The Tiger Within

Chapter 506

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:50 PMChapter 506

The sun was starting to move lower in the sky as the sound of thunder gently caressed the ears . From the sound of it, the frozen doom Kyera had warned them about was well on its way .  Melania tied the last strap over the small mound of rabbit, fox, and deer she had managed to gather . None of them were trophy kills, but they were plump from binge feeding before hibernation . Each shot was perfectly clean, and the organs carefully removed from the chest cavity . Now instead, each animal was stuffed with snow to keep the meat while she continued her hunt .

She wiped the sweat from her brow and pet the lovely ash colored wolf as she looked at the clouds . Her white breath curling like smoke from her lungs . "We should head back . The snow will only get heavier . " She sighed looking at her kills . It was probably not enough to win, but it was something at least . A wistful sadness p.r.i.c.ked her heart as she realized Damar would probably be disappointed . Her hunting was the only thing he had seemed proud of . . but this was not much of a hunt . Unfamiliar landscape, and the snow made it hard to track for someone who was use to the warm earthen jungles to the white wilds .
The wolf pushed its head into her hand, asking for more petting . She chuckled and obliged her, but then her ears p.r.i.c.ked and she glanced away from them . Melania could hear a faint scream and the sound of a wolf howl . "That doesn"t sound good . " She jumped onto the sled, unaware that her two capable counterparts had done the same at the exact same moment . All of them responding to the blood curdling sounds .

"Ashara…" She asked and the wolf bolted in the direction of the scream . Melania pulled her bow and notched it, using her core body to stay stable as the sled rocked along beneath her . Every hair on the back of her neck stood on end as she neared the scream .

What she found when they burst into the clearing by the river bank made her feel speechless . A large white bear with frosted blue tips to its fur was roaring with anger . Two arrows protruded from the s.p.a.ce behind its shoulder blades, blood pouring down it"s back as it roared in agony . Melania felt the anguish of the bear"s pain, especially when she saw the bloodied cub hiding behind its mother"s back . It had a arrow wound in its side, but it appeared to be only a glancing blow . It was clear the mother was not so lucky, and yet she was trying desperately to attack the woman clinging to the center of three trees .

The trees grew just close enough that the mother bear could not force her great paws between the trunks . Melania wished for a moment it could, the Cub"s pained whimpers were enough for her to wish death on the hunter . Just as she struggled with what to do, a second form on a crimson wolf dashed over her head . Kyera and her wolf landed and gained the bear"s attention .

"Shhhh Mama… shhh…" Kyera spoke quickly and in gentle tones . Her voice then turned to a language Melania had heard bits and pieces of before . Normally a few guards spoke similarly as they pa.s.sed off her or the children"s care . soon the bear turned and seemed to quiet, Melania"s bow still quivered with the concealed power of its arrow . The bear noticed her and growled rearing at Kyera who cried out in fear and wrapped her arms around her waist . As she did the bear stopped, having nearly batted Kyera away with its paw . The mothers eyes were trained on Melania .

Knowing instantly what to do, Melania tossed her bow away despite screams from the tree . It was clear the other hunter demanded this bear"s life but Melania did not intend to slaughter a mother with Cubs . There were some things even a hunter should not do . The bear roared again, but it was softer and the eyes seemed grateful . The animal did not want to become a beast .

"Melania, deal with Feya . I need to heal this pair . " Kyera called as she rose to her feet . She began working her hands over the Cub"s side before Melania could think to move .

She regained her senses and walked over to Feya who was struggling to free herself of the trees vines . The thick ropes seemed to wrap around her tighter as she tried to free herself . If Melania hadn"t known it was impossible, she would say the vine was stubborn and refusing to release her . Then again how could a vine have a mind of its own? She grabbed her sister in laws hand and jerked her free .

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