The Tiger Within

Chapter 533

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:21 PMChapter 533

"If that is what must be done . " The Emperor replied curtly . He had the same hardness of his father and for that, a crisp cool hand landed across his cheek leaving fire in its wake . The Empress closed a quivering, reddening palm .

"Your own sister was murdered by those thoughts . Your father drug an innocent young woman he forced to his bed to the palace . He MADE her his queen . Then while she was pregnant with your sibling he abandoned her and took her life because she had a second form, a monkey form . The bloodshed must stop . I will stand for no more of it . My last act as Empress before I name an heir will be to free these people of their Mark"s so they may go as they please . " Empress Vivian"s sudden outburst was enough to silence anyone who wished to question her . She never raised a hand, she was always controlled but this was the second time she mentioned Ravia today . They had no intention of pushing her further . The silence grew thick enough to choke on and Kyera felt her people"s uncertainty . She stepped forward to speak on their behalf .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Thank you, Empress Vivan . Ravia"s family will be pleased to know she was not forgotten . Though this land is no longer our home, we appreciate the welcome . " Kyera smiled as she spoke, wistful and sad . There were some murmurings from the table but no one seemed to want to speak up . Then Third Princess Melania cleared her throat .

"Oh? Why is that?" Melania spoke up honestly concerned now . Kyera turned and smiled at her a touch nervously . This was a delicate topic, after all they did not know the secret of the Gypsies .

"I mean that the only shifters left in this country are Marked, The Dark Ones, and a few of my personal guards . Shifter kind have always stayed to the shadows and lived in the forest while some worked in the village most stayed to the wood . When things became unsafe for us, the shifters were forced to abandon the Bazaar and take refuge elsewhere . " Kyera explained and the men and women at the door were slowly melting back into the shadows and going back to their duties .

"I see, but why is the forest suddenly unsafe? Hasn"t it always been their home?" Empress Vivian asked settling back in her chair . Kyera struggled for a moment trying to find a tactful way to speak .

"Kyera, didn"t you say those bodies you burned were killed by the Dark Ones? Because they wouldn"t join the cause?" Lalia asked curiously and Kyera smiled gratefully . She was starting to feel weakened by the stress .

"The Dark Ones were banished from the tribe about 8 years ago, and were never strong enough to take on the main Tribe . The Tribe had two warriors that… when working together, could change the course of a battle . Then, she was taken, ripped away from her people and branded, forced to stay in the palace gates . Her partner… he turned on her . He turned on the tribe and now the greatest strength of the Tribe is its greatest weakness . They can never be together again, but both can not survive if the battle is to end . " Kyera explained as Clovis handed her back into her chair .  There was a heaviness to her words that pa.s.sed over the room . Even the Dragons outside seemed somber .

"I never knew such a battle was happening while I was at war . Did any of you, brothers?" Damar asked, his expression rather unnerved .

"No, and you wouldn"t have . Up until recently the Forest guard has been enough to contain it . However once he turned there was nothing we could do . " Kyera replied with a tired smile . It was clear she was nearing her limit .

"That is a pity . " The Emperor seemed genuinely saddened at the thought .

"They need no pity . " Queen Kira tried to sooth her husband while also throwing a subtle cut at Kyera .

"Your right . Shifters need no pity, because we rise above the bloodshed and find our own peace . " Kyera replied with an endearing smile . Clovis smiled and held her hand, kissing the top lightly .

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