The Tiger Within

Chapter 528

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:26 PMChapter 528

********* Dear Readers, this is the promised excerpt from the past . Our normal story line is paused for a couple days to bring you this . I am having writer"s block on the main story but I still wanted to post something this week . ********

The horses neighed and tossed their mains as they came back to the city of their birth . The soldiers had been at battle for five years . They had been tirelessly defending the border, and pushing back the scourge at the edge of the desert sands . Damar pat Sylo"s neck gently and the old tan stallion tossed his mane . The scars on the horse"s neck were marks from this warr, and the eyepatch over one once sapphire blue eye was another marr to the perfect creature .

Happy and smiling faces, children cheering the return of the soldiers, and their fathers made him think . Damar remembered the day he married her . Five years… he had been married five years and his wife had been alone for all but one day of it . He couldn"t help but sigh and rub the back of his neck .
Damar could imagine the h.e.l.l fire that awaited him . She would no doubt feel she was scorned, and wronged . Then again, he could not really blame her for feeling that way . She had been a rose in her youth, barely fifteen when they had wed, and had only met twice for tea before that . She had been alone and the G.o.ds only knew what his family had done to her . He had left Ben to protect her . He was a good man, good at handling mother and keeping eyes on servants . Hopefully he had been able to protect her . Her… . By G.o.ds he couldn"t remember her name .

This thought lingered in his mind, almost hauntingly . There was a sensation of guilt as he pa.s.sed into the courtyard . How had he forgotten her name? While he mentally berated himself he road into the palace yard he didn"t expect to be greeted by any but his stable hands . He stopped the horse and jumped down rubbing the back of his neck and glancing at the steps .

The courtyard was well kept, and it seemed most of the servants were about their daily duties . He couldn"t be too upset, after all he had been gone so long they weren"t expecting him for at least another week .

He handed the reins to the man next to him . "I need to go greet my wife . Can you settle the men?" He asked Fior his second in command . The young man chuckled and nodded .

"You mean meet your bride?" He asked hoping to keep it light but the look on his captain"s face stopped any further words in his throat . Damar sighed and looked away but pressure on his shoulder drew his eyes back .

"Even from the darkest soil the most beautiful of rose can grow . " He advised Damar and the Third Prince just shook his head .

"We will see . " Damar replied before turning to walk inside . He proceeded to the central garden, a beautiful s.p.a.ce with open air surrounded by the pristine walls of the palace . The fines were well groomed to his preferences and every plant, tree, and flower was expertly tended . Overall it was as though he had never left .

As he pa.s.sed through besides the familiar pond he saw a woman there kneeling at the water"s edge . Long dark hair pulled back into a long braid down her back . She was dressed simply and beautifully . The perfect servant drawing water from the pond .

"Miss, where is the lady of the house?" He asked her . The moment the words left his lips and she looked up at him he wished he could take the words back . There, kneeling at the water"s edge was his wife . Those beautiful eyes… the only thing he had remembered the long nights away . Her expression was saddened but he knew she remembered him . The heat of embarra.s.sment traveled up his spine with a vengeance . He coughed slightly, awkwardly as his lady wife stood from the pond . She smoothed her dress and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear .

She greeted him without hesitation . A curtsey and soft smile before taking his hand . Her fingers were delicate and warm as they held his calloused palm lightly . It was a simple form of contact, the most formal of the greetings between a husband and wife . It stung a little but he accepted it and took her hand, raising it to place a kiss to the back of it . Her scent replaced the blood and dirt of the battlefield . "Melania . " He whispered, remembering her name and she offered a smile .

"Damar . " She replied in the same hushed tone . "Welcome home, and congratulations on your Victory, My Prince . "

The guilt was there again . This was their home, and yet she had lived here alone . The kindness in her eyes wasn"t fake, he had spent enough time with people who hid their true intentions to be fooled . This woman truly cared for him . How, he had no idea .

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