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Chapter 191

Yve and Team Alpha are having their final meeting the night after the final taste testing at Edward"s office .

"Let"s hurry up as Yve"s time is limited . Primo might look for her any moment . " Jaleb said worriedly .

"No need . I asked Nyelle and Edward"s help to make up a lie . She told Vince we will be going out for some girl bonding and he happily agreed . "

"Hmm… great job!" Eybelle complimented her .

"But knowing Primo there should be a curfew, right?" Slayne said .

"You really nailed it to the core . I have to be back by 8PM tonight . "

"It"s a long time . Nevertheless, let"s begin the meeting . " Slayne said .

First who spoke was Sylvan as he reported on the things they did the past few days including the dress fitting and the taste testing . Next to report, was Edward whose in-charge of the venue and the invites . He said that most of the people they invited gave their Yes in attendance to the event . The venue is already ready and that Sylvan and the coordinator can place the set-up the day before the wedding .

"However, I have one thing I need to get your permission, Yve . " Edward politely asked .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"What is it?"

"As the media got a hold of the birthday party, they wanted to get a scoop on it . Some even wished to get an exclusive . Here are their offers . " Edward handed over some files to her .

"So many of them?!" Yve gasped in disbelief .

"Well, since it"s the first time that Primo invited socialites and businessmen in his birthday party . Usually it would be his mother and us in a simple dinner . " Edward responded .

"Really? Do you think he was angry when he learned I prepared a birthday party for him?" Yve anxiously asked .

"No . He was happy that you prepared the party for him yet he was worried that you will tire yourself out . " Edward honestly answered .

"Then why was it he never had a birthday party before?"

"He said that he didn"t have the time to prepare and worry on it . Moreover, with the deal he had with Stones before, he didn"t want to attend any formal event with Airis as his partner . "

"Hmm…" Yve replied and instantly masked the smile that leaked when she heard Edward"s answer .

"What do you think about those requests?" Chrysthe asked .

"To be honest, I don"t really know which to choose . I don"t want all of them to be at the event . So exclusive is the only option but I"m not sure on which station would be the best . " Yve honestly answered .

"How about I handle it for you?" Eybelle offered .

"But you have an existing mission, don"t you?"

"It"s fine . I already have the idea on which station to choose . I just need to check their offer . " Eybelle said .

"Do you have any preference?" She asked Yve .

"I have none but I think it would be best to have an exclusive for the station and a different one for the newspaper . Maybe an affiliated one?" Yve answered with a hint of lack of confidence from her voice .

"Okay . Then let me handle this stuff . I will update you tomorrow morning before I inform the chosen station and newspaper . Will that be fine?" Eybelle confirmed .

"Yes, then I"ll leave it up to you . "

"How about the church?" Jaleb asked .

"The wedding will happen at the hotel"s beach front . I have invited the priest and told Slayne about it . " Edward answered .

Last to report was Slayne . He showed the final layout of the interior design for the reception and the look for the beach front .

"It"s my first time to show you the plan for the beach front? Do you have any requests?" Slayne asked .

"Everything fits perfect with our clothes . " Yve complimented him

"The wedding coordinator designed it as she heard the motif of your gown and suit is white with blue accent . " Slayne replied .

"Perfect . I found nothing to correct . "

"That will be all for this meeting . Let"s do our best in the execution of our plans . " Yve said before standing up and leaving the room . Chrysthe followed her and escorted her to the suite while the rest remained to finalize the security details during the wedding .

On another building, the group of men who attacked Vince and Edward in the amus.e.m.e.nt park are in a discussion with their boss .

"Sir, we heard that they will have a birthday party for Mr . Gray . We can strike on that day . "

"That will not be a wise idea . Media will be there . I don"t want to attract unnecessary attention . "

"When should we strike, then?"

"I would like you to plan it carefully . I want it to be a successful plot, with me laughing from a far . " The boss ordered and concluded the meeting as he walked out of the room .

In the n.o.ble"s office, Maddie is busy choosing her dress for the wedding as well as the suits for Team Alpha and the dress for Eybelle . She knew that they will be there as bodyguards but still she wanted them to dress for the event as part of the people who are loyal to her son .

"It"s the least I can do for them as a thank you . "

She thought as she finalizes the clothes in the mannequin before calling Edward to gather the team for a fitting .

In the hotel, Haru is also busy finalizing the instructions for the wedding . He also wanted to make sure that everything will be perfect on his side . However, he failed to ask the set-up of the table for the reception . Without checking the time, he called Yve .

 "h.e.l.lo? Yve, about the… . " Haru asked but got interrupted when he heard a different voice .

"Haru? Why are you calling Yve this late tonight?" Vince answered her phone . This caught Haru off guard and looked at his watch to check the time .

"It"s really late . 10:30 in the evening . What should I tell him?" Haru got worried .

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