The Tiger Within

Chapter 519

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:35 PMChapter 519

The Forest Gate Royal Gardens

The sunlight filtered through the trees and cast a shady light on the tea table . It was three chairs long on either side with two at the short ends of the table . Laid out across the center were rice b.a.l.l.s, little sandwiches, cookies, and cakes of all types . There were also two separate tea pots, each with a different but pleasant aroma that filled the air .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntSitting at the table were the twins Nathaniel and Daniel, both seeming a little impatient as they watched the gates . They hadn"t wanted to start serving the tea until everyone was here . Little Drynala, and her nanny were already present and playing with a little doll . Keen was sitting at the end of the table sneaking snacks when the Twins were supposedly not looking . To be honest, they saw it all . However, it was easier to let him be a little thief than correct him . Afterall, his nanny would just chide them should they try and correct him .

"Why must we wait for her? She probably won"t even come . She left remember? She doesn"t want to be part of this family and good riddance . " Keen whined, he was eyeing the chocolate and raspberry concoction that was just out of his reach . There was no way to sneak that one, and the brothers wouldn"t let him get away with that anyway . It would be too brazen .

"We can wait a few more moments . " Nathaniel replied, but he shared a look with his brother . They both knew it was a long shot that Raina would join them . She had never really felt like part of the family, at least not till she was gone . The brothers had forgotten how unbearable Keen could be by himself, and Raina had been a breath of fresh air . As much as they liked little Dryn, she was still a toddler and they had to spend more time looking after her than enjoying her company .

"If the sundial moves to the 4th mark we will begin the meal without her . " Daniel agreed, it was nearly at the mark anyway, but they had hope . Just then, they heard a lady"s laughter .

Coming to the shirt wooden gate, was a girl just under under Daniel"s height . Her long black hair was tied back into a high, neat ponytail so the strands curled and waved down her back . Her bangs were swept out of her blue eyes and the dress she was wearing… wasn"t a dress at all . It was a formal outfit, consisting of a high front dress tapering to the ground behind her . The front itself turned into more puffy shorts peeking out from under the dress . It was made for playing, but the delicate sword at her side made it clear this was a sparring outfit .

Daniel stood and pulled the chair out on his left, across from Drynala for Raina to take her seat . She flashed him a confident grin . "Sorry, I am late . I was not informed of tea until just a moment ago . " Raina apologized, smoothing her dress down as she sat . "Thank you, Prince Daniel . " She spoke carefully and with all the formal training she had been given . Daxin would have been proud of his prized pupil .

"Not at all, welcome Princess Raina . We are pleased you chose to join us . " Nathaniel offered with a friendly grin . He had yet to see his cousin like this and would have been lying if he said she wasn"t adorable .

"Well, you are late . That is bad manners all around . Yet, nothing more than we expect from you . " Keen told her, his words sounded kind, but in a mocking way . He had always been able to reduce her to sheepish whispers or tears . Keen saw no reason now should be any different . He was still bigger and therefore better than her .

"Bad manners is to hold the past against the present . It is true I was often late in the mornings but I was weak and sickly . Surely you can not hold such things against me even now . " Raina asked, casting her eyes down in a heart wrenching way . He suddenly felt a little ashamed for a moment .

"No one holds it against you, Raina . Let us enjoy the tea, shall we?" Nathaniel shot a glance at Keen who ran a hand through his hair a bit nervously . Raina"s attention was drawn to the little girl across from her and her eyes lit up .

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