Qi Yue"s movements were much faster than Yan Xiaoyi"s could have ever imagined. When the brick hit his head, Yan Xiaoyi finally understood why he called him a flower, he was soft. He couldn"t even display his mastery over the north kicking art before he was shut down by Qi Yue. He layed on the ground wih blood flowing from his crane

The fat rat was shouting while following his boss" footsteps and bringing his brick on the downed Yan Xiaoyi. Even though he was already on the ground and bloodied he still practiced martial arts and still got fists to fight back, the fat rat couldn"t let this chance go by, if he did he might get beaten up later by the young boy.

And so, a rain of fists and bricks poured on the pampered young lord. The sound of flesh getting hit was drowned by a symphony of screams from the already curled up Yan Xiaoyi. The difference of their fighting experience was vastly different, as he was easily tricked.

Nana was obviously scared by this scene. At this moment, some unknown school girl started shouting "murder! Help him he"s going to die!!"

Qi Yue and the fat rat were enjoying themselves, when they heard the sudden scream, they finally realized the situation. Yan Xiaoyi was laying on the ground all bloodied at the center of red puddle. They went berserk for a second and forgot about everything. The young lord"s clothes were in weird and disgusting color, a mix of mud and blood. If he wasn"t twitching people would think he died.

Thinking about the situation the duo were in they started to panic, even though they were hooligans it was nigh impossible to get away with murder or even attempted murder. They froze mid action.

“Boss, what do we do now? This kid won"t really die I hope.” The rat was shaking in fear and panic.

“What to do? What"s done is done, if something happens I"ll shoulder the blame” Qi Yue"s experience in trouble making was vast. They were currently at the school gate, security will be here any moment now, and he had no time to lose! He pulled the young lad"s trousers away and smashed his groin with his foot in heartless manner.

He glanced at Nana"s busty chest with a l.u.s.ty look, before he made his escape with the fat rat. Qi Yue never thought about going back to Nana, this woman has let him see her true face, she was no longer his and she made it public, so can he go back to her? Today he came to relieve some of his anger and beat up that kid, however he still liked that girl, they had yet to tie the knot before she broke up with him which made him depressed.he still needs to learn a lot more to be a true "hooligan" ?

Qi Yue and the fat boy ran very fast. After a while, the two got out of the vicinity of the school and stopped in a secluded corner. Qi Yue"s face eased a lot. And although they got away away he didn"t feel any happiness he only left with aching heart. After all she was his first love as well. But now she will never be his again.

“Boss, that was embarra.s.sing! I never expected him to be such weakling and he got downed with one hit before lost all strength to fight back"

Qi Yue snorted and said "listen kid my brick breaking arts are unrivaled under heaven, as long as he is caught off-guard what does a north kicking art account to ? It"s just a fart compared to my deadly bricks"

“Boss, I always wanted to ask you, why don"t we use choppers? Choppers are more powerful.”

Qi Yue said with pride: “You will not move very fast if you use the choppers plus you"ll get stuck I they"re caught. On the other hand bricks are way better, they"re light, easy to use and very cheap you can find them anywhere. What I"m telling you is pure experience. Time to run kid, even though I beat up that b.a.s.t.a.r.d pretty hard he won"t die. His father really works in the city council so you need to run before it"s too late, once you get home they can"t anything to you unlike me you have a family to support you"

The fat boy was very different than Qi Yue, he had a powerful father to shelter him. And above all he was very rich, so rich you can"t really count his a.s.sets. The reason why he befriends a hooligan is because he doesn"t like school. Even if he is registered in an expensive private school, all he does is run around causing trouble. However he started following this so called boss of his when Qi Yue fought against three other hooligans from other neighborhoods and beat them by himself.

“Boss, where are you going?” he asked with worry on his face.

Qi Yue patted his fat and meaty shoulders. “Do not worry about this you have experienced many things with me. Although this time, things are a little bit messier, but I can run away. This time I have to run far away. I"ll have to leave this city for a while. You can go to school for a few days. It"s not that bad in your school, in fact I admire those wise scholars however how can I pay for university even If I graduate high school"

“Boss, this is for you.” As he said, the fat boy took a brand new mobile phone from the bag and handed it to Qi Yue. “This is what I just got from my mother. You hold to it, so I can contact you. Oh, yes, boss, this card is also for you." he took out a bank card with a dragon on it and gave it to Qi Yue. "I"m almost sixteen years old; my dad gave it to me before I even got an ID card. There is 20,000 yuan in it, the pa.s.sword is my birthday. You can use it boss, and I f you need more money just call me"

Although he felt the sincerity in boy"s heart he faked an expression of anger and said "what are doing! Take it back! I caused today"s problems so you don"t really have to look after me.  I don"t need your stuff. You look like you forgot how capable your boss is"

The rat insisted on giving him his things and said "Nah boss you should take these, I also heard that there is a new train station in the Tibet, they say the scenery is pretty good out there, I think 20.000 should be enough to last you a month there. I will ask Dad for more and when things die down I"ll call you, i gotta go now" he turned and started running

Qi Yue tried to chase after him but stopped after a few steps, he was in a critical need of that money. The orphanage has driven him out for bad conduct, and he was now living off his monthly social a.s.sistance. All he got was money to pay rent in an old bas.e.m.e.nt.

He remembered when that brick hit Yan Xiaoyi"s head he heard a cracking noise, there was chance that will make him handicapped or cause internal bleeding. There was no juvenile protection for people older than 18 years old. When he thinks about the word death it causes him the creeps.

He looked at the slowly disappearing fat figure and said "I"ll consider this a debt if I ever go back imma make it up for you, a thousand times brother" he pulled a cheap cigarette before he realized he left his lighter somewhere else.

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