

oz. of amber gelatine, or less than oz. of the opaque, melted in a little milk.

2 oz. of castor sugar.

_Method._--Peel and divide six oranges into sections, and carefully remove the white skins.

Dip each piece into the jelly, and line a plain round charlotte Russe tin with them.

Place them to form a star in the bottom of the mould, and fill up any s.p.a.ces with the chopped pistachio kernels.

Add the juice of three oranges to the whipped cream.

Mix in the sugar, and add, last of all, the melted gelatine.

Pour the cream into the tin.

When set, dip the tin in hot water to loosen the pieces of orange, and then turn carefully on to a gla.s.s or silver dish.

Chartreuse de Fruit.

_Ingredients_--Various fruits, such as strawberries, greengages, cherries, peaches, &c.

Some strawberry or other cream.

teacupful of sweet jelly, melted.

_Method._--Line a plain charlotte Russe mould tastefully with slices of the different fruits, dipping each piece in the melted jelly.

Then pour in a strawberry or any other cream (_see_ Strawberry Cream).

When set, dip the mould into very hot water for a second or two to loosen the fruit, and then turn them on to a gla.s.s or silver dish.

Strawberry Charlotte.

_Ingredients_--Some fine ripe strawberries.

Some pistachio kernels, blanched and chopped.

teacupful of melted sweet jelly.

Some strawberry cream.

_Method._--Line a Charlotte Russe mould tastefully with the strawberries cut in half, dipping them in the jelly, and laying them in the tin with the cut side downwards.

Fill the s.p.a.ces with the pistachios.

When the strawberries are quite firm, pour in some strawberry cream (_see_ Strawberry Cream).

When set, dip into very hot water for a second or two to loosen the fruit, and turn on to a gla.s.s or silver dish.

Tipsy Cake.

_Ingredients_--1 large sponge cake.

1 winegla.s.s of sherry.

1 winegla.s.s of brandy.

1 pint custard (_see_ Boiled Custard).

Some blanched almonds.

_Method._--Put the cake on a gla.s.s dish.

Soak it with the sherry and brandy.

Pour over the custard, and stick blanched almonds well over it.


_Ingredients_--1 Savoy cake.

1 pint of double cream.

1 pint of rich custard (_see_ Boiled Custard).

Some strawberry or other jam.

1 winegla.s.s of sherry.

1 winegla.s.s of brandy.

lb. of macaroons.

1 oz. of castor sugar.

6 sponge cakes.

_Method._--Cut the cake into slices an inch thick.

Lay them on the bottom of a gla.s.s dish.

Spread them with jam.

Lay the macaroons on them.

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