Publishedat 16th of October 2019 12:05:06 PMChapter 169

Yve was a little disturbed by the arrival of the food ordered by Vince . It was none other than her idol, Haru, who cooked and delivered the food .

"Come on, future Young Madam Gray . You need to eat the food and tell me your reaction or else, your dear husband will end my career . " Haru pleaded and fully knowing how real his statement might be, Yve stopped studying and ate the food .

"This is really delicious!"

"Thank you very much . Now, if it"s not too much I would like to ask you some questions . "

"What would that be, Mr . Haru?"

"Please just call me Haru . You"re my friend and manager"s soon-to-be-wife . " Haru said .

"It"s my pleasure to call you Haru . Please begin your questions . "

"Why are you studying hard for the exam?" Haru asked his question which caused Yve to stop eating to a.n.a.lyze the look on the face of Haru .

"… . . "

"Don"t get me wrong for this . It"s just Vince is a great CEO and I bet he can handle both . Plus I heard that you really wanted to be a doctor . " Haru added further .
"It seems like someone did a thorough research on me . " Yve said as she continued to eat her late dinner .

"Don"t you trust Vince"s skills?"

Yve put down her spoon and fork to answer Haru"s question .

"I trust Vince and I know that he would exert everything to make all things possible but I don"t want him to do it alone . That"s true I wanted to be a doctor and I still do . But my future career will not mean anything if Vince is suffering alone . I know I can be happy despite whatever I do as long as Vince is with me . "

"This woman is really in-love with Vince . Now I know why Vince instantly knew that breaking up with him was a sacrifice she was forced to make . " Haru recalled the story that Vince told him in the past .

"Will that answer do, Haru?"

"Yes . Thank you very much . I can fully prepare for the menu in your wedding . " "You have earned my respect . " Haru replied but excluded the last sentence .

"I can take my leave now . " Haru said while walking towards the door .

"Haru! Thank you very much . "

After eating, Yve continued to study and failed to remember the time she fell asleep on the desk . The following morning, Sylvan woke her up informing her that it"s time to go to work .

Both Yve and Vince were so busy that they only have time for each other at night . Vince would often force Yve to stop studying for them to talk to each other . But when Vince is sound asleep, Yve would go back to the desk . First thing, she does is to check the updates on the wedding/ birthday party .

Slayne proved to be a very reliable person as he was able to plan the birthday party .

Tonight, they decided to have a video call as the first step of the event will take place tomorrow .

"Tomorrow is the day that the invitation will be sent out . "" Slayne said .

"Yes . Have you made sure that everyone is aware of the hidden occasion?"

"Yes, miss . "

"Good . I heard from Jaleb that you have a new additional to the event?"

"Yes, miss . It"s actually a video . I have attached it to the email . If you want to include it, I also indicated the changes in the program . "

"Okay, I will check it later and give you a feedback . "

"Miss, I would also like to ask something from you . "

"What is it?"

"There were 5 extra invitations without names . "

"Oh, that . Give it to me by tomorrow morning . Please bring the entire Team Alpha with you . I have some announcements to make . "

"Yes, miss . "

"That will be all, Slayne . Thank you very much . You can go back to sleep now . "

"You can do it, Yve . Tomorrow will be the sending out of invitations while the day after will be your entrance exam . you have prepared for this . You will definitely pa.s.s . " Yve said to herself as she released a deep sigh .

"Is everything alright?" Vince asked when he saw Yve"s sigh .

"Yeah . . . I"m just nervous for the entrance exam . What if . . . "

"Don"t start there . " Vince interrupted Yve"s negative thoughts .

"The most important thing is that you did your best to prepare . Trust your instincts . You have saved Gray Group and SkyMu . Those accomplishments will never be replaced . " Vince encouraged Yve as he approached his Queen .

"Vince," Yve started as she stood up and hugged the man who was shocked by her sudden sweetness .

The present Yve is the kind of person who can"t show her affection much in front of the person . For her to take initiative like this, Vince can"t help but smile . He felt that his Queen is returning to her former self, way back when her father was still alive . He has to admit that he like it .

"What is it? Are you worried that much?"

"Hmm . . . I badly want to pa.s.s this exam . I have the feeling that because of the recent events in my favor, the heavens might not give this to me . "

Yve honestly showed how nervous she was but not only because of that . The big event is giving her confidence a big blow .

"No . The heavens will continue to reward your sacrifice and hard work . Besides I"ll always be right beside you whenever you need me . " Vince a.s.sured her as he tightened his grip on his woman .

"Thank you so much . " Yve said and Vince felt the wetness on his chest .

"She must be crying . " He thought and rubbed her hands behind his Queen .

"Shh . . . Stop crying now . You should get some sleep now . Stressing yourself too much will also not be good for you . "

Yve nodded without breaking her grip so the man carried her bridal style with her face glued on the man"s chest . Carefully, Vince put her on the bed . She temporarily removed her grip to allow Vince to settle comfortably on the bed . They sleep the night in each other"s arms . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

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