The Tiger Within

Chapter 149

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:29:48 PMChapter 149

A stab of pain hit her heart as she thought of him . It only lasted a moment but it was enough . "Thank you, for your help back there . " Kyera spoke first to distract herself . Clovis nodded .

"The Emperor gets overly protective of new talent . You saved the Empress so he feels you are invaluable right now . He will calm a bit when she is back to . . " He paused for a moment, remembering her prediction . "Well more of finds her new normal . " he amended .

Kyera sighed and nodded, she didn"t regret healing the Empress . It was gratifying and beautiful to see her reunited with her grand daughter and the love between their family . A love she had not experienced in a long time . Helping preserve it for a little longer was worth the restrictions .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"It"s only a matter of building her strength now . Any healer worth their salt can manage that . " Kyera pointed out, though she knew that wasn"t exactly true . Not till she figured out what was stopping her from absorbing the energy poured into her .

"True, but he trusted the healers of the palace with her cure . They failed . You, whom he doubted saved her . He trusts you now, I trust you . " Clovis reasoned as he lead the way into the stables, he gathered his horse from his stall . The horse shuffled his hooves a bit nervously and Clovis" eyebrows creased . "Easy boy . Easy . " he whispered leading the horse out . Kyera smiled and purred softly to ease the horse .

"Thank you for your confidence, but I am not permanent . I will leave one day to continue my studies . " Kyera reminded him and Clovis raised a brow .

"You don"t intend on marrying and settling down?" he asked curiously . In his mind, the forest was hardly a place to raise a family . Kyera smiled .

"It is my dream honestly . To have a family I mean . " She replied quietly, but didn"t elaborate . The sad sound of her voice made it sound impossible . His heart ached for her .

"Why does it seem like you don"t believe it will come to be?" he asked, as he finished saddling his horse . Kyera sighed .

"Though our relationship has endured years, I am not sure we will ever get the chance . " Kyera replied shaking her head . Her own chest ached as though her heart would split in two . Saying the words was painful, but the hope still remained . She could be wrong . He raised an eyebrow .

"Years and he has never asked for your hand?" he asked, forgetting to be polite . Kyera nodded .

"nearly 8 years now . " She replied and he blinked at her in amazement . Her words didn"t register at first . She was only in her 20s . It was remarkable to go 4 without a promise being made .

"8 years… what has stopped you?" he asked suddenly intrigued . There was a look in her eyes, a fondness that he yearned for . The sadness was something he felt they both shared . Not quite a broken heart… but an emptiness in their souls .

"We were ripped apart nearly 2 months ago now . " she replied sighing as she mounted the horse she had been provided . He raised an eyebrow .

"Not to be rude, but are you sure that is the only reason? Yes the last two months have been because of this . . . what about the last 4 years?" he asked as they began down the trail .

"I think he was waiting on me . " Kyera replied a bit defensively but even to her own ears it sounded feeble . He let it drop . Even as Prince he had no right to her personal affairs and just cast her a sidelong glance .

Kyera thought about it as they rode . Silence fell between them as she tried to explain away his words . Her heart was uneasy as she swayed in the saddle .

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