The Tiger Within

Chapter 50

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:26 PMChapter 50

Talis yelped in pain as Verone"s hand met the back of his skull none too gently . Instantly his hand moved to protect the now tender skin . In reality the hit wasn"t hard, it was a warning and Talis wasn"t too sure what it meant . He looked up, meeting Verone"s eyes to see he had hit a nerve .

"What was that for!" Talis demanded rubbing his hand over his scalp now . The two brothers glared at each other .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"She is your teacher, I expect you to treat her with respect . " Verone reminded him and Talis bit the inside of his lips, eyes narrowing as he looked Verone over for a moment wondering if he realized how that sounded . He arched an eyebrow asking a silent question . However, his brother"s eyes dared him to speak the question aloud .

"And you are her student too…" Talis replied and Kyera shook her head raising a hand .

"Verone was originally my equal, we are training partners . Technically you are my first true "student" . I have trained many but i"ve never made the decision as to what they were going into so your a first . " Kyera replied, correcting him and soothing Verone at the same time . If the two boys got into a measuring contest, she didn"t want to be in the area for it . Hearing this, Talis reluctantly agreed, turning her attention back to Kyera, eyes glittering with expectancy .

"So . . . What am I going to be trained as?" He asked again since the question had already been raised . Kyera chuckled at how quickly his mood changed, like a kitten with ocd .

"I think it"s best you join me as a Scout . You located the traps well, and your cautious . Your inability to pay attention to one thing for more than half a breath will do you well as you won"t get caught on some detail and miss a trap that was inches away . You just need to learn how to use it . " Kyera replied sitting up and running her hands through her long hair . It felt like silk caressing her fingers . Verone smiled .

"So you are saying I have a natural talent?" Talis asked with a grin . He sat up as well, not wanting to be caught on his back if she decided it was time for a impromptu skill check . Kyera didn"t have one planned at least that"s how it seemed . Afterall, very seldom does a skill check occur when the student is expecting it .

"Yes, but you have to work on your confidence, and learn to guide your quick moving mind to focus on searching for traps . You will still learn hand to hand combat and some form of range combat . I will leave range in the capable hands of your brother . My whip is as close to long range as I get . " Kyera replied with a shrug . Which was partially true . She didn"t use a ranged weapon . She had no idea to learn such a tedious skill when she had the shadows to do her bidding at a distance .

"Okay when do we start?" Talis asked his excitement clear in both eyes and voice . Kyera laughed wondering if he would be so excited tomorrow . Would he be so eager after he has to go through one of her training sessions? Only time would tell .

Before Kyera could speak, Verone stood up and offered her a hand . She took it and found herself on her feet, their arms the only thing between their chests . A grin pulled at both their lips and their eyes met and held for several long moments . The soft cough from the younger brother queing the pair to step back, putting a bit of distance between them .

"So . . Yea it won"t be happening tonight . We need to head back, it"s getting close to daylight . " Verone replied a slight hint of red on his ears . Kyera smiles and nods, her eyes moving to the sky .

"Let"s head home . " Kyera agreed, and took a few steps back before grinning at the pair pulling herself up to full height . She winked before dashing forward, her body blurring and changing shape . The boys followed both turning to tigers to run with her toward the village . Little did they know this would be the last time all three would head for home together .

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