The Skilful Cook

Chapter 41

A little b.u.t.ter.

_Method._--Lay the mullets on a well-greased baking-sheet.

Moisten them with the port wine and lemon juice, and put little bits of b.u.t.ter about them.

Bake them in a moderate oven until cooked.

Lay them on a hot dish.

Mix the liquor from the mullets with the Genoise sauce, and pour over them.

Red Mullet in Cases.

_Ingredients_--4 red mullets.

1 dozen b.u.t.ton mushrooms.

1 dessertspoonful of finely-chopped parsley.

2 shalots.


Pepper and salt.

Salad oil.

_Method._--Chop the shalots and mushrooms, and mix them with the parsley.

Oil some pieces of foolscap paper.

Lay the mullets on them; sprinkle over them the parsley, mushroom, shalot, lemon juice, pepper and salt.

Fold them in the cases, and cook on a well-greased baking-sheet, in a moderate oven, for about twenty or thirty minutes.

Boiled Whiting.

Fasten the tail in the mouth of each whiting, and lay them on a fish strainer.

Put them into boiling water, with salt in it, and cook them gently for five minutes or more.

Dish on a folded napkin, and garnish with parsley, coral, and cut lemon.

Serve with them _maitre d"hotel_, _Bechamel_, Italian, Genoise, or any other suitable sauce.

Fried Whiting.

_Ingredients_--Some whiting.




Lemon juice.

_Method._--Skin the whiting, and fasten the tail in the mouth.

Dry them well with a cloth.

Egg and bread-crumb them, and fry them in a frying-basket, in hot fat (_see_ French Frying).

Drain them on kitchen paper, and dish on a folded napkin.

Garnish with fried parsley and cut lemon.

_Bechamel_, lobster, shrimp, Italian, Genoise, or any other suitable sauce, may be served with them.

Whiting a l"Italienne.



Pepper and salt.

A little b.u.t.ter.

Italian sauce.

_Method._--Skin and fillet the whiting.

Lay the fillets on a well-b.u.t.tered baking-sheet.

Sprinkle with lemon-juice, pepper and salt, and cover them with b.u.t.tered paper.

Cook them in a moderate oven, from seven to ten minutes.

Dish in a circle, and pour Italian sauce over.

Garnish with truffle and coral.

Whiting a la Genoise.

Prepare the whiting as in preceding receipt, subst.i.tuting Genoise for Italian sauce.

Lobster Cutlets.

_Ingredients_--1 hen lobster.

1 oz. of b.u.t.ter.

1 oz. of flour.

1 gill of cold water.

2 tablespoonfuls of cream.

A few drops of lemon juice.


Pepper and salt.

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