The Tiger Within

Chapter 548

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:07 PMChapter 548

The sunrise found the main palace abuzz with activity . Like a swarm of bees, each busy with it"s own little task for the upcoming ball . House maids running around to gather last minute accessories and lead dress designers to their Princesses . Among them was a woman demanding to know where Princess Kyera was afterall, she dressed all the royals . No one, however, told Kyera that .

Currently, the Fourth Princess was in the village with three of her guards .  A familiar side of the market, where she had been several times before . It was almost empty, a ghost town here . Almost everyone had gone when the Darkness fell . However, one blind old woman, and her grand daughter had refused to leave . Kyera knocked on the door, surprised to see the old woman not in her favorite place beside it .

Ella Von opened the door and grinned from ear to ear seeing Kyera . "I thought you didn"t need my services today . " Ella commented opening the door for Kyera to walk in . The princess and her guards came inside .
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"I don"t need your services, Ella I need one of your best armors . " Kyera replied "I need a genuine Ella Von Masterpiece . " The mouse girl looked a bit surprised .

"I have a leather and lace gown that might do . " Ella offered and Kyera shook her head . The seamstress was completely confused .

"Ella, I need to meet these women on their turf today . I need to look like a Empress, not a general . " Kyera replied and Ella"s eyes widened at the thought . There was suddenly all manner of excitement in the girls eyes as she giggled with glee .

"You will be amazing . " Ella replied leading Kyera to the back room, but closing the door In her guards face . "No one will see my work till it is complete . " She orders them . The guards waited patiently outside . Talis looked at Lazren then at the door . Neither of them nor the woman guard with them knew what to think of the noises they heard in the back room . Swishing, fl.u.s.tered murmurs, "oh hold still" spoken several times and eventually six hours pa.s.sed .


Clovis and Raina stood side by side in the ballroom . It was tradition for the Princesses to enter alone, with the fur of their biggest kill draped over their arm . The problem was, normally the Princesses were at least seen by their husbands before the ball, yet Kyera had been missing since they went to bed last night . The royal tailor hadn"t seen her either .

Raina held her polite pose, she still had her sword attached to a delicate leather belt . The pretty dress she wore swishes with her movements and hid the sword in its ruffles . "Mommy will be here soon, right?"  She asked with a tense smile and Clovis nodded .

"Yes . She will be . Remember to stay close to me and Kan . " Clovis reminded her and the tiger at her side looked up at him with a lazy contemplation . Did this man seriously think he was going to let this Princess out of his site?

"Yes, Daddy . " Raina agreed as they walked into the venue . The servants had decorated with Mark"s of the hunt . There were bows, arrows and spears on the walls . Great masters had painted depictions of the great hunts of old to be hung at this very occasion . Everyone was lavishly dressed . It was beautiful .

Raina spotted Mordakai before her father, and walked directly toward him . She couldn"t help but run the last few steps and hug his legs . Mordakai chuckled and hugged her back .

"My my, you have grown a bit Princess . Such a pretty doll . " Mordakai greeted and Raina beamed with delight at the praise .

"Welcome to the Kingdom of the Forest Gate, Lord Shadow Veil . " Raina greeted more formally, sweeping an elegant curtsey . He bowed at the waist for him .

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