The Tiger Within

Chapter 520

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:34 PMChapter 520

"HMMM who might you be?" She asked the little girl in her sweetest voice . The toddler smiled at her bashfully .

"I three . " The child replied proudly, raising up three fingers . Raina chuckled .

"She asked who not how old you are, dim wit . " Keen laughed a bit coldly and the child"s bright expression dimmed . Fire lit in Raina"s heart as she saw her own broken hearted past in the child"s eyes . She turned her fire on Keen .

"Don"t pay him any attention . What is your name, little one?" Raina snubbed him still focusing on coaxing the child .
"Dryn . " She replied softly and Raina carefully poured a small cup of tea for Nathaniel, and Daniel before turning to pour a tiny cup for Dryn . Seeing how she was the eldest girl, she began doing what she would do in Shadow Veil . Afterall, Mommy had always poured the tea for Grandpa, uncle Mordrin, and daddy in Shadow Veil . However, she didn"t pour a cup for Keen who shot her a look .

"You missed my cup . " Keen tried to demand but Raina set the pot down and took her seat .

"No, I was taught not to reward bad manners with respect . " Raina replied as she took a tiny sandwich and little lemon cake off the table for herself . "Remember to blow on the tea, Drynala . " Raina added with a kindly tone . This would be good practice for her baby sibling .

"I must say, you have grown up quite a bit in the last few months… it"s been nearly a year . You should be turning 8 here soon… shouldn"t you?" Nathaniel asked smiling a bit smuggly . He couldn"t help but he overjoyed by the way Raina put Keen in his place .

"Yes, next month . Mommy, Daddy, and I will be going to the Festival for it . " Raina replied a bit  excitedly, she was careful to keep that excitement contained but she was still a child and her face glowed with antic.i.p.ation .

"Festival?" Daniel asked, and Raina couldn"t help but smile . She had missed the twins obvious patterns . One speaks then the other and both following the other"s mind . It was much like the Storm Twins .

"Yes, my birthday falls near the harvest festival in the Frost Lands . We are going to go visit the Frost Royals so I can hear the Zither Masters . " Raina explained honestly unaware of the response this would get not only from her cousins but their Nannies .

"You mustn"t tell lies . " Nanny Tae chided her, while laying a napkin out for Keen who disregarded it anyway .

"I am not lying . Mommy said she would take me . " Raina replied calmly, her heart was a little uncomfortable being called a liar . Grandpa said there was nothing worse than to be a Liar and a cheat because these things led to greater evils such as murder and dishonor . Raina knew she was young, and still learning but she knew lies were not okay .

"That woman apparently taught you to talk back as well . " The Nanny replied dismissively and the twins looked at eachother . Then to the bird on the tree near them . Nathaniel wiped his mouth and put his napkin on his plate . The bird took flight .

"Kyera is my mother . Not "That woman" and she is a Princess and should be addressed as such . " Raina replied her voice sharp as she glared at the older woman, her expression clearly intimidating .

"She is nothing more than a forest peasant who snuggled up to your Aunt"s husband like a harlot . " Nanny Tae replied sharply .

"You are wrong, Nanny Tae . Smart people do not speak on subjects they do not understand . " Raina replied curtly .

"How dare you . The First house of The Frost Forest does not recognize that creature as part of our family then she is NOT Clovis" wife . Stop dreaming child . " Demanded Nanny Tae with a glare . She was infuriated that this weak brat would try to stand up to her . She was nothing but a ant to be squished under Empress Kera"s heel . The child didn"t back down, and turned back to finish her sweet . "As I thought . About time you behaved like a child, you motherless brat . "

Raina didn"t even flinch . She unhurriedly wiped her lips with her napkin as Daniel stared at the Nanny . "That is too far, Nanny Tae . You should not speak that way . " Nathaniel told her angrily . Both twins stood up from the table .

"You two sit down and eat your meal . Your father released hour nanny too soon . Both of you could use a swift tanning of the hide . " Nanny Tae replied, her anger making her forget who she was talking to . The tension in the air quickly warned her to turn around .

Standing at the gate, was a tall man with black hair and green eyes built like a warrior from head to toe . There was a dark aura filled oppression seeming to drift off of him .

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