The Tiger Within

Chapter 23

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:53 PMChapter 23

That single word sent chills down kyera"s spine . Put from her body a heavy, invisible presence like icy fog filled with pain and hatred blanketed the area . The oppression was stifling even though it was only aimed at Bina, everyone could feel it . Kyera didn"t move, her eyes were focused at the ground, her hands curled into tight fists as she trembled .

Bina saw this as her body racked with guilt . Self hatred and self loathing pouring from her and projecting onto the others . She took a step forward as if triumphant and made brave by it . Afterall, the Mighty Tiger Princess was in the wrong this time . Everyone would see her true colors . Kyera would no longer enjoy the perpetually perfect pedestal the elders provider her .

Little did she know how close Kyera was to clawing her throat out .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntKyera"s eyes raised to meet Binas . However before she could speak two men stepped up next to her . On one side was Verone who had been shopping for knives down the way . On the other was a middle aged man Kyera knew as Daxin . A Wolf shifter, the head of his clan powerful and dignified .

"That is a very heavy word, Jackle Woman . You better have a good reason to use it . " Daxin"s voice was smooth and relaxed, but edged with a subtle warning . Kyera was n.o.ble and after all she had been through… that charge was as ridiculous as it was serious . The Last Traitor of the Jungle Law took her family"s life .

"I have more than enough reason, Wolf Elder Daxin . She murdered my brother in cold blood, in defense of the human sc.u.m . " Bina leveled her charges at Kyera who had relaxed enough to look up and stand serene now . She reminded herself to remain a leader, drawing on her eldest brother"s teachings . Sound mind sound body, think then speak .

"Is that true, Kyera?" Daxin asked, a edge of uncertainty in his heart . As good as Kyera was, she held the blood of Revina…

Revina was Kyera"s mother, wife of the shadows . She bore 5 children, 4 sons and a daughter . Unhappy with her life among the trees, Revina had sought happiness at the side of humans . Draped in jewels and sleeping on silken pillows, turning her back of Shifters for the sake of humans .

"It is…" Kyera trailed off as her eyes searched the crowd . Without anyone else realizing it, she was counting the elder"s in the clearing . Just as she suspected, Bina had decided to launch her campaign when the majority of the elders were shopping . Each one of the 13 present were staring at them . She smiled behind her mask of dignity . "true that I fought with your brother, shortly before he died in order to protect a human girl . " her words were carefully crafted . Now to see if she would take the bait or stand down .

Bina growled, tears gathering in her eyes . "You beast, you can"t even admit you killed him . " she barked at Kyera who gave her a glance of warning . The elders faces shifted emotions as did the crowd . No one understood what she meant and their imaginations were running wild despite their heads reminding them that it was Kyera, she must have had a reason .

Some older Shifters remembered Revina however, and were quicker to judge the tiger than the others . Phrases were being pa.s.sed around from numerous lips .

"like mother like daughter?"

"What did you expect?"

"traitor isn"t far off . "

And as these statements were circulating, Daxin turned to Kyera . His eyebrow raises . Unlike everyone else, he had heard her clearly . She had deliberately left out the details and he recognized the rope she was loosely looping around Bina"s neck . * kyera smiled at her old friend .

"However, it was not I who broke the Laws, but him who you seek justice for . " Kyera replied just loud enough for all to hear . Everyone fell quiet and looked to her . No one was sure what was going on .

"Shamless! Blaming the victim who can not defend himself because you took his life!" Bina howled in anger .

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