The Tiger Within

Chapter 601

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:13 PMChapter 601

The Weapons Master smiled at everyone . "I will award 5 points to Nathaniel and Daniel, for their skill . Keen receives 8 points . Sticking to one"s strategy can often have great rewards . Raina receives…" before he could finish an elder man sitting beside the Empress rose to his feet . There was a fire in his eyes .

"Princess Raina receives a full 15 marks for her masterful control of her body and knowing how to use her smaller stature against a larger, stronger opponent . My son is a good Weapons Master, and well versed in many styles, however, there are some he has never encountered . Among those are the Knights of Shadow Vale . Subtle changes in their fight style is what makes a Shadow Vale knight so dangerous . I award 9 points to her accurate defense against those tactics . " The Elder spoke clearly, he was once the Weapons Master and War Hero of the Great Wars . The man was well into his eighth decade of life and seen many warriors come and go . Only he could overrule the current master .

"At least one has brains . " Ritrel mumbled and Mordakai chuckled .
"No, he fought against us, and just so happens to be very good at reading lips . " Mordakai replied, well aware why the man had stepped in . One never forgets the battle hardened instincts to watch one"s enemies . He was fairly sure the old man had seen their annoyance and read it for himself .

"The final scores shall now be tallied . Prince Keen has achieved 27 points, Prince Daniel achieved 25 points, Prince Nathaniel achieved 34 points, Princess Raina rises like a Phoenix, proving herself a well rounded Princess with 36 points . According to tradition, Princess Drynala is only graded on the arts portion of this game . She has achieved 3 points out of a possible 5 . Beautifully done . " The Former Emperor Emperor finalized the scores . The crowd cheered and clapped for the children, most of whom glowed with Pride .

Raina reached for Nathaiel"s hand, and looked at Daniel who smiled understanding, he turned to Lalia beside him . "May I borrow Dryn, Please Aunt?" He asked and Lalia set the child on the ground, he took her hand while the curious faces watched . The Emperor went to say something but Vivian raised her hand to stop him . Raina turned to Keen and offered her his hand . He scoffed at her and Raina frowned .

"Please? We want to do this as a unified front . " Raina whispered trying not to be heard, unaware of the enchantment on the stage . Her voice, though soft carried further than she was aware .

"We are not unified . Get over yourself, your like your new mother a cheating witch . " He growled and refused her hand . Raina"s expression was heart broken as she turned away .

Raina looked at Kyera who smiled and took Melania"s hand . Without a second thought Melania grabbed Lalia"s hand and Kyera captured Feya"s hand . Though she was not happy about Kyera"s sudden movement, there was no refusing it at this point . The children lead the adults in a group bow to the people . Only Keen was left standing .

"Thank You . " Raina addressed the people and then the judges before the crowd began clapping and cheering . The Royal children seemed to be oddly friendly… something no one had expected .

Kyera and the other Princesses smiled as they escorted their children off stage and discussed the banquet to come . Clovis smiled and hugged Kyera close to him, her body still felt a little weak as she held him back . Her grip wasn"t what he expected and her skin was pale .

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"Love, I think you need to rest . " Clovis whispered into her ear . "The people are talking about your little stunt at the end there . Unifying the 4 Prince families . " He praised softly and Kyera smiled .

"That wasn"t me . Not me at all . " Kyera replied as she looked to Raina who was talking animatedly with her cousins about the Performances . It was clear the children were impressed and happy despite Keen refusing to join in .

"She is going to be an Amazing Lady . " Clovis whispered and Kyera nodded .

"She already is . " Kyera purred, letting her body rest against his .  

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