The Ugly Empress

Chapter 32 – Nightmare

Chapter 32 – Nightmare

“Si… Sister-in-law!”

Xue Houyang came to an abrupt stop and quickly retracted his hands. The sword that he"d blocked fell to the ground with a clank; the sound was quite loud, alerting the guards outside. They rushed inside but then halted in shock.

Jiang Yu thought he"d been caught in dilemma too many times today. What kind of situation was this?

Her Majesty the Empress" hair was loose as it wasn"t pinned with anything; cascading down her shoulders. Her clothes were untidy, her belt was gone and her outer garment was opened, her wide flowing skirt barely covered her long legs.

Her Majesty"s eyes were slightly bloodshot, her lips blood-red as if she had been biting them. She was glaring at Xue w.a.n.g like she wanted to skin him alive.

Xue Houyang noted the way she was dressed at the same time he realized he was standing the closest to the Empress. He immediately lowered his gaze. Eyes still down and not daring to lift them, he stepped back behind Xue Junliang.

Xue Junliang reacted slower. He took off his own outer robe then reached his hands towards the Empress before tightly covering her with his robe; preventing others from seeing her disheveled state. He didn"t look angry, instead smiled and said, “Aifei, are you angry with Gu? Gu realized Gu must have worn you out.”

Hearing this, the others instantly lowered their gazes and scrambled to withdraw. The couple were having a lover"s quarrel; they, as lowly subordinates should remove themselves from the room as quickly as possible.

This incident only cemented their realization that no one could shake and doubt Her Majesty"s status. Her Majesty throwing a sword and glaring daggers at Xue w.a.n.g; instead of getting angry, Xue w.a.n.g actually put on such pleading expression, trying to appease the Empress.

A woman who could make a supreme king beg for her favor, really should not be taken lightly.

The Empress had gone pliant when tightly hugged by Xue w.a.n.g, confirming Xue w.a.n.g"s words.

But the truth was, Teng Yun couldn"t move because Xue Junliang had hit his acupuncture point. His whole body felt so numb and painful that if Xue Junliang wasn"t holding him, he would have already fallen on the floor.

After wrapping the Empress, Xue Junliang lifted her into his arms. Jiang Yu immediately pushed the door to the inner chamber open. When Xue w.a.n.g and the Empress had pa.s.sed the door, Jiang Yu silently closed it.

Xue Houyang scratched his nose in embarra.s.sment. Taking the urgent report away, he turned to go.

Xue Junliang threw Teng Yun on the bed and sneered, “You actually tried to kill Gu. You must be courting for death.”

Then he tidied the Empress" messy hair and covered her with the blanket. The action didn"t match up with his menacing tone, making it hard for Teng Yun to predict Xue Junliang"s mood.

Xue Junliang added, “Or were you thinking that, even if Gu hated you, Gu wouldn"t be able to kill you?”

As he said this, Xue Junliang turned to look at the inside of his own wrist. There was a small wound on it; it was still bleeding but didn"t look very serious. If Xue Houyang"s reaction was a tiny bit slower than it had been, Xue Junliang reckoned the sword might have taken his life.

[T/N : Ooh… So the sword was actually well-aimed? Xue Houyang said it was clumsy so I thought Teng Yun"s skills had gone.]

Noting the other person said nothing, Xue Junliang continued, “Gu has finally taken Teng Country"s Eldest Princess as hostage, but now those barbarians are attacking, so Gu really cannot deal with you right now. If by any chance Feng w.a.n.g sends his troops here right this moment, Gu would have too many enemies attacking at the same time. But you must understand, even if Gu won"t throw you away to the Cold Palace; even if Gu can"t kill you, you shouldn"t be too happy. There are many ways to make your life so miserable, you"d think you"d be better off dead.”

It was at this time that the Empress opened her eyes and turned to look at Xue Junliang. There was a glint of something in those eyes that Xue Junliang was unable to comprehend.

Xue Junliang thought the other person opened her eyes because she was afraid with his threats, but it was obvious the Empress wasn"t afraid. On the contrary, her eyes suddenly regained their brilliance as if she had found a reason to continue living. This expression made Xue Junliang speechless though he didn"t understand why.

Xue Junliang, of course, couldn"t understand. Teng Yun suddenly saw hope because Xue Junliang said there was an attack from the barbarians. This would prevent Xue Junliang attacking Teng Country anytime soon.

Xue Junliang sighed as he covered the other person"s eyes with a hand. He could feel the other person"s eyelashes brushing gently against his palm. He whispered, “I really cannot understand you. How could someone be so ignorant about their own life and death?”

As he said that, Xue Junliang couldn"t help once again recalling that Iron-handed Great General who had died by Xue Junliang"s own hands. That person, Xue Junliang couldn"t understand either. How could that person be so ignorant of death? How could that person be so loyal and determined to such extent?

Cheng Tian pushing the young king to the throne, he wasn"t disloyal. Otherwise, he"d have already appointed himself as a king. Zou Zhenying kidnapping the young king, he wasn"t disloyal. If he was disloyal, he"d have already appointed himself as a king so much earlier.

But they didn"t appoint themselves as kings despite having so many chances to do so. It was because in their hearts, they were indeed loyal.

Then something that was more beneficial to them came up and their loyalties changed. They became arrogant and started disregarding their own king…

However, Teng Yun wasn"t like that. Teng Country, for him, seemed to be his one and only faith.

Xue Junliang pushed away his thought and said, “When we return to the Imperial Palace, reflect diligently about your own actions.”

The next day, they all returned to the Palace, but this time the Empress didn"t ride in Xue w.a.n.g"s carriage.

Xue w.a.n.g also transferred a palace maidservant that he"d just taken in to Her Majesty the Empress" side; the maid"s name was Jiao Shui.

Xiu Yao and Jiao Shui rode in the Empress" carriage; waiting and ready to serve Her Majesty at any time.

Xiu Yao was very unhappy with the transfer of Jiao Shui. Firstly, she thought Jiao Shui might be a fox in a sheep"s clothing. She could betray Teng-fei without batting an eye. Having this vicious and untruthful person by her side, Xiu Yao felt unsafe.

Secondly, Jiao Shui was quick-witted and skilled in using her mouth. If somehow the Empress grew fond of Jiao Shui"s sweet talks, wouldn"t Xiu Yao"s own position be threatened?

All the way on their journey, Empress didn"t talk. Xiu Yao had heard about the quarrel between the Empress and His Majesty last night. She thought maybe His Majesty had made the Empress too tired, so the incident wasn"t something so serious.

As soon as he arrived at the Imperial Palace, Xue Junliang didn"t delay for a moment; immediately summoned a group of court officials and informed them he was appointing Xue Yu as a chief commander and Teng Shang as an army consultant. The officials inwardly questioned this decision but because Xue w.a.n.g had said it, they didn"t dare objecting. Xue Junliang also let Xue Yu take a few of his own trusted soldiers, and spared Xue Yu"s a thousand soldiers of the military evaluation; letting go of his own plan of detaining Xue Yu"s military power.

Xue Yu and Teng Shang were both skilled and smart. Xue Junliang only needed to say a few words and they immediately understood. As soon as the preparation of the army provisions completed, they set off.

When an army went to war, it was important that they had enough food. Therefore, the transportation of food supply should be handled seriously. Added that they only had a short period of time to prepare.

Xue Junliang rarely had rest these few days. He"d taken to personally supervise everything and didn"t dare to relax.

When Xue Junliang was busy reviewing a set of doc.u.ments, Jiang Yu, who had been waiting on him, fell asleep leaning against the door. Jiang Yu was no longer young; he was considered one among Xue Junliang"s most trusted aides because he"d been following Xue Junliang for so many years.

Xue Junliang cleared his throat. Jiang Yu woke up with a jolt, hitting his head on the door. Before he even could start apologizing, Xue Junliang said, “You can go. I can handle this by myself.”

Feeling moved, Jiang Yu thanked him and then withdrew himself.

Having no time for a good rest these few days, Xue Junliang felt exhausted. He still wanted to finish reviewing this set of doc.u.ments but started feeling a little bit sleepy. He forced himself to continue reading for a few more minutes before he finally decided he couldn"t read any more. He considered resting his head on the table to take a short nap before continuing the task at hand.

He hadn"t even managed to shut his eyes when Jiang Yu stumbled back in to report, “Your Majesty, the Empress has fallen ill.”

Xue Junliang"s heart jumped but he immediately strove to stay calm, “Gu is not a physician, why are you telling this thing to Gu?”


Jiang Yu felt maybe His Majesty was having a bad mood. He was hesitating for a long time before Xue Junliang had to add, “What are you mumbling to yourself?”

Jiang Yu hurriedly said, “The palace maids serving by Her Majesty"s side said that Her Majesty didn"t let them call the royal physician. Now Her Majesty has fainted.”

Xue Junliang smacked the table-top and stood before saying, “She was sick and unable to think clearly when she said not to call for the physician, they obeyed and didn"t call for the physician? Now the Empress has fainted. Do they want to have their head severed?”

Jiang Yu stammered he understood before rushing out to order people call for the royal physican for the Empress.

Xue Junliang pondered for a few moments before deciding to go to Yunfeng Palace.

Teng Yun was half-awake. He heard Xiu Yao shouted; she sounded like she was crying and afraid. After that, he thought he was dreaming but he could not wake up.

He could not move his hands and feet, looking down he saw he was tied securely against a wooden stake. The sun was glaring down at him and he had to squint to see anything.

In a few steps in front of him, there was a man wearing black robe. The man was standing straight, holding a bow in one hand and a red-tipped arrow in the other.

When Teng Yun saw who it was, his chest tightened and his breathing faltered. He said, “Xue Junliang.”

The man in black robe smiled before gently whispering, “Aifei, how could you dare calling Gu"s real name?”

Teng Yun was surprised. He quickly looked down to see he was himself and in his own body. Yet, Xue Junliang still called him Aifei.

“Aifei, you"re not afraid of death. Then what are you afraid of?”

After saying that, the man slowly raised his long arrow, using the pointed-tip to gently pick at the neckline of Teng Yun"s clothes.

The cold tip of the arrow occasionally brushed against Teng Yun"s neck and Teng Yun couldn"t help trembling. If he hadn"t experienced how it felt like having an arrow stabbing through his heart, perhaps Teng Yun would still be fearless.

The other man chuckled. The arrow had cut Teng Yun"s neckline open, the man dragged the tip down, pa.s.sing Teng Yun"s chest and then started to pick at Teng Yun"s belt.

Teng Yun seemed to only wear a piece of ragged clothing. The clothes and the belt fell to the ground at the same time, revealing Teng Yun"s upper body which was full of scars.

The man in black robe narrowed his eyes then threw away his bow and arrow. He stepped closer to Teng Yun and whispered in his ear, “Let"s continue that thing we"re not finished doing, shall we?”

Teng Yun started to panic. He struggled to stepped back but because he was tied, he couldn"t move anywhere.

The man reached out to hug Teng Yun"s waist and pulled off Teng Yun"s lower garment; leaving Teng Yun completely naked.

The man leaned his head down to take Teng Yun"s earlobe in his mouth; alternating between gently kissing and biting it. He did it for a short moment before continuing to kiss Teng Yun"s chest.

Teng Yun"s body was covered in small and big scars. The man seemed to be fascinated by these scars; tracing each and every one of them with his tongue. Teng Yun felt his back going numb. Without his knowing, his lips opened in his effort to keep breathing and his throat kept letting out pained moans and groans; as if he was dying.

Teng Yun"s eyes were bloodshot-red, glaring intently at the other man. Then the man reached a hand and took Teng Yun"s manhood.

Teng Yun"s brain exploded and his whole body tensed. The other man didn"t seem bothered by Teng Yun"s struggles; his hand kept covering and playing with Teng Yun.

Before Teng Yun could reach climax, the man forced Teng Yun"s legs to open; exposing the unspoken part in Teng Yun"s behind for him to see.

Teng Yun"s breathing grew heavy and hoa.r.s.e, and his lips were trembling. The man"s skill was superb; one hand still rubbing Teng Yun, while the other hand touching every inch of Teng Yun"s skin.

When the man lowered his head to kiss Teng Yun"s lips, Teng Yun could feel the other man"s breathing; he was breathing heavily as if there was a sense of urgency. The man gripped Teng Yun"s chin with a hand, forced Teng Yun"s mouth open with his tongue and then kissed Teng Yun deeply. Teng Yun let out a weird sound each time he breathed.

When Teng Yun was about to climax, the man let go of Teng Yun. With both hands holding Teng Yun"s legs open, he rubbed the tip his own manhood against Teng Yun"s hole.

Teng Yun began to shake his head violently but the other man didn"t seemed to be softening in the slightest. He slowly opened Teng Yun and then entered inside…

[T/N : (>///<>

When Xue Junliang arrived at Yunfeng Palace, the place was in a mess. The royal physician had come and examined the Empress. He said the Empress had caught a common cold, but her heart was suffering from a pent up emotion which was disrupting her blood circulation.

Xue Junliang was relieved, but then he was irritated. Why did he have to worry over this person? Their relationship was that of a person who used and a person who was used. Also, this person only recently planned to rebel against him.

The more he thought about that, the more Xue Junliang became annoyed. He ordered everyone to retreat before sitting on the bed, watching the sleeping form in it.

The Empress" sleep didn"t look peaceful and her forehead was drenched in sweat. Xue Junliang touched her arms briefly to find her clothes were wet.

Xue w.a.n.g, who had never taken care of any sick person before, decided to help wiping her sweat. Looking around, he found a basin of water and a towel just beside the bed. He put the towel in the water to wet it, then used the towel to wipe the Empress.

First, he wiped the Empress" forehead and temples. Then, loosening the neckline of her clothes, he wiped down her neck. The Empress seemed to sweating a lot.

Afraid the Empress would feel the cold wind, he pulled the blanket. But he didn"t know how to cover her when he was wiping. In the end, he used a hand to wipe her and his other hand to hold the blanket over her; doing his best not to let her catch a cold.

With every intention to care for the Empress, he started opening her clothes. That was when he heard the Empress saying lowly, “Xue Junliang.”

Never had he expected the Empress would call out to him with that kind of pleasant voice. The voice made something explode inside Xue Junliang"s heart, his eyes which were staring at the Empress" body turned dark.

His hand didn"t stop wiping her sweat, but the action turned more and more naughty.

The person on the bed frowned as if her sleep became more restless. Her lips were pursed, and her throat was trembling; occasionally letting out low mewling sounds.

Xue Junliang"s breathing grew heavier. His hand traced all over the other person"s skin, every time he touched, the other person would tremble harder and harder. This reaction, naturally, pleased Xue Junliang very much.

Xue Junliang lowered his head. Then, seemingly in a trance, he gently traced the other person"s lips with his thumb before pinching her chin. The arrogant and dignified king couldn"t even stop himself leaning down to kiss the person sleeping on the bed.

The Empress keened like a little kitten, looking helpless and vulnerable. The Empress didn"t usually show this kind of vulnerability. Perhaps the illness had exposed her usually hidden self without her being aware of it.

When Xue Junling let go of Teng Yun"s lips, Teng Yun was half-awake but still in a daze. He felt he was lying on a bed and was panting heavily. Unconsciously, he stuck out his tongue to lick his lips.

Xue Junliang watched as the person on the bed started to open her eyes. Finally, he helped rearranging her clothes, covered her with the blanket then called for the maidservants to attend to her.

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