When Nightin met up with Lancelot at the Peac.o.c.k merchant hall,he patted Lancelot"s shoulder as he said "I know that the past month wasn"t easy for you,tomorrow will be your time to s.h.i.+ne." (Forgot to mention in previous chap about their meeting location)

Lancelot shook his head while telling Nightin "I"m not only doing so for the sect,but to take revenge against the White Ravens as well. The only way I can do so would be to attain Lord."

Right when Nightin was about to comfort Lancelot,a man stepped into the merchant hall exclaiming "What are these two beggars doing here! Is this how the Peac.o.c.k do things,even lowly existences like them can step inside here?"

Nightin"s was able to ignore the criticism of that man,but Lancelot definitely isn"t able to. When the word beggar left the man"s mouth,it reminded him of his dark past,a memory which he didn"t want to recall.

Without even using his speak and keeping it behind his back,he throws a punch towards the man"s face sending him flying backwards.

The man started to wail in pain as he shouted at Nightin and Lancelot "You guys dare to punch me? I"m Ever Gray from the Ever family,you guys are dead for sure! Guards,them take down!"

Two guards clad in iron armor with a iron sword in hand stepped out from behind him as they swing their swords towards Lancelot without hesitation.

Nightin stood at the back without the slightest intention to make a move,those guards may be at the martial master second realm,but he wanted to know where Lancelot current strength lies.

A grin formed on Lancelot"s face as he prepared his spear and got ready for battle,laughing out "Haha,I can finally have a heated match with opponents who are strong enough!"

Eleven spear energies formed in the air before condensing together into one as they enter the spear. Lighting coiled around the spear giving off a vzzt vzzt sound. Swinging his spear towards the two incoming swords,he managed to block the attack without taking a step back as he send the guards backwards a few steps.

At this point of time,a crowd had gathered at the area as they chattered. "Hey, isn"t that Ever Gray from the Ever family?"

"That brat is dead for sure,he actually had the courage to beat up the second master of the Ever family."

"I know right,Ever Gray may only be someone who induldge in the pleasures of life,yet his ident.i.ty is still there after all."

Lancelot looked at the two guards as the two sides started to stare at each other intensely, each wanting to devour the other. Both sides dash towards other for another clash,both going out at full force.

"That"s enough! My merchant hall may be protected by formation arrays,but that doesn"t mean that this is a battleground for you guys!" A sound filled with aura made the crowd go silent as the man stood in the middle of both attacks and deflected them away easily,keeping them rooted to the spot.

The man ignored them as he looked at Nightin "Young lad,I don"t wish to make you my enemy. Not only that,my merchant hall wishes to befriend you as an ally,we can talk about the details in one of the meeting rooms here,follow me."

Staring at Ever Gray,he told him "You sure like to cause troubles for your family, I"ll pay them a visit later on."

Cold sweat started to drip down Every Gray"s face as he fell on the ground,he knows that his father will definitely rip off a skin layer from his this time. Out of all the forces,the Peac.o.c.k merchant hall is a force that even the royals are afraid of and yet he actually offended them.

Nightin look at Lancelot and signalled for him to stay behind as he followed the man inside.

After entering the room,the man cut straight to the chase as he said "I"m the seventh elder of the Peac.o.c.k merchant hall,our hall master informed me to befriend you at all cost,would you perhaps know the reason why?"

Nightin asked the man back in return "Who is your hall master? I don"t remember knowing such a figure."

"Haha haha,my dear nephew from the Gale family,have you forgotten about your dear uncle?" The voice of a man probably in his forties interrupted in.

Nightin sneered at him "Uncle? I"m just a orphan who doesn"t belong to any family. Don"t lump me in with trash like you who abandoned my whole branch just because our talent is lower. Don"t expect me to join back into the main family just because my talent exceeds your expectations either!" At this point,all the pent up anger inside Nightin started to get release towards his uncle.

Should he let him know about the truth? About why his branch was abandoned due to his mother? Jacob Gale his uncle thought to himself before making the determination to tell Nightin the truth. "Do you truly think that our main family will be heartless enough to abandon your father and mother? The only reason they branch out willingly themselves is because they made enemies from four out of the top ten experts on our continent."

Jacob Gale continued "There"s no way your parents will be dead either. With their cultivation talent after tens of years has pa.s.sed,even the top ten experts gathering together won"t be their match. Their current opponents are those of the upper realm."

Nightin heart shook as thoughts started to run wild in his mind. "My parents are still alive. They weren"t abandoned by the family but left themselves. Should I return to the main branch of the Gale family?"

Thoughts were storming in Nightin"s brain as he got down on his knees hugging his head in pain. Nightin asked his uncle "Can I meet my parents?"

Jacob Gale sighed "Your grandparents miss both your parents as well,but there"s no way we can contact them. They have already left this realm,heading towards a cultivation world of a higher level."

Knowing that this might be his only chance to renuite with his parents if he were to join forges with the Gale family,Nightin asked his uncle at this moment "If I"m able to stand at the top of this realm within ten years,will the Gale family a.s.sist me and my sect? The strongest existence who is my grandfather is already a Emperor from what I"ve heard,will he be willing to a.s.sist me?"

Jacob Gale laughed out "Of course he will, that"s the reason I"m here today. From now on as well,the Peac.o.c.k Merchant Hall hundreds of branches around this very continent will be under you. As for our residence, we"ll be able to s.h.i.+ft our current ones to your mountain easily. We"ll meet again three months later at your sect."

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