The Ugly Empress

Chapter 20 – The Wedding

Chapter 20 – The Wedding

On the day of Teng Shang and Xue Houyang"s wedding, Xue Junliang"s messenger bearing the news of Teng Shang"s betrothal arrived at Teng Country. By this time, the news could be considered late; it was all said and done.

At first, Teng w.a.n.g thought Xue Junliang"s messenger came to bring Teng Yun"s ashes, because he knew it was impossible for Teng Shang to be sent back here. But even in his dreams, Teng w.a.n.g would never have expected Xue Country"s messenger came to offer their congratulations.

It wasn"t only Teng w.a.n.g; all the court officials present were shocked, too. If Teng Shang was marrying a Xue Country"s Princess, then it would be understandable. But currently, in Xue Country there was no princesses nor grand princesses.

Teng Shang was actually the one to be the wife?

The messenger offered congratulations on Teng Shang"s betrothal, but in fact, it was more like a warning. Teng w.a.n.g didn"t get angry over it. After all, Teng was a country in name only. Moreover, Teng w.a.n.g had a daughter clutched in Xue Junliang"s hands; officially she was now an imperial consort, but Teng w.a.n.g knew she was held as a hostage.

Xue Houyang drowned himself in alcohol. He"d drunk a lot of wine as if stalling going back to his room. Some of the court officials thought Xue Houyang didn"t want to see his new wife, which was understandable given the new wife was a man. But some them actually thought Xue Houyang was lucky. This marriage was made happen as a prove of Xue Houyang"s authority.

Based on these two reasons, people after people would approach Xue Houyang to offer him a toast.

In the end, Xue Houyang was dragged back to his room.

When they opened the door, they saw Teng Shang sitting on the bed, wearing a groom"s wedding attire. They had thought Teng Shang would wear a bridal veil, but by the way Teng Shang looked, people who didn"t know would think Teng Shang was the groom instead; a very handsome groom at that.

Everyone laughed and teased merrily but no one dared staying there too long. This part of a wedding was the awkward part. People had no idea how the wedding night would proceed from here, but they thought better to not get involved. Eventually, they all went out and closed the door behind them.

Xue Houyang staggered his way to the bed, then stood with a hand leaning on it. Touching one of the dates scattered on the bed, he sobered a little. He turned his head, his eyes searching for Teng Shang.

[T/N : On a wedding, the friends and family will spread some red dates on the new couple"d bed, to express ‘good luck and hurry have babies". Thanks, Soo-Chu! XD. . ]

As soon as he laid his gaze on Teng Shang, he took it back so fast he swayed on his feet.

Xue Houyang cleared his throat, then said, “It"s already late. Minister Shang, you should rest. I… I"ll sleep in the guest room.”

He turned to go but before he opened the door, he was stopped by Teng Shang saying, “I know Lord Marquis sleeping in the guest room out of consideration for me, but other people wouldn"t think so. They"ll think it"s inappropriate.”

Xue Houyang paused. Maybe he wasn"t so sober after all, his reactions were sluggish. Nodding his head, he said, “You"re right… I didn"t think about that. Then I"ll sleep on the floor.”

Xue Houyang was so honest, making Teng Shang smiled and said, “Lord Marquis, you seem to be quite drunk, how come you want to sleep on the floor? It"ll be troublesome if you catch a cold.”

Xue Houyang stared at that smile and suddenly felt his throat tightened. Swallowing to relieve his dry throat, he turned his gaze away.

Teng Shang said, “This bed is big enough for two men, we can sleep together. But if you"re suspicious of me, it"s okay.”

Feeling his head started to spin, Xue Houyang finally slipped into the bed beside Teng Shang. The candles were still lit, casting dusky light across the room. The atmosphere felt surreal to Xue Houyang.

“Minister Shang… Do you, perhaps, blame me for this situation?” Xue Houyang himself didn"t know where he got the courage to finally say the question troubling his mind for all this time.

Teng Shang inwardly sighed. How could he blame him? Xue Houyang was the one trying to save Teng Shang. The one with impure motives, the one who took advantage of Xue Houyang, was Teng Shang himself.

Teng Shang smiled, “No… I am very grateful to you. But, Lord Marquis, how come you get drunk in front of a stranger? Aren"t you afraid I"ll kill you while you"re vulnerable?”

“I… Honestly, I didn"t even think about that.”

“Thank you, Marquis, for your trust in me. I really… Really feel ashamed.”

Just as he finished saying, Teng Shang heard the person next to him breathing evenly; seemed to have fallen asleep so quickly.

Teng Shang sighed again. Xue Houyang wasn"t someone who would easily lower his guard around strangers. On the battlefield, he always had to stay alert and ready for a life-threatening battle. But he should know there was always an enemy smarter than him, so he could never ignore the possibility of danger being close to him at all times.

But now, it could only be said that for Xue Houyang, Teng Shang was very special. And that Teng Shang had grasped that fact and skillfully used it to his own benefit.

In other people"s point of view, Teng Shang was the one who suffered a great loss and most humiliating insult. But, just as Xue Junliang had said, everything wasn"t like as it seemed.

Facing such unguarded Xue Houyang, Teng Shang should really start do something. Teng Shang and Teng Yun were the same; both were the great generals of Teng. At this time, Teng Yun was dead. Xue Houyang was alive. If Teng Shang wanted Teng to become a strong country, Xue Houyang must definitely die.

[T/N : Interruption! I need to correct Jiang Yu"s gender. Jiang Yu is a man. I don"t know why I a.s.sumed he was an old woman until, like, yesterday. LOL. Sorry, Jiang Yu. He must have been so frustrated all this time. LOL.]

Xue Junliang"s residence was still brightly lit and the man himself was still reviewing reports. Jiang Yu said, “Your Majesty… forgive this old servant for talking too much, but don"t you think we should send some imperial guards for Marquis Wannian?”

Xue Junliang smiled and said, “Why? You fear Teng Shang will kill Marquis Wannian?”

Xue Junliang didn"t even look remotely worried, Jiang Yu couldn"t help saying, “It seems like this old servant is more worried than Your Majesty.”

Xue Junliang said, “It does. The reason why Teng Shang is still respected by people was because he is still feigning benevolence. False benevolence is still benevolence. Otherwise, based on Teng Shang"s capabilities, the current Teng w.a.n.g would have been held by a different person.”

Then Xue Junliang suddenly thought of something. He put down his writing brush and asked, “How is the Empress today?”

“Answering Your Majesty. Her Majesty is feeling unwell today. The royal hospital has sent someone to examine her.”

“En… Anything else?”

“And…” Jiang Yu racked his brain, “I heard from the palace maids serving at Yunfeng Palace that Her Majesty seems unhappy these days, her mood is low and she has no appet.i.te.”

“Do you know why?”

“This… This old servant doesn"t know. This old servant doesn"t dare presuming what is in Her Majesty"s mind.”

“Oh…” Xue Junliang responded; without revealing what he was thinking.

After a long silence, Jiang Yu realized Xue w.a.n.g was no longer reviewing the reports. So he said, “Your Majesty, do you want to call someone to accompany you tonight?”

Xue Junliang thought for a moment before saying, “Tell Defei to come over.”


Teng Yun stood by the window. It was very dark outside but he could still see the small pond under the moonlight. The trees were all withered and bare. In summer, the inner garden inside the Imperial Harem very vast but very desolate. In the winter, it only looked sad.

Teng Yun had been thinking about Teng Shang. Today was Teng Shang"s wedding day. With Xue Junliang himself acting as the wedding officiant, Teng Shang had to kowtow three times and give hand salutations nine times to Xue Junliang. The thought of it made Teng Yun upset.

Teng Shang had dedicated his more-than-thirty years of life doing many things for Teng Country; his sincere heart had been worn down. He might have become a liar and a hypocrite, but still he"d worked hard for Teng. The country was where he placed all his lifetime wishes on.

Teng Yun remembered those days when he was captured. He was locked in a prison cell; watching as his subordinates were all beaten and left bleeding to death. At that time, all Teng Yun felt was despair. Who would have thought that he"d be alive today; that he"d have to be living like this.

Aftert Marquis Wannian"s wedding, Xue Houyang would escort Teng Yun to go to Feng Country. This was an excellent opportunity to escape. But Teng Shang would not go with them, so what could Teng Yun do to help Teng Shang?

As Teng Yun struggled to find a solution, Xiu Yao opened the door to report, “Empress, Da w.a.n.g calls Defei to accompany him tonight.”


Xiu Yao wilted, “Empress, don"t just say ‘en". It must be that you looked pale these days, His Majesty hadn"t felt happy when looking at you. Tomorrow, I"m going to pretty you up.”

She hesitated for a second before adding, “If His Majesty is happy, maybe you won"t have to go to Feng Country.”

Teng Yun stepped away from the window, sat down and said, “Be mindful of your speech. If people hear you, you"ll be in trouble.”

Xiu Yao nodded, “This servant is wrong.”

As she found her mistress looking very calm and collected, Xiu Yao got even more worried.

Other wives and consorts would be clamoring to inquire after His Majesty"s preferences and who was sleeping with His Majesty, or even occasionally visited each other to share gossips and talk about their feelings. But her mistress did no one of the above. When His Majesty came, she wasn"t even happy. Let alone trying to win over other people"s hearts, all the Empress asked was news about Teng Shang.

If Xiu Yao hadn"t been following the Empress for a long time, she"d have thought the Empress was in love with Teng Shang. After all, Teng Shang was talented and famous, it was inevitable he"d attract many admirers.

Xue Junliang did call Defei to come, but he didn"t intent to sleep with her. When Defei entered Xue w.a.n.g"s residence, she hadn"t stepped into the inner room before she was stopped by Jiang Yu saying His Majesty hadn"t finished reviewing the reports, so please Your Ladyship wait outside.

Defei waited for a long time before Jiang Yu informed her His Majesty was very busy working on official duties and had to disappoint Her Ladyship. Defei was rewarded with some gifts and invited to stay the night, then allowed to leave early the next morning.

Defei was called to serve His Majesty, had spent a long time to dress herself, then when she came she didn"t even see His Majesty. Anger and indignation burned in her heart but she had to force a jolly smile and kneel to express her grat.i.tude.

The next day, when she was back to her residence, Defei could no longer stay still. She didn"t know where to vent her anger. The Empress used to be her outlet; after all, Defei had been the most favored consort. But now, it was different. Now, the Empress was favored. The Empress also had her hands on the Phoenix Seal. Defei didn"t dare touch the Empress lest she invited calamity upon herself.

Every day, Defei was on edge worrying if the Empress would retaliate for what Defei did to her previously. It was another reason Defei should not provoke the Empress.

However, she could not hold her anger back so she set her target on the new consort, Teng Qianyi.

Teng Qianyi used to be a pampered princess. She was newly married and didn"t know the rules around the Imperial Harem. She didn"t come and pay respect to other consorts" residence and only sent her closest maidservant to greet the Empress. The other consorts obviously didn"t like Teng Qianyi.

The day after Xue Houyang and Teng Shang"s wedding, they had to enter the Imperial Palace to have tea with the senior member of the royal family. Xue Junliang had to attend the morning court a.s.sembly so he sent Jiang Yu to invite the Empress.

Teng Shang entered the Palace together with Xue Houyang, but could not follow into the court hall. He was told to wait at the side hall until Xue w.a.n.g was free.

After waiting for a long time, a palace servant came to invite Teng Shang in. At this time, Teng Yun just arrived and met Teng Shang right at the entrance.

[T/N : Nothing really big happen in this chapter, but this one was sooooo difficult to translate. *crying* ]

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