This Time You Are Mine

Chapter 170: 170

Publishedat 16th of October 2019 12:05:04 PMChapter 170: 170

The following morning, the invitations have arrived to its respective receivers . They were both excited and delighted by the big celebrations . During the day, different socialites went to famous clothing houses to find the appropriate attire for the day . Business partners of both Stones and Gray were invited .

While the socialites are busy planning their looks, the groom has no idea of surprise that he will receive . He continues to work hard and solve the financial matters of Stones while ensuring that the current projects of Gray Group is in tact .

Yve, on the other hand, was forced to take the day off under Sylvan and Vince"s requests . This decision was to allow her to rest and relieve her mind from all the stress of work . She has to admit that she badly needed this rest for her examination tomorrow .

"Stop being such a worrywart . " These words kept on echoing in her mind . These were uttered by Vince before he left this morning to go to another city .

Just as Vince left the hotel, Slayne and the rest of Team Alpha went to the suite where Yve is staying .

"Miss, what is your announcement?" Eybelle asked while Slayne handed the remaining 5 unnamed invitations to her .

"Take your seats first . " Yve said and sat down across them .

Despite knowing that these people are the best in Vince"s mafia group, she doesn"t feel scared or hostile towards them .

"It must be because I know how much they care for Vince . "

"Okay . Now that you"re all settled, in behalf of your boss, my fiance and future husband, I would like to invite you to our wedding . " Yve humbly invited the group while giving the cards to them .

"Miss . . . . " They all uttered in low voice .

"You"re all important people in Vince"s life and earned the same spot in mine as well . It certainly a must for you there, not as our body guards only but as invited guests . "

With unspoken words, the group come to realization how lucky they really are to have both Vince and Yve as their bosses . Sylvan has also made a decision to firmly stay as Yve"s secretary until the counterpart says otherwise .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntThe entire team was happy when they returned to their responsibilities . As they left the room, Yve sat on the couch and reviewed some of the former examination questions which were prepared by Sylvan . But soon, she got tired and fell asleep on the couch .

"Son? I can"t reach your wife . What is she doing at the moment?" Maddie called and asked her son instantly .

"She must be studying or sleeping . I told her not to go to her office today as her entrance exam will be tomorrow . "

"Good thing she agreed . "

"She didn"t . Sylvan forced her by canceling all the meetings for today . " Vince said .

"MY!! That might be bad for SkyMu . " Maddie was shocked in disbelief .

"Don"t worry . It was all a pretend . Sylvan is currently attending the schedules of Yve . I told him to do that to make sure that Yve will rest . "

"Hmm that"s my son . Very good!"

"Thanks, mom . "

"By the way where are you son?"

"I"m in another city . "

"Is that for Stones?"

"Yes . They have weakened their bond with the local cities and tried to carelessly branch out internationally . "

"You"re trying to draw their trust as the new CEO, right? So how"s it going?"

"Well, I would be lying if I will say every thing is okay . "

Vince released another deep sigh which was clearly heard by his mother when a voice shouted in excitement .

"Bro, some of the clients we talked to prior this meeting wants to request another one from you . "

"What? Why?"

"I don"t know the reason but by the tone of their voices, it must be a positive news . "

"Okay . Have you arranged everything?"Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Yes . The only vacant day for you will be the day after tomorrow . "


Maddie who was listening on the line knew why it happened .

"Those people must have received the invitations already along with Yve"s sincerity . My son, aside from yours, those people wanted to make sure that the mistake made my Amira will not be repeated . They needed to know Yve"s att.i.tude and feelings . The invitation to your birthday and surprise wedding allowed this to happen . "

"While thinking of your condition first, Yve can do so many impossible things . "

"Mom?" Vince"s voice returned her back to reality .

"I think something good is about to happen . "

"I think so too . But son, with your busy schedule do you still have time for your wife-to-be?" Maddie asked .

"Mom, I do . I will be with her the entire day tomorrow . I know you already heard it . "

"I did . But what about tonight?"


"Tomorrow is an important day for Yve . Aside from staying with her on the day, you should also be with her the night before . You even told me that she can be pessimistic at times . "

The words that came out from his mother"s mouth made him think of his plans for tonight . His mom has clearly a point . With no one beside her tonight, who knows what might that woman of his thinks .

The scene from last night came back in a flash .

"I shouldn"t have left her behind . " Vince stood up and called Chrysthe .


"Where is she?"

"She hasn"t left the room sir but during lunch time a kitchen staff came in with her order . I have the list if you want to . " Chrysthe is prepared this time .

"No need . Just answer my question . Did she ordered anything for snacks?"

"Yes . She ordered an American snack bite meal?" Chrysthe"s eyebrows arched as he read the words .

"What kind of food was that?"

"It"s fine . By the way, I will be coming back tonight . "

"Tonight? I thought it will be . . . . . Why?"

"Stupid, Chrysthe . Do you even need to ask the reason when it"s obvious?" Chrysthe scolded himself while listening to the beep sound on the other end . His boss has ended the phone call .

"Edward, as soon as this meeting is settled, we"re going back . I want to spend the night with her . "

"As you wish bro . " Edward said but deep inside it was also for him .

"Yes! I have more time to prepare for my date tomorrow . " Edward thought .

Ignorant of Vince"s arrival that night, Yve woke up with a hungry stomach . She looked at her snacks and placed them on the desk as she reviews questions once more .

"I did everything I could, Dad, Mom . Please help me pa.s.s the examination tomorrow . " Yve whispered to herself as she closed all the programs related to the exam . She walked towards the bed and sat on it .

"Definitely smells like him . "

"I want you to always be by my side, literally . "

"But I can"t be that selfish . "

"Please come back, tonight . "

Yve"s rants continues as she lay down embracing Vince"s pillow .

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