The Tiger Within

Chapter 552

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:23:03 PMChapter 552

"Yes . I am a guard Kyera a.s.signed to her daughter . Currently, she has need for Talis . " Kan explained, recognizing this woman as one who smelled faintly of Kyera . She was protected, and he had no interest in offending any royals unless they mistreated his charge . Then… well things would be different . Justified .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Ahh . I see . " Vella looked him over but Kan couldn"t be bothered to address her further .

"Princess Kyera is going to be coming soon . She wanted me to tell you she had to have a new dress made so it took a bit for us to get back . " Kan explained but something in the way he mentioned the dress was… distasteful . Obviously, be wasn"t a fan of whatever this new look entailed . Raina felt a bit unsure . Mommy had really liked the other dress . She knew she did .

Before she could question it, the sound of the hunt song began to build . Notes poured over each other, causing a hush to befall the crowd . Somewhere, the clapping began . Single, sharp claps s.p.a.ced perfectly with the music . Raina followed suit with the crowd clapping in time . Kan scanned the room, his arms carefully folded across his chest .
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The first Princess to enter was Feya, dressed from head to toe in crimson and black silk that sparkled in the fire light . Over her arm, a dark wolf pelt acted as proof of her largest kill . She slowly swept into the room, holding herself regally as she swept a deep bow, laying the pelt at the Emperor and Empress Vivian"s feet . She bowed low, skirts pooling around her before sweeping off to take her husband"s arm to the right of the Emperor . "A Dire wolf whose life I took to grace the table . " She added standing tall beside him . There was a striking resemblance between this Princess and a jewel set in a gauntlet on her husband"s arm .

Not long after, Lalia stepped out of the same door, draped in ice blue that swirled with her steps . The way the lace and silk danced beautiful and playful as she swept down the way . She held herself tall but not arrogant as she lay the white pelt on the floor . "A winter wolf, I defeated to feed our people . " She turned and joined Alexi who reached for her hand before she even reached him, pulling her into place at his side .

Melania made her way down the path, emerald and gold shimmered across her dress that just flowed off of her . As her two arms were held out before her . A large whitish gray pelt lay across her forearms, much larger than the kills of her sisters . She had to kneel to lay the pelt at the Empress Vivian"s feet and slowly rose to her feet, her head bowed . "A winter moose I slayed for the care of our people proof I may provide . " She met Vivian"s eyes before walking to stand with Damar . He turned and bowed to his wife and she bowed to him, taking each other"s hands as they took their place together .

It was Kyera"s turn to enter here . The Fourth Princess took longer to appear . A figure appeared, long black and purple dress flowing around her . The airy skirt swishes and swirled with the slightest of Kyera"s steps the top of her dress was corseted, and formed like a second skin and then skirts flowed around her hips . A true princess gown, her wild hair bound into a plaited bun on the top of her head, adorned by a net of Pearls, a single purple stone dangled between her eyes . She looked like a queen .

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