The Square market was composed of an inner market and an outer market. The inner market was controlled by the major sects and had comparatively more formal shops that sold precious medicinal pellets and weapons. While at the outer market cultivators sold their wares in a disorderly fas.h.i.+on as they pleased.

The effects of the items in the inner market were guaranteed, but they required awfully many spirit stones. The items sold in the outer market were cheaper, but were, in contrast, rather chaotic. One could spend a lot of spirit stones and only buy a piece of trash, but one could also buy invaluable treasures without spending any spirit stones at all. To buy items in the outer market one required a keen sense of sight and application of Qi.

However, in general, most cultivators preferred to shop in the outer market. Firstly because they"d spend fewer spirit stones and secondly because they all had thoughts of picking up missing treasures in mind. Most of the items sold at the outer market were found by cultivators in the Misty Ridge or at other treasure locations. Sometimes they themselves didn"t know their value, so inevitably some precious items were sold off to other cultivators.

Qin Mo slowly strolled through the outer market stopping from time to time to carefully survey the tops of roadside booths.

On top of these stalls were all one might need; there were medicinal pellets, there were spirit tools, and there were all kinds of bizarre items from the realm of cultivation.

However, he was somewhat disappointed. After looking for so long, he still hadn"t seen anything he wanted to buy. He"d always been an individual with an arbitrary nature; doing things according to his mood, buying things according to what caught his eye.

In his heart, he faintly sighed. It seemed that this time it had been in vain. Putting down the item in his hand, he tidied his clothes and turned, preparing to leave.

Having barely walked some three steps away, he suddenly felt a sting at the sole of his foot. Lowering his head, he caught sight of a spire-like object beneath him and at once reached out to pick it up.

Just clasping it in his hand, Qin Mo immediately felt his spirit power quickly flow through his Dantian. Qin Mo, having never encountered such a situation before, was quite startled and hastily suppressed the spirit power within his body. Only then did he have the opportunity to carefully inspect the item.

The spire-like object had four sides, each of which was in the shape of a regular triangle, engraved with an unusual pattern. Unable to make out what it depicted, Qin Mo couldn"t help but extend a hand to trace its surface. The decorative pattern was glossy and smooth, giving no indications as to the method used to inscribe it.

Noticing the object in Qin Mo"s hand the cultivator on his side spoke up: “Taoist companion, this is a treasure containing cultivation secrets. I found it while pa.s.sing through the Ancient Hidden territory. I only ask for 300 lower grade spirit stones!”

Hearing this, Qin Mo"s brow wrinkled slightly. Nevertheless, he knew that the Ancient Hidden territory indeed had many good items within it. Could it be this object really did conceal hidden secrets? However, merely the fact that it caused irregularities in his spirit power made him unsure of whether to buy it.

Seeing Qin Mo"s furrowed brows, the cultivator was under the impression that the price he"d asked was far too expensive and felt guilty. This item had indeed been one he himself had taken from the Ancient Hidden territory, but it was quite strange. No matter what he"d used, whether he hacked at it with a sword or set it ablaze, it remained unchanged and in the end, he had no choice but to give up. Simultaneously, he too felt that it was just a piece of worthless garbage.

Just a moment ago, he"d seen Qin Mo thoroughly inspecting the item. Eyeing Qin Mo"s high-quality silk clothing, he felt pleased. It had seemed he"d come across the progeny of a great clan who hadn"t spent many spirit stones and, unable to overcome his large appet.i.te, openly asked for 300 lower grade spirit stones.

But now, seeing Qin Mo"s cold expression and silent demeanour, the guilt on his conscience weighed even heavier on his mind. Again he spoke: “Alright, kid, since you"re nice to look at, a bit cheaper, I can do 200 lower grade spirit stones!”

“s.h.i.+xiong, you mustn"t be deceived by him. This thing is of no use. It"s absolutely not worth so many spirit stones!” Proclaimed a heated voice not waiting for the cultivator to finish speaking. Suddenly a youth leapt forward.

With the sound of this blaring shouting, only then was Qin Mo roused from his thoughts and looked up to see a youth wearing a Yueqing Sect robe. Understanding at once what he meant, he nodded and, facing the boy, spoke a “Thank you."

As the youth heard Qin Mo"s words, the expression on his face abruptly turned blank and he muttered under his breath: “s.h.i.+xiong actually thanked me.”

Qin Mo took out two conveniently stored lower grade spirit stones from his person and handed them to the cultivator whose complexion had been pallid since the youth arrived. Carefully putting the spire-shaped item into his Qiankun bag, he turned to leave.

The cultivator clutched the two lower grade spirit stones, reluctant, he called out towards Qin Mo"s turned back: “That thing really is a treasure! You"ve paid far too few spirit stones!”

The boy immediately recovered from his daze. Upon seeing the cultivator"s distressed state, he stood in front of him, blocking his view of Qin Mo, and fiercely said: “That thing"s a piece of trash. That is s.h.i.+xiong"s benevolence; he spent two spirit stones to buy it. You should be content!”

Qin Mo had already gone pretty far but could still hear the conversation between them and couldn"t help but laugh a little within himself. The realm of cultivation really was quite fascinating!

At the edge of the outer market, a path led off in the direction of Yueqing Sect. Though it was quite deserted when Qin Mo had first arrived, now as he left, it was teeming with various spirit beasts. This was where cultivators came to sell them, thus it seemed unusually lively.

Qin Mo was slightly mysophobic and originally he didn"t want to enter the crowd and join in the fun. As soon as he looked up, however, he caught sight of a snow-white fox cub amongst a pack of ash-grey foxes. It appeared to be staring at him with its large unblinking eyes.

Qin Mo"s steps slowly came to a halt. This little fox"s white amid the ma.s.s of all these spirit beasts was extremely striking. He couldn"t possibly understand why no one had bought it yet.

It only took a moment and he"d find out why.

A female cultivator eyed the little white fox and her whole face beamed. With unwavering eyes, she fished out two spirit stones and paid the stall owner. Immediately she extended her hand wanting to pick the little fox up from the ground. Yet, before she"d even touched its fur, the little fox"s claw had already risen and on the cultivator"s hand there suddenly appeared five long scratch marks.

The female cultivator loudly shrieked. The stand owner begrudgingly returned the spirit stones to her and subsequently delivered a practised genuine apology. It appeared as though it was not the first time such a situation had occurred.

And yet the little white fox only licked its paws, its face revealing a look of disdain as it watched the scene unfolding before it. The furry face strangely bore a very human expression.

Seeing this, Qin Mo slowly stepped forward and pointed to the little fox saying: “I wish to purchase it.”

The stall owner saw someone approaching to buy a spirit beast and on his face appeared a thrilled smile. However, as his gaze followed the direction Qin Mo had pointed to, the smile momentarily froze and morphed into a look of helplessness. He spoke: “Taoist friend, you can still switch to a different one. This little fox is quite disobedient!”

Qin Mo"s expression remained unchanged and he stubbornly affirmed: "That one." Just a moment ago, he"d seen the female cultivator pay twenty pieces of lower grade spirit stones. Therefore, he too handed twenty pieces to the stall owner and reached out to hold the little fox.

Sighing under his breath, the stall owner held the spirit stones in his hand, not placing them in his Qiankun bag as he knew they too would be returned.

However, what happened then left him dumbfounded. The little white fox which had, since its arrival into his possession, always been defiant with a penchant for casually attacking others, to his surprise, now obediently let this cold youth pick it up. Even behaving like a spoiled child as it rubbed against the boy"s palm.

Qin Mo carried the little fox and gently touched its paws from an angle that others would not be able to see.

No one had ever known that Qin Mo was, in fact, a fluffphile1. He was particularly fond of white fur. But he"d always thought the hobby was too feminine and had thus never expressed it openly.

At the moment, he truly liked this little white fox and, in the realm of cultivation, most cultivators carried a spirit beast. Plenty of male cultivators also had ones that looked cute, this white fox was not at all that unusual.

He carefully took a closer look at it. However, he couldn"t find out its apt.i.tude and could only roughly make out that the spirit beast"s cultivation had reached the 8th layer of Qi refining which was already pretty good. This in mind, Qin Mo"s mood improved and he couldn"t help but once more stroke its paws.

The little fox seemingly turned to face Qin Mo and rolled its eyes. Immediately its big, fluffy tail gently swayed and it hopped onto his shoulder as they returned to Yueqing Sect.

Within Yueqing Sect flying was not permitted, so Qin Mo could only walk towards the outer sect. Most of the outer disciples were stationed either on Yunjian Peak or Yunzhong Peak, the place where Lin Zizheng was staying was on Yunzhong Peak.

Since he was traversing the area on foot, Qin Mo had the opportunity to survey the surroundings. There were a total of six peaks in Yueqing Sect; Yunlan Peak, Yundan Peak, Yunshou Peak, Yunqi Peak, Yunjian Peak, and Yunzhong Peak.

Among them, Yundan Peak specialised in refining medicines, Yunqi Peak specialised in refining tools, and Yunshou Peak was where the sect raised and bred spirit beasts. Yunlan Peak was at the centre of the sect, surrounded by the other five peaks. What Qin Mo wasn"t aware of was that looking from above one would find that the entirety of Yueqing Sect was inside a huge spell array2.

As he entered Yunzhong Peak, Qin Mo released his divine knowledge to sense Lin Zizheng"s location. He was in an area that Yunzhong Peak"s outer disciples used as a resting spot. There appeared to be many other disciples with him. Qin Mo"s heart relaxed, it seemed that Lin Zizheng"s days in the outer sect were indeed pa.s.sing well and, as he made his way in Lin Zizheng"s direction, his gait became a lot livelier.

“You good-for-nothing, tell me, where did you get these spirit stones from?” the intense voice of a youth suddenly came from ahead of him.

“Wei s.h.i.+xiong, earlier this morning I also saw Lin Zizheng, the sc.u.m was buying a refining furnace at the Square market!” said a small boy standing beside the youth, sucking up to him.

“Trash3, I don"t know where you stole the spirit stones from, but I will report it to the elders and you will be expelled from Yueqing Sect!” He said, ruthlessly kicking the person on the ground. The other disciples by his side followed suit, landing to ambush him.

Qin Mo arrived just in time to watch the scene unfold. A crowd of outer disciples closely surrounded a young boy who had fallen, punching and kicking him. The boy was Lin Zizheng.

Seeing this, Qin Mo"s pupils constricted and the expression on his face became tense. He shouted: "Stop!"

Lin Zizheng curled up on the ground, enduring the pain of being beaten he silently bit his lower lip. His fingertips moved slightly and a dark mist which could not be seen by the naked eye noiselessly slipped into the youth"s head. His current level of cultivation was too low and there were many cultivators of outstanding strength in Yueqing Sect. Thus he couldn"t blatantly retaliate and could only covertly place poisonous mist in their bodies.

Immediately, his target s.h.i.+fted to another person and his fingers faintly moved. But before he could summon the black mist, he heard a familiar voice coming from the side and his movements became stiff. In the wake of it all, the crowd of disciples all turned their heads.

d.a.m.n this was long. So sleepy, I stayed up putting together a 3000 piece puzzle. I"m an idiot, forgive me ladies and gents I can"t follow a proper schedule for the life of me, so please bear with my capricious updating habits. Hope you enjoy and, if you haven"t, check out our new project if you"re interested. Peace out.


1Basically he loves soft fur. I"m so so so tempted to write Furry here despite it absolutely not being the case. I"ve seen the word fur too much today and my brain is a little messed up. (`_´)ゞ

2I"m certain there"s a better way of phrasing this but honestly I"ve delayed this long enough and I believe you guys understand what I"m talking about (think Full Metal Alchemist magic circle thing)

3Okay if I"m honest the author reuses the same G.o.dd.a.m.n word as an insult like thrice so I took some creative liberty, of course maintaining the same meaning.

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