EDITOR NOTE: a few things changed in the previous chapter check it out.

“This…” he started thinking as hard as he could, he couldn"t bluff her and pretend to be musician or a painter, as he could easily get caught. "I"m a special kind of artist, you see I like body arts, and I also do tattoos"

It was ShuiYue"s turn to be surprised. She opened her cherry lips and said "you mean you work on naked people, which explains a lot"

Qi Yue was very proud of his bluffing skills as he continued "body arts are in fact very n.o.ble, you see the human body has reached the epitome of beauty. It"s perfect in many ways, especially the woman"s body with its varying curves. You see a woman can only reach its perfect state while naked. We can discuss this further if you want." after saying this he was surprised by his own thick face.

Shuiyue nodded and said: “What you said seems to make sense. However, I don"t understand body art.”

He readied his poker face as he stated "it"s okay, we all started somewhere, and even though I"m not much older I can teach you more about this aspect. We must definitely discuss it more if we get the opportunity in Tibet" as he spoke his eyes lowered to gaze at her fully developed chest, her cleavage was very attracting.

However the innocent girl definitely busted him looking at her with l.u.s.t which made her blush "NO NO! My dad will be very angry if ever did something like that, I"m not interested in learning body arts"

Qi Yue quickly tried to explain himself "please don"t get me wrong it"s just a habit, a professional habit, well never mind. Then what about you? What are you doing in Tibet" he quickly tried to change the subject, he didn"t want to ruin his chance

She naively trusted his words and responded "I am a freshman student at Jingcheng Medical University. My father is also a doctor that taught me a lot since my youth. He arranged for me an internship at the hospital of Lhasa, in order to get more experience before enrolling in beijing"s"

“Oh, you are such an angel! Saving people lives! Great, great.” Qi Yue hurriedly complimented her with only two sentences. Shuiyue seemed to be afraid of his unscrupulous eyes. Soon the discussion died down as it was already night. She closed her eyes and he couldn"t tell if she was asleep or not.

The train from Beijing to Lhasa finally started moving. Through the window, Qi Yue started looking at the neon lights; he couldn"t help but gasp at such beautiful scenery.

He started wondering about the girl"s background. Her parents must be rich and educated otherwise how could they bring up such a good girl. He started questioning himself if he even has the qualifications to be with such an angel. Compared to this, Nana seemed like a decadent.

Suddenly the train hostess started speaking through the speakers and explaining the journey. There were seven train stations between Lhasa and Beijing; Jingcheng, Shizhuang, Xi"an, Lanzhou, Xining, Golmud and Nagqu.at the first the wagon was noisy but later it died down as more people started falling asleep. However our Qi Yue was still awake, he was thinking about finding his way one with one of the train staff. He ended up disappointed, in order for the staff to avoid alt.i.tude sickness it was composed of retired solders, which left a bitter taste in our playboy"s mouth. He could only look at the fierce big mustache man and curse his bad luck.

Editors joke:

Listening to the repet.i.tive breathing patterns of the sleeping people next to him, he drifted to sleep.

In his sleep, Qi Yue felt like he was floating. The earth at his feet was surrounded by misty clouds. The feeling of soaring between heaven and earth was so wonderful. He was surprised to find that he could not find his body. Only one faint red light can be seen, glowing with heat that will change his life forever.

Gradually, the red light was getting brighter and brighter. He was experiencing a soothing feeling. “What happened to me? Is it true that I am flying?” Qi Yue was full of doubts.

Suddenly, the clouds in front of him separated and made a path in the middle.in the far end, a building with a golden glow could be seen. The shape of the building was not clear, however what shocked him was the voice calling out to him.

He wanted to make his way into that shiny building, despite him trying to reach it. It seemed as if it was backing away. The more he tried to reach the farther it went. Nonetheless there was a clear voice.

“Come on, come to me, your partners need you.” Only one sentence could be heard, but it made Qi Yue"s heart more agitated

Slowly the mist converged again and everything disappeared, however the voice remained clear.

Why is this voice making me confortable, it was definitely a man"s voice. Wait could it be…?! I"m definitely not interested in men. As he was thinking about this, everything vanished, even the mist, and all that was left was darkness

“He is calling me, he is calling me…” he started whispering before waking up.

“Ah! You finally woke up.” Said a sweet voice with a surprised tone.

The first thing he saw was an exquisite pretty face, yeah! I should be on the train, and everything that just happened now was obviously a dream.

Soon he discovered that he wasn"t lying in his upper bunk bed, rather he smelled the odor of disinfectant and medicine around him. He could still hear the ringing voice of the rails so he was pretty sure he was still on the train. He couldn"t help but ask: "where am I?!"

“You finally woke up; I have never seen anyone who can sleep more than you.”

He scratched his head and asked: "how much time was I asleep?"

Shuiyue said in a worried tone "you were sleeping for more than thirty hours, that"s why we moved you to the infirmary. They were about to take you to hospital In the last station but thank a G.o.d I was a doctor and convinced them that your pulse was very stable"

How could such a small dream take thirty hours of sleep? He could remember the dream vividly. Usually he would only remember vague scenes after waking up, but this time it was very different.

Looking at the cute girl in front of him, he couldn"t help but smile. "So you were taking care of me all this time?"

She became as red as beet: “Don"t forget, it"s my job as a doctor. Does it hurt somewhere? Do you have trouble breathing? We"re three kilometers above sea level.”

Qi Yue took a deep breath; he didn"t feel any pain at all “No! I hate this, I hate hospitals since I was a kid, let"s go somewhere else" before he immediately sat up from the bed, but at this moment, he realized they were alone in this room. Suddenly felt his heart beating faster, he accidently b.u.mped Shuiyue"s body while standing up.

Like a drowning man seeing a piece of floating driftwood. He reached to hold her in his grasp before she fell.

As chance would have it he would hold into something so full and soft that made him filled with joy, he would soon find out he was holding something forbidden.


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