The Tiger Within

Chapter 549

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:06 PMChapter 549

"There is someone who wants to see you, Raina . " Mordakai smiled as he offered her his arm . Raina smiled and took his arm with a brilliant smile . She could stand straight and proud between her father and The Shadow Veil King .

He led her not far away, to where Vella and Mordrin were speaking with a old man dressed in a flamboyant colored cloak . Bright vivid colors and a tea cup on his belt . He saw the Princess and smiled, she could see the scar that ran across one eye and disappeared behind his hair . The old man moved aside and Raina was confused for but a moment . Then her eyes widened and she ran to the woman .

Evelyn was dressed beautifully and sitting in her chair, being greeted by Matriarch Crystalsa who seemed more than happy to get ot know one another . Both women looked up as Raina threw her arms around her grandmother"s neck around the side of the chair .
"Grandmother, your here . " Raina greeted her with a bright smile, she kissed her grandmother"s cheek . Evelyn laughed and smiled at her .

"Yes, Yes I am Raina darling . I told you I would be here after I saw Shaman HalfEye . " Evelyn replied with a rather wide smile . Shaman Half Eye walked over and smiled at the child .

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"I have heard a lot about you, Princess Raina . I am Shaman Half Eye, Lady Kyera"s guardian . " Shaman HalfEye introduced himself and swept a bow . The beautiful colors of his cloak shimmering in the candle light .

"Pleasure to meet you, Shaman Halfeye, but you don"t need to guard my Mommy anymore . She has me and Daddy for that . " She replies rather sure of herself . The onlookers laughed at Raina"s simple words . It was clear the child was not willing to let anyone take on the position of protecting her Mommy .

"No,I am not here to take that responsibility dear child . , I am simply here to take care of your Grandma until she gets better, and to be here when your baby sibling is born . Just in case Cora needs help delivering the baby safely . " Shaman Half Eye replied with a smile . He knew she was right . Princess Kyera didn"t need him anymore, but he wondered if Raina realized that her mother was more a warrior than a housewife .

"Good, now Grandmother, how are you feeling?" Rania asked and Evelyn smiled

"Very well actually, but I have a surprise for you . The reason I stayed behind to wait for Shaman Half Eye . " Evelyn replied as she slowly smoothed her dress over her lap . Raina smiled and tilted her head .

"What"s that Grandmother?" Raina asked stepping back . The once proud Empress put her hands on the sides of her seat . Eve took a deep breath, letting out that breath slowly as she carefully pulled herself to her feet . The purple fabric swirled around her as Evelyn took two slow steps away from the chair . Raina giggled and squealed, seeing her grandmother stand . She ran to her Father and The Emperor who were engaged in polite conversation and drug them over .

"Come you must see!" Raina pulled them over to see Evelyn standing, one hand lightly resting on Mordakai"s arm for balance as she saw them walk over . The Emperor"s mouth fell open as he saw the site he never expected to see again . Clovis smiled looking at Shaman HalfEye he nodded .

"Evie . . " The Emperor greeted her reaching to take her hand but she avoided it . Mordakai frowned at him, the fact that she was leaning on him was the only way she was staying on her feet steadily .

"I"m sorry, but I believe I told you to never call me that again . " Evelyn replied smoothing her dress with her hand . The white lace smoothed under her hands . He looked down a bit embarra.s.sed by his once loyal, loving wife"s cold tone . It was clear the woman had no intention of being that wife again .

"I am so glad to see you back on your feet mother . " Clovis hugged her gently . He had no intention of letting his father cause issues for his mother . Not this time . There were people to protect her now .

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