The hundred and one disciples followed Nightin back as Ayden and Lancelot stood beside him. Anyone person who saw them travel past paid special attention to the three of them at the front and tried to remember their faces. News of them being the champion has already spread far at this point of time.

Upon reaching the sect,everyone was shocked by the immense spiritual energy in the air. Here,their cultivation speed will at least be five times faster than the usual. Not only that,the five foundation building rooms are always being fought for by every disciple after they learnt about its effects.

Nightin told Ayden to follow him to the back of the mountain as no one will find him there. After reaching the area, Nightin took out a demonic blood vine,a extinct plant in this world which he found back then in the old man"s Phoenix cave.

Nightin pa.s.sed the demonic blood vine over to Ayden whole telling him "Swallow it and wait for the effect to come. It may hurt slightly,but the rewards you reap will greatly you in the future."

Ayden took it over as he nodded solemnly telling Nightin "I"ll do my best to not let you down!"

In one swift motion,Ayden swallowed the demonic blood vine. One hour later,Ayden asked Nightin "Sect master, I"m not feeling any changes or pain within my body. I appreciate your effort,but I"ll me taking my leave first if there"s nothing else on.

Right when Ayden stood up,a sharp pain travelled around his body. The sudden pain made him fall on the ground as he wailed in pain. He felt as though as if his blood was all being extracted from him while being forcibly refined back into his body. His bones were all shattering and regrouping themselves once again. His meridians were all being destroyed and replaced by golden coloured ones in place.

While Ayden had sweat dripping down his ashen face,he asked Nightin while struggling "Sect master, how is this just a little bit of pain?"

Before Ayden knew it,the process was finally finished. To his amaze,four hours had already pa.s.sed by at this moment. When he stood up,a stench was coming out from his body in which disgusted the duo of disciple and master. Without Nightin orders,Ayden went to wash himself up before returning to his cultivation residence.

After Ayden returned to his residence, Nightin built up a martial tower on the mountain. The thing which will make his sect stand out from the others is that every single disciple will be able to cultivate the Nirvana technique. A technique of unknown rank with the grade decided by the cultivator based on the number of times they make a breakthrough in this technique.

As for martial skills of other grades,he only placed in four earth rank skills which his uncle had left him that day.

Earth rank:Firmament Slash(Sword)

Earth rank:Cyclone Whirl(Spear)

Earth rank:Seven stars(Bow)

Earth rank:Phantom steps(movement)

With this, his sect had their very first foundation to stand against others. Not only that,his sect will be one step closer to standing at the top of this world.

The next day,in the early morning where most disciples had just finished resting,Nightin gathered everyone at the main hall. Standing before everyone,he started to share with everyone about the new martial tower and the ranks in which disciples will be divided into.

The disciples will be divided into four different grades from lowest to highest: Outer disciple,Inner disciple,Core disciple,Legacy disciple respectively.

Outer disciples will be ent.i.tled to the sect"s unique cultivation technique,the Nirvana Rebirth technique and access to the earth rank martial skill Phantom Steps.

Inner disciples will be ent.i.tled to the above mentioned privileges and are able to choose an additional martial skill from the martial tower.

Core disciples will be ent.i.tled to all the above mentioned privileges and access to four hours of the foundation building room daily. Not only that, they"ll be prioritised for most events including the upcoming middle grade sect tournament.

Legacy disciples will be ent.i.tled to all privileges that are available to the sect,they will be able to represent the sect master in any case if needed. They"ll be prioritised for any cultivation resources as well and can have a sub mountain of their own. The front condition being that they don"t belong under any mountain.

At the moment,only Lancelot and Ayden are legacy disciples while the rest are mere outer disciples at the moment. If they wish to rise up in t.i.tle, it"ll depend on their contribution to the sect through various methods. Such as clearing off bandits or quests on the mission board or contributing items to the sect such as the inner pill of a demon beast etc.

Lancelot"s mountain represented the spear path while Ayden"s mountain represented the path of body tempering. Not only that,the rules on their mountain won"t receive any restriction so long as no deaths are caused.

In the end,seventeen people decided to enter the spear mountain while only four decided to enter the body tempering mountain. The rest remained on the main mountain where they will await the rise of the next legacy disciple or arrival of an elder.

On the mountain of spear path,early morning when the sun had just rise,would be the time they train their spear foundation moves,even Lancelot himself will be present with everyone. In the afternoon, they"ll take a break and cultivate the Nirvana Rebirth Technique and in the evening, they"ll set up to the wild to clear off bandits or fight demon beasts to gain combat experience.

On the mountain or body tempering,they only had one routine besides the cultivation of the Nirvana Rebirth technique at night. They would be pus.h.i.+ng their body to the extreme beyond their limits time and time again. Standing under a waterfall,attacking walls at full force without leaving a scratch on it and only injuring themselves.

Three days has pa.s.sed since then and the average strength of the sect has increased tremendously.

The average cultivation of disciples is already at the fourth realm of the martial apprentice realm while Nightin"s cultivation has stepped into the eighth realm of martial master. Ayden and Lancelot have also made a breakthrough to the martial master realm.

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