The Tiger Within

Chapter 226

She smiled at him. "You are very balanced. Though you are not perfect in your fighting, you can command your men with acute precision. Your cool and collected about affairs of the the Empire but when it comes to your family and your people you are compa.s.sionate and calming." Kyera explained as she glanced out the window remembering all the little things she had seen since entering the palace. Both as Kyera and as Moon the tigress.

Prince Clovis watched her, bewildered as this woman whom he had barely paid more attention to her than as a teacher of his daughter defined him. For some reason this didn"t feel like being dressed down but instead he felt as though she was laying him bare before them both. It was oddly entrancing as she continued to speak. His eyes looking into hers, half expecting to see amus.e.m.e.nt or a jesting mockery there. Yet there was neither.

"You focus on your duty but you do not neglect your family. Some would call you weak, but they do not understand family helps you build compa.s.sion and understanding. If you truly see yourself as weaker than your brothers, nothing I say will matter but hear this: do not push those thoughts on me." She replies calmly, but her eyes lit with fire.

Clovis sat quietly trying to digest what she had said and formulate some sort of answer. However, he found no words to say that didn"t sound calloused or as though he was fishing for compliments. All he could do was wonder why this lady saw so clearly what he himself had never noticed.


The Palace of Dancing Winds

Raina was waiting patiently for her father"s coach to arrive. She had rather enjoyed the nice long ride with her uncle. The child was jittery with excitement to see them and tell them about her exciting ride. Prince Alexi had even allowed her to take the reins and gallop with him, granted she wasn"t sure if she would share that little bit of information. A secret between her and uncle perhaps? One of many, at least she could hope so.

The carriage rolled into view, slower than she would have hoped. As it glided to a stop she held herself as a princess should, tall and straight but with her head slightly bowed to show her obedience. The guard opened the door to the carriage and offered a hand, expecting the lady to come to the carriage door first. However, Clovis sighed seeing that she was lost in thought, he cleared his throat.

"Shall we disembark, My Lady?" Clovis asked quietly.

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