The Skilful Cook

Chapter 95

Cover them with sponge cakes.

Soak them with the sherry and brandy, and cover with the custard.

Whip the cream very stiffly with the sugar.

Drain it on a sieve.

Before serving, heap the whip on the top of the trifle.

Decorate it with chopped pistachios, and hundreds and thousands.

Apple Flummery.

_Ingredients_--2 lb. of apples.

The rind and juice of a small lemon.

5 oz. of sugar.

pint of water.

oz. packet of Nelson"s or Swinbourn"s gelatine.

pint of cream.


_Method._--Cut up the apples, and stew them with the sugar, lemon, and water, until tender.

Rub them through a hair sieve.

While the apples are cooking, soak the gelatine in the cream.

Then stir over the fire until the gelatine is quite dissolved.

Add the cream and gelatine to the apple pulp, and beat all well together.

Colour with cochineal, and pour into a wetted mould.

When firm, dip for a second or two into very hot water, and then turn on to a gla.s.s dish.

Apple Cream.

_Ingredients_--2 lb. of apples.

lb. of sugar.

1 gla.s.s of port wine.

The rind of a lemon.

pint of water.

pint of cream or milk.


_Method._--Wash the apples, and cut them into pieces.

Put them into a stewpan with the lemon rind, sugar, wine, and water.

Stew gently until they are quite tender.

Then rub them through a hair sieve, and colour with cochineal.

Boil the cream or milk and add it to the apple pulp.

Beat them thoroughly together, and serve when cold in a gla.s.s dish.

Alpine Snow.

_Ingredients_--1 lb. of apples.

3 oz. of castor sugar.

pint of water.

The thin rind and juice of half a lemon.

The whites of 3 eggs.


_Method._--Wash the apples and cut them in pieces.

Put them in a stewpan with the water, sugar, lemon rind and juice.

Stew gently until quite tender.

Then rub through a hair sieve.

Whip the whites of the eggs.

When the apple pulp is quite cold, add them to it, and beat until the mixture is a stiff froth.

Colour prettily with cochineal, and heap on a gla.s.s dish.

Welsh Custard.

_Ingredients_--2 lb. of apples.

The thin rind of a lemon.

Juice of half a lemon.

3 oz. of castor sugar.

2 teaspoonfuls of ground ginger.

3 whole eggs.

pint of water.

_Method._--Wash and cut up the apples.

Stew them until tender with the sugar, lemon rind and juice, ginger, and water.

Rub them through a hair sieve (there should be about one pint of pulp if the stewing has been very gentle).

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