The Tiger Within

Chapter 148

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:29:49 PMChapter 148

The sun was still high as Clovis sat in his garden going over papers once again . If it wasn"t for this tendency to work outside, he doubted he would ever truly see sunlight . His normal workload gave him ample time for to relax but now he had to hunt a wife and consider a familiar . Not to mention start finding supporters . So much to do and so many reports to go over .

"Sir have you noticed there seems to be a influx of reports? Normally the market merchants only provide one folder per merchant guild but it seems each merchant provided their own this time . " Vice, Clovis" right hand man offered as he flipped through files . "and most are riddled with mistakes as if they had never written a report before?" he growled and the Prince sighed

"Probably because they haven"t . The guild masters always do the report . It"s odd that they suddenly are not . " Clovis agreed, fairly sure he knew why this was . Only a few people could make something this small so impacting . It was clever and creative and devilishly effective .
"Why don"t you go for a walk and talk to the merchants? You could use the exercise and I can get these files in order for you . " he offered still staring at the papers in his hand . Clovis sighed sitting back in his chair a moment . It would feel nice to move around . Having made up his mind he rose and stretched .

"Thank you . You will be rewarded for your time . I will see what is going on at the guilds . " he agreed leaving the gardens and walking toward the main gate . His sword was by the door and slid into its sheath with ease .

Approaching the gate, he heard arguing that was a bit disconcerting . He could hear the guard and a woman in dispute . With a sigh, he strolled closer listening to their words .

"A escort must be stronger and more skilled than their charge . Beauty Mally is not an escort for a warrior like yourself . " the guard chided . His words were a slight bit smug, but it seemed the woman did not intend to back down .

"I have never needed more of a escort than Mally the last few times I have come and gone . " The woman replied, a familiar voice that spoke with the tone of a patient woman being pushed beyond her tolerances .

"Emperor"s orders . " The guard replied and Kyera sighed turning to the post and lightly thudding her forehead against the wood . He couldn"t help but chuckle at her expression . There was something adorable about her frustration that was heartwarming .

"Well, did the Emperor leave orders if she was the escort and I was the charge?" Clovis piped up, hoping to spare her pretty face the bruise . She turned seeing him and smiled . The guard however looked disturbed, as though he wasn"t sure what to say .

"No Fourth Prince, he did not . " the guard replied reluctantly . Though he knew there were no instructions prohibiting such a arrangement he got the feeling it didn"t fit his a.s.signment . Allowing her to leave with the fairy prince was almost as bad as leaving alone, if not as bad .

"Then it is settled . Kyera I must trouble you to accompany me to town . Afterall, with all the poisoning going on it might be good to have a medic on hand that understands poison . " he explained away any questions that could come up fairly easily . She smiled and ran her hands down the waist of her dress and guided her wintery bangs from her face .

"Then I suppose it is only right I accompany you, Fourth Prince . " she agreed curtsying delicately . The guards stated at her for a moment surprised to hear her so obedient when she had just been arguing with them .

"Good, that settles it . If Father had a question he may voice it to me . I will take the blame . Now move aside . " the Fourth Prince commanded with nod . The guards opened the gate for him and let both Prince and healer through the door .

Kyera and the prince walked together to the stables, just outside the main gate . The trees swaying gently in the breeze . Birds and other creatures making the soft song of the forest come alive . She almost felt at home to her surprise . If only the man next to her was Veroneā€¦

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