"Miss Yve." Haru greeted Yve as she sat in the van.

"Haru?! And…?" Yve acted as if she didn"t know Emika as they weren"t formally introduced. She wanted to be professional in front of her best friend"s love rival.

"This is the ring designer, Emika. Emika, I would like you to meet Ms. Yvory Smith soon to be Mrs. Gray." Haru introduced the ladies to one another.

"So you"re his wife. As expected of the picky Vince." She expressed her thoughts but Yve didn"t give any reaction instead she was civil and said,

"I heard that you have designed this engagement ring as well as the wedding rings. Thank you very much."

"The pleasure is all mine. I"m also honoring the promise I made to Vince years back." Emika said in a formal tone now.

Haru noticed the tension but can"t do anything when Jaleb has spoken.

"Mr. Haru and Ms. Emika, we will be sending you back to the hotel."

"Thank you very much." Haru answered for the both of them.

With the tension and the anxious heart of Yve, Jaleb drives the van to fulfill their mission. Meanwhile Sylvan arranges the things on the base as well as researching on the group who is engaging a fight with their boss. Sylvan, on the other hand, noticed the worried look on Yve"s face threw the reflection from the van"s window.

"Miss, the team has arrived at the park and they can support the boss." Sylvan tried to calm Yve.

"Thanks, Sylvan. I know what you are doing. But until I see your boss safe and sound, will I stop worrying about him." Yve honestly answered and unknowingly, they have arrived at the hotel.

Secretly, Slayne has already arranged some of their men to guard Haru and Emika without their knowledge. Since they aren"t sure on who is the target and what is the motive, they wanted to keep all the important people safe at all cost.

Haru and Emika stepped out of the van and entered the hotel as Slayne saw some of their men in undercover following the two people inside. With a nod from him, Jaleb drove the van away from the hotel.

In the amus.e.m.e.nt park, Vince and Edward have already defeated the enemy. However, Nyelle seemed to be in trauma because of what happened.

"Airis… she"s back. She might have done this." She repeatedly whispers these words.

Edward tries to calm her down by wrapping his arms around her while whispering, "She"s not back. She can never harm you in any way. I will make sure of that."

As he says those words, Nyelle can"t stop herself from crying.

Vince decided to let them be and signaled for Edward to return to the base once Nyelle has fully calmed down. He also instructed his men to guard the two of them while the other half will be with him on the way to the base. He will take his car to the base.

As he got in the car, he looked for his phone and texted Sylvan.

"I"m on my way now. How is she?"

"She"s physically safe, boss. But she is extremely worried. Maybe you can give her a call?"

Without any delay, he dialed Yve"s number. Yve who has been holding her phone instantly answered.


"That was quick as not even one ring ended when you answered the phone."

"Don"t make fun of me. How are you? Are you on your way to the base? Is everyone okay?"

"Yve calm down." Vince silently laughed as he started the car.

"My Yve is back to her usual self already" He thought.

"Everyone is okay. I"ll see you at the base so calm down, okay?"


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"Uglier?!" Yve exclaimed and ended the phone call, feeling mad for being called that word.

It was all an act, though. She"s not mad for being called that. The most important thing is that Vince is fine as well as Edward and Nyelle. She will see him in a bit. Relieved that she will see him in a bit, she didn"t notice that she had fallen asleep inside the van.

Anyways, the trip will still be 45 minutes away. It would be better for her to get some rest. These thoughts are on the minds of the gentlemen inside the van with her.

Sooner than they thought, Yve and the 3 members of Team Alpha arrived. Just in time, Yve woke up and stepped out of the van.

"Ms. Y, let"s wait for Primo inside the building."

"No! I would like to wait for him here. I want to see that he"s really fine as soon as he arrives." Yve insisted and the men had no other choice but to give in.

Luckily, they didn"t need to wait longer as they saw their boss" car approaching the building. As the car slows down, Yve runs to the car. When it came to a full stop and the car opened, she instantly threw herself at Vince and hugged him.

"Good thing you"re really fine." Yve whispered in his ear and Vince wrapped his arms around her as he carried her inside the building.

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