Sunlight illuminated the youth"s body, seeming to coat him in a layer of gold. He slowly walked from beneath the light, clothed in white, hair like ink, a little white fox atop his shoulder, as though he"d just stepped out of a painting.

As he approached, only then did everyone notice that his thin lips were tightly pursed and that his eyes gave off a cold air. He appeared to be furious.

Qin Mo"s pace was obviously rushed as he moved to the front of Lin Zizheng. The originally arrogant disciples now obediently withdrew to the side and made way for Qin Mo to pa.s.s.

The head of the youths hesitated somewhat: “s.h.i.+xiong…”

Qin Mo paid him no notice, gently raising the sorry figure of Lin Zizheng off the ground and wiping the dust off his face. His brows wrinkled and he somewhat distraughtly asked: “Are you alright?”

Looking at the slender jade-like hands supporting him, Lin Zizheng slowly shook his head and answered: “Its nothing serious.”

Hearing this, Qin Mo"s heart was provoked into a violent rage. So this was how his days were spent here? Being bullied and abused as a good-for-nothing? From the beginning, he"d been under the impression that Lin Zizheng"s life in the outer sect was, as stated in the book, one where he"d befriended all his seniors and was respected by his juniors. s.h.i.+xiong and s.h.i.+di living a life of harmony and getting along.

Once again, he quickly glanced at the incomparably ashamed Lin Zizheng and his sword began to stir. His eye coldly swept across the young disciples before him and he said: “If I recall correctly our n.o.ble sect does not allow infighting between its disciples.”

Seeing the ever cold and calm s.h.i.+xiong expose an expression that was even icier than usual, several of the disciples slightly trembled. Their hearts secretly cursed Lin Zizheng, but they couldn"t say anything to refute. After all, they knew that what they had just said about Lin Zizheng stealing spirit stones was just spoken to frame him. If they were to bring it up in front of s.h.i.+xiong, the outcome would be even worse.

Qin Mo gave a "humph" and sternly reprimanded: “Go to the outer sect penalty elder and accept your punishments.”

Upon hearing these words, the disciples couldn"t help but tremble even more violently. A few of them began to cry out: “s.h.i.+xiong, forgive us!”

The penalty elder of the outer sect was named Dong Qingci. Although his name implied great kindness and he looked like a gentle-hearted person, he was actually an individual of vicious and merciless character. Whenever a disciple who"d disobeyed fell into his hands, if they didn"t die, then he"d at least rip their skin off.

Hearing the sound of their anguished wails, Qin Mo was not moved in the slightest. This time they"d really gone too far. He"d personally seen this much only once, he couldn"t possibly imagine how much more had happened that he hadn"t seen.

“s.h.i.+xiong, leave them be.” At that point, a pair of cool hands grabbed Qin Mo"s. When he turned to look, he saw Lin Zizheng"s large eyes staring back at him, a slight spark in his gaze as he spoke in a gentle tone.

Seeing his tender yet unyielding demeanour, Qin Mo"s stance also softened and he faintly sighed under his breath. Apparently, Lin Zizheng still possessed the disposition of a Holy Father as had been written in the book. Others bullied him so, yet he still acted with consideration towards them.

In fact, what Qin Mo wasn"t aware of was that, within his heart, Lin Zizheng grimly laughed. Fancy sending them to the penalty elder to settle this? How on earth could they be let off so lightly! Naturally, it would only be interesting if he repaid his enemies with his own hands! That in mind, Lin Zizheng"s eyes lightly narrowed, within them flashed a trace of treachery.

Although Qin Mo was slightly dissatisfied, he honoured Lin Zizheng"s decision. He only swept a cold glance across the crowd, without anything left to say. Immediately, his gaze s.h.i.+fted to Lin Zizheng and he pondered for a moment before saying, “Come with me.”

As they arrived at an area where they were alone, Qin Mo looked over Lin Zizheng briefly and only then told him: “I"ll be to going into seclusion soon.”

Lin Zizheng"s expression became somewhat unnatural, though Qin Mo hadn"t taken note of this change and continued: “While I"m in seclusion, there won"t be anyone to take care of the Spirit Field outside my Dongfu. En. If you"re willing, you can come to Yunlan Peak as my attendant and help take care of my Spirit Field.”

Qin Mo spoke these words with some hesitation. After all, he came from the modern era of equality. Being someone"s servant was not at all a splendid affair. However, Lin Zizheng"s current situation was awful. After becoming his attendant, with Qin Mo"s reputation, the way other"s treated him was bound to improve at least by a bit.

What he didn"t know was that, in Yueqing Sect, becoming a senior disciple"s servant was not considered losing face at all, as it signified that you had received their acknowledgement. Only in that case would you be made an attendant.

The corners of Lin Zizheng"s mouth rose to form a light smile as he looked at him and gently answered: "Alright!"

Qin Mo first went to Jin Linfeng and reported to him on the matter of his going into seclusion. After that, he took Lin Zizheng to the elder of Yunlan Peak and informed him of his circ.u.mstances then led him back to his Dongfu.

In addition to the stone room where he ordinarily resided, Qin Mo"s Dongfu also had a stone room beside it that had always been unoccupied. Outside there was also a considerably large patch of Spirit Field which contained a few species of spirit However, since Qin Mo had never been an attentive person, their growth was not at all good.

After handing over the trivial task to Lin Zizheng, Qin Mo would be ready to go into secluded cultivation and break through to the foundation building phase.

Watching the little white fox that stood on Qin Mo"s shoulder the whole time, Lin Zizheng"s eyes flashed and he asked: “s.h.i.+xiong, you won"t put the fox down?”

Qin Mo stared blankly for a moment and then looked at the little fox. Stroking its soft fur, he answered: “No need.”

Lin Zizheng obviously noticed that Qin Mo"s expression had softened, and the glare in his eyes became harsher. s.h.i.+xiong treated this fox very well! It really… made a person want to maim it!

The little white fox appeared to momentarily sense Lin Zizheng"s intense malice and stared directly at him with the corners of its long pointed mouth seemingly forming a taunting curve.

Noticing this, Lin Zizheng"s hand, hidden within his long sleeves, clenched tightly. He stood unmoving, watching Qin Mo and the little fox as their silhouette gradually faded from his view.

After entering his room, Qin Mo did not rush to begin cultivating. Rather, he took out the pyramid-shaped object he"d bought earlier that day at the Square market and carefully observed it.

As he delicately touched the design on top, he frowned slightly. What was this thing?

Thinking it over for a moment, Qin Mo splashed a single drop of blood onto it. Generally, treasures in novels would recognise their master through this kind of action. However, the object before him right now did not change in the slightest. Qin Mo was unwilling to give up and poured spirit power into it. It still remained unaffected.

Qin Mo suddenly recalled the spirit power anomaly he had experienced when he first held the object. Gritting his teeth, Qin Mo injected his own spirit power into it.

This time, an unusual transformation unexpectedly occurred and Qin Mo"s spirit power suddenly became uncontrollable as it quickly flowed into the object. Even if he wanted to recover his spirit power, at this point, there was nothing he could do.

All he could do was look on helplessly and let this weird thing continue to absorb his spirit power. Soon darkness filled his vision and he lost consciousness.

At that moment, Qin Mo was surrounded by sparks of violet lightning. The little white fox ran forward, but could not get any closer to him. Its eyes reddened and impatiently it circled in place.

After some time, he managed to wake up from the coma, though he wasn"t sure how long had pa.s.sed. Casting a somewhat complicated gaze at the object in his hand, his heart brimmed with joy. He hadn"t expected it to contain a thunder core.

A thunder core was a type of elemental spirit essence in the realm of cultivation. Within nature, it was the purest thunder trace element and was considered extremely rare. It could be used by cultivators with thunder spirit roots to purify spirit power, speed up their cultivation, and form formidably powerful thunder from within their bodies. As for whether it had any other uses, Qin Mo did not know, no one had come across a thunder core in the past several thousands of years.

Thinking of this, the corner of Qin Mo"s mouth lightly picked up. His luck was nevertheless pretty good.

After removing the thunder core, the pyramid-shaped object appeared completely unaltered. He played with it for a while and then once again put it back into his Qiankun bag.

Immediately he turned to look at the anxious little fox beside his face and couldn"t help but stroke its head before closing his eyes and beginning to cultivate.

Having gone into seclusion, Qin Mo was isolated from the affairs of the outside world, so he was completely unaware of all that transpired in his leave, including the occurrence of a major event in Lin Zizheng"s life.

He"d originally thought that after becoming his attendant the way Lin Zizheng was treated would change for the better. However, he had misjudged the hearts of the people.

In Yueqing Sect, due to s.h.i.+xiong Qin Mo"s standing, n.o.body really dared bully Lin Zizheng again. But the resentment in their hearts became all the more intense. Why Lin Zizheng? When he first arrived at the sect he got the sect head"s special consideration and now even more-so he was being favoured by s.h.i.+xiong.

This sentiment finally came to a breaking point when Lin Zizheng went to Misty Ridge alone.

A group of outer disciples secretly joined forces and prepared to Lin Zizheng inside Misty Ridge. After all, it was common for disciples in the early stages of Qi refining to die there.

Whilst being chased, Lin Zizheng frantically fled into the depths of Misty Ridge.

Since the emergence of Misty Ridge, no one had ever safely returned from its deepest parts. Seeing this, the group of outer disciples were put at ease, it seemed that Lin Zizheng was truly gone this time.

Five years later

Qin Mo had yet to come out. A youth appeared at the head of Dengtian Road in Yueqing Sect. His face was still young and tender, but one could already see the distinct sharpness it would possess in the future to come. His eyes were quite bright and stature wise he was slender but not frail. At the corner of his mouth hung a gentle smile.

Standing before Dengtian Road with just a hint of a smile, he stepped forward. Step by step, he walked quickly and firmly onward.

In just one day, the boy had scaled the full length of the road. The entirety Yueqing Sect was astonished; since the inception of Dengtian Road, never had anyone been capable of completing the journey in so short a timeframe.

Yet this boy had.

The author has something to say:

Well, in the last two days I"ve noticed even more personal reminders, the author expresses their great joy! Since everyone"s shown such approval towards me! So today the author is strongly determined to succeed and has decided to double down!

~(≧▽≦)/~ Lalala, this is the first.


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