A once ordinary and peaceful town is presently filled with roaring screams.

「Run! Just run!」
「Throw away your luggage, it will only slow you down!」
「I’m begging you, let me on your car!」

Without distinction in the chaos, a crowd of people are trying to escape.
Those who stop will be caught by the thing that is chasing them.
Only death await those who are caught.

「Wait, papa, mama!」

In the crowd, there is lost little girl calling out for her parents, but no one stops to help her.
From behind the little girl, a man who is running away pushes her aside as he runs for his life.

「Out of the way brat!」

No one raised a complaint as she was pushed aside. The man escapes from the sea of people.
However, the heavens didn’t overlook the man’s foul deed.
Suddenly from the back, a red beam pierced through the man’s body.


Not long after the man gave his finally agonizing scream before collapsing on the ground like a puppet that had its strings cut.
On the man’s body is a single scar. His shredded heart slowly stops beating.
The light in the man’s eye disappears; he will never speak another word. It is now a corpse that has lost its spirit.
It can’t be explained by science as its existences defy the very fountain of life.

「Ah, ahh……」

Upon pulling herself up, she is rendered speechless as she witnessed the disaster unfolding before her eyes. By supporting herself with her hand she turns around.
There a transparent hexagonal crystal prism is floating on the lonely highway where people had once stood.
The giant crystal is about the size of an adult male; in the center, there is a dim red orb of light.
The surreal looking object is like a photoshopped picture.
However, that thing is an existence that seeks to destroy them. It is an enemy to the world and humankind.

「N, no……」

The little girl cowers in fear. As if it is scowling at the girl, the red orb inside the crystal begins to move about.

And once again, its death beam begins to shine.

「Someone, save me……!」

No matter how much one prays, in this world, no benevolent G.o.d will save the d.a.m.ned.
However, people need only save one another.


For the sky comes a thunderous roar, a golden tsunami knocks away the crystal that was trying to attack the little girl.


The shock wave causes the girl’s hair to flutter in the air; she raises her head and looks towards the sky for where the light had come.
Above the ground on which the tragedy occurred is the serene blue sky.
Standing there is a lone young boy.
From his shoes are wings that allow him to float; in his hand is a golden sword as bright as the sun.

「An angel?」

She is captivated by his beauty. The boy notices the little girl who is in a daze; he smiles at her and waves.

「Everything will be alright, I’ll protect everyone!」

The boy makes an a.s.suring declaration. As the crystal’s main body still remains, the boy flies to the area around the town.
The little girl sees the golden trail in the sky that appears to be endless.
That boy is not an angel sent by the cruel G.o.d.
He is a great person who has stood up to save humanity.

「A hero……」

The girl and everyone else looking up at the sky knew it.
He is the one who fights humanity’s enemy, a savior of the people.
This is the story of a lone hero out to save the Earth during its time of crisis――not.


Far away from the little girl’s location; a boy with a spear over his shoulder crawls out from among the debris that was created by the golden tsunami.

「Are you trying to kill your own ally!」

The protesting voice doesn’t reach the hero who is flying in the sky nor the people on the ground.
This is, the hidden secret behind the hero, something that wasn’t recorded in the history books; the story of the lone spear user.

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