The Tiger Within

Chapter 77

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:00 PMChapter 77

The sun was high as Mally and Kyera made their way through the garden . Kyera"s striking silver hair caught the admiration and awe of several soldiers and maids alike as the pair pa.s.sed by . This made Kyera nervous deep down, afraid someone would see her true self . However, it didn"t show in her gate or expression . Mally was totally at ease, this being her territory as of late .

The dress Mally had prepared for Kuera fit the girl beautifully . Black and white cloth with accents of blue wrapped and curved around her body like a luscious bandage . The fabric wrapped over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and tied in a bow, black tails falling down her back . A white skirt delicately embroidered started beneath her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and flowed to the ground with blue lace and cords edging the top and falling from her pet.i.te waist . Mally was proud, Kyera looked every inch a lady of the n.o.ble society . The white tiger motif sitting off to the left slightly, letting blue dangles dance on her hip .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntUnsurprisingly, Mally spotted a familiar group walking their way through the palace courtyard . Royal Consort Claire was out for her afternoon stroll with Kisses, a black panther that followed her obediently . Realizing the consort was headed their way, Mally went to greet them . Bowing to them both, and relieved when Kyera followed suite .

"Graced with your presence, Royal Consort Clair . " Mally greeted, but the consort paid no heed . She reached out and touched Kyera"s pale hair . A hand gripped her wrist as she tried to . Kyera"s golden eyes met the woman and Mally cursed inwardly . This was not what she had in mind for a debut .

"How dare you! A mere beauty forgetting her place . " the Consort sneered pulling her hand back . She let the maid beside her wipe her hands with a rag as if she touched something awful .

Before Mally could speak, Kyera opened her mouth . "My apologies, Royal Consort Clair . I am not accustomed to people reaching to touch me without my permission . " Kyera replied curtsying again before standing to look at the woman . Clair was not about to give way . It was clear by Kyera"s words that she was not admitting guilt . One should not carelessly touch another, no matter the rank . The whispers of maids nearby caught Claire"s ears turning them red .

"You insolent . . . Child . " the woman spat the word as of it was a curse . Kyera batted her eyelashes for a moment, taking in this raven haired woman . She was perhaps 16… 17 at most and called Kyera a child? Where was the logic in that?

"My Lady, I apologize for the offense but your manners were lacking . " Kyera replied, not willing to bow . Not to someone like this . She scoffed at her, and the woman went to hit her . Kyera swooped out of the way, letting her swing at the air . "You are still young, and capable to learn . I will only warn you once . Enough . " The woman glowed with anger at Kyera"s calm reply, as if correcting a child .

"See to it this woman is busted from her rank and sent to the clothing division!" the consort growled . Mally bit her lip for a moment… feeling awkward . How was she to tell her she was mistaken? After all, Kyera wasn"t even ranked yet .

"Royal Consort that"s not necessary . You see I"m not a palace lady here . I am here as a student of Half Eye, a healer from the mountains . I came to visit my sister . " Kyera replied hauntily, her voice filled with confidence . Mally looked at Kyera and blinked… Half Eye was not the name they had agreed to present . She had met the man, sure but she never trained with him .

The woman paused for a moment trying to gage Kyera"s expression . She began to laugh . The maids with her also laughed as though she was a joke . Just as Mally was about to speak she saw Kyera"s eyes widen and her head tilt as if listening . Mally focused and she heard it two, feet pounding fast against the floor, heading toward them .

A young servant boy bowed to the consort hastily then bowed to Mally, he was out of breath . "Beauty Mally please come quick . Its Rasha . . . hes hurt . " the boy spoke breathily and fast . His heart running too fast for his breathing to get oxygen into his blood .

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