Around the base, Vince didn"t mind that his subordinates are talking about a koala like who"s clinging onto him. He actually like it that Yve can finally act like how she was before her father died. Finally, they have arrived at his room. As he was about to sit down, he realized the steady breathing of the woman in his arms.

He smiled as he carefully placed the woman to sleep. He covered her with the comforter and kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room.

"Boss." Sylvan greeted him.

"Did Edward and Nyelle arrive already?" Vince asked.

"Yes, but Secondo is still in her room helping her sleep."

"Let him be. Call the rest of the team in the meeting room. We need to discuss what just happened."

"Yes, Primo." Sylvan said and walked away to gather the rest of the team.

Meanwhile in a meeting room inside a mansion, a man is shouting at a group of people who helplessly stood on one side.

"How stupid can you get?! You were defeated by mere 7 people with two ladies who couldn"t protect themselves?!"


"I brought you all the way from America because you were notorious there. I thought I could use you to defeat this person and his team."

"Boss, we were caught off guard. We never thought…"

"Excuses! I don"t want to hear such words! I want results." The man continued to lay its outbursts.

"Sir… I discovered something new about the people with Mr. Gray at the park." A young man who just arrived at the room exclaimed.

"Finally some good news. What is it?"

"I have here the names of the people who surprised the team. They are actually the most powerful team of a mafia group called CONFERENCE."

"CONFERENCE? What is that group"s connection with Vince?"

"As of the moment, I haven"t figured it out yet but it would be safe to a.s.sume that Mr. Gray is their client. They are dangerous gun-for-hire team but loyal to their clients especially if the price is right." The young boy enthusiastically reported.

"Okay. I want you to look deeper into that group and that group."

"Sir that would be a little dangerous to do especially if I continue to stay here. This is their territory and they can control the limitations of the things that we can discover. I should fly back to America and use some of my international false IP addresses to mislead them."

"Then I will leave that to you. I will prepare the necessary things for you. Just make sure you don"t slack out there."

"Yes, sir!" Then the young man left the room.

"As for the rest of you, plan your strategy on how you will attack them. I don"t want another failure."

Those were his final orders before leaving the room with men who were highly troubled.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Back at Vince"s base, they were about to begin the meeting without Edward when the man suddenly appeared.

"I"m sorry, I"m late." Edward instantly took his seat beside Vince.

"It"s fine. We are about to start. By the way how is she?" Vince asked.

"She"s asleep now but in a fragile state. It seems like all of Airis" blackmailing scared the h.e.l.l out of her and it was brought by tonight"s incident." Edward explained.

"You should stay beside her, then. I will have Slayne lead this mission. You will be on standby and monitor them." Vince began the meeting."

"I understand." Edward agreed.

"Let"s begin the meeting. I want to know the ident.i.ty of those people." Vince ordered and was answered by Slayne.

"Those people were from a mafia group in America. Recently there were some news that they disbanded." He reported.

"That doesn"t seem to be the case in tonight"s incident." Chrysthe said.

"More on change of leaders? And maybe their target is Primo." Eybelle stated.

"But that"s too early to think. We don"t have any evidence that it"s their real purpose." Slayne said.

"I"m sorry boss. In a short period of time, that is the only information I got." The man apologized.

"I understood but I"ll be expecting more as the days pa.s.sed by." Vince exclaimed.

"Yes, boss."

"What about the security details you have laid out for Haru and Emika?"

"For now, there are two undercover members watching them including your mother. But tomorrow morning, I will have myself, Eybelle and Jaleb to monitor each of them 20 hours a day. In the four hours we will be relieved, 2 agents per person will replace us. I hope you don"t mind, Primo." Slayne explained his plan.

"I understand. At least Sylvan and Chrysthe will still be beside Yve. Chrysthe you can finish guarding Yve as soon as I arrive at the hotel suite. Instead let two members from the sub team guard us. However, you have to make sure you will be back before we leave for work."

"Yes, Sir."

"That"s all for tonight"s meeting. You can prepare now for your missions tomorrow." Vince ended it and rose from his chair when Eybelle asked a question.

"Primo, aren"t you curious why we were at the amus.e.m.e.nt park?"

"I am. But for whatever reasons you guys have, it became our savior. I will leave that little secret to you. I have to go now." Vince walked back to his room where Yve is sleeping.

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