The Tiger Within

Chapter 507

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:49 PMChapter 507

"What mess did you get yourself into? Did you stumble too close to the cave?" Melania demanded harshly . There was so much annoyance in her voice that Feya flinched . For a split second Melania felt sorry for the pale faced girl .

Feyas skin was pale as ice, her hair a tangled messy, disarray and her dress was missing part of the skirt . She looked as though she had been . . well mauled by a bear . There were even cuts on her face and arm from the vine thorns . She looked pitiful, but Melania also remembered the sad cries of the bear cub who had done nothing to deserve its pain .

"Kill it, Melania . The big one . We could take it back together . With it no one could beat us . " Feya told her softly, her voice barely a whisper . Melania raised a brow as things fell together in her head . Suddenly, she turned around and picked up Feya"s bow and arrows .
"I will carry these back for you . " Melania rea.s.sured her before walking over to see Kyera who was tending the mother bear . "How is she?" Melania asked looking at the bear"s back where it was laying . Kyera however was sitting on its lower back so she could reach the b.l.o.o.d.y wounds .

"She will be okay . I can"t believe Feya shot at a Ursa Superior . These bears are deadly even to hunting parties . If you don"t touch them they dont touch you . " Kyera ranted as she focused her energy into the wound . The majority of the wound was already healing from the inside out .

Melania jumped as a small nose sniffed her legs . She turned to see the wolf standing there, looking up at her in concern . A pretty laugh was followed by kneeling down and petting Ashara vigorously . The wolf"s tail thumped the ground a few times to show her obvious enjoyment . Kyera watched curiously noticing a bond forming .

"I think she likes you . " Kyera commented with a bit of a chuckle . She was starting to feel weak and the bear was almost fully healed .

"I have enjoyed hunting with Ashara . " Melania replied and Kyera raised a brow . She knew these wolves didn"t have names . Yet… this wolf seemed to enjoy the t.i.tle and love she was getting from Melania .

A fourth wolf sled dashed into site . Lalia was looking like she was in her element . There was blood on her dress from skinning, and she had let her hair down at some point so it flowed down her back . She looked happy and excited right up until she noticed the Ursa Superior . Then her eyes bugged out as she pulled the wolf to a stop .

"Ferran heel . " Lalia called out and the wolf turned, stopping the sled and herself . "Thank you old friend . "

"What did Feya do?" Lalia demanded turning her attention away from the wolf .

"Why do you a.s.sume I did something wrong?" Feya demanded rather offended but all three Princess looked at her with disdain .

"I don"t know, maybe because Kyera and I know better than to to after a Ursa Superior with or without a cub . " Melania replied with a bit of distaste in her tone . She took offense to that question and it was clear in her eyes she was angered .

"Feya to be fair, it is Always you . " Lalia pointed out, shooting a glare at Feya that could stop a Ursa Superior in their tracks .

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